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SYRIZA, socialists and the struggles ahead

February 11, 2015

Greece's left-wing government is on a collision course with the rulers
of Europe over the commitment of the Coalition of the Radical Left, or
SYRIZA, to reverse drastic austerity measures imposed under the
Memorandums negotiated with the European Union (EU).

SYRIZA won a tremendous victory in the January 25 elections because it
promised an alternative to the catastrophic economic and social crisis
that Greece has endured for more than five years. But with the
government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras only two weeks old, the
political and financial elite of Europe, from Germany's Angela Merkel
and Wolfgang Schäuble to Mario Draghi, head of the European Central
Bank (ECB), have rejected all proposals to negotiate Greece's huge
foreign debt or relax the austerity conditions imposed as a condition
for the bailout of the country's economic system. With a showdown
approaching, all eyes are on the struggle in Greece and the hope it
hold for the future.

Antonis Davanellos and Sotiris Martalis are members of the Greek
socialist organization Internationalist Workers Left (DEA), a
co-founder of SYRIZA a decade ago and now a leading force in the Left
Platform inside SYRIZA. Both are members of SYRIZA's Central
Committee. On February 7, Antonis and Sotiris spoke to an audience of
socialists in the U.S. via videoconference about SYRIZA's election
victory, the first days of the new government and the struggles that
lie ahead. After an opening presentation, the two responded to
numerous questions from the audience. Here, we publish their comments,
edited and supplemented for publication at SocialistWorker.org.


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