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February 24, 2015 -- SYRIZA’s *Yiannis Bournous* (pictured above), responsible for international matters, interviewed by**/Esquerda.net/; *

What assessment do you make of the February 20 agreement with the Eurogroup?*

The document adopted at the Eurogroup gives Greece an extra four months to present a developed plan of structural reforms. The document gives us breathing space, both in terms of time and economic conditions.

Even if some of the considerations in the document can be dubbed ambiguous, politically and technically, the important thing is that we have cancelled the deal made by the previous government to impose new austerity measures – including a further reduction of pensions, more tax increases on the working classes and the
middle class, cutting job protections and measures on housing evictions.

This is the first time a heavily indebted country has secured some slack, both financial and timewise, allowing us to breathe, thanks to what [Greek finance minister Yanis]**Varoufakis called the “creative ambiguity” of its formulation. On the other hand, [German finance minister Wolfgang] Schäuble failed in his plan to stifle Greece on February 28 – which was the deadline for the [last tranche of "bail-out"] loans under the memorandum – and lead the country to a dead end without liquidity and then impose the conditions he wanted on the new government. Fortunately, the plan failed and we have a new discussion phase which will take four months.

Full interviews at http://links.org.au/node/4306
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