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Syriza's first go-round in eurozone negotations is getting high marks
from liberals.  I saw a laudatory report in The Nation magazine.

In an article put on the list by Louis, Jack Rasmus (a no-nonsense
left-wing economist) defends Syriza from the charge that they 'sold

Paul Krugman ended his "What Greece Won" NYTimes column on Friday with
this paragraph:
"Meanwhile, the first real debtor revolt against austerity is off to a
decent start, even if nobody believes it.  What's the Greek for 'Keep
calm and carry on?'"

Early in his column Krugman wrote "...Greece came out of the
negotiations pretty well, although the big fights are still to come.
And by doing O.K., Greece has done the rest of Europe a favor."

Isn't that the leading edge of the Tsipras-Varoufakis strategy?  Wield
an international public opinion battering ram to loosen the hinges on
the doorway of the German-led Eurozone austerity fortress.  All
indications are that they're consolidating public support in Greece.

I think the long article copied below from the conservative London
Telegraph is a valuable report.

Humiliated Greece eyes Byzantine pivot as crisis deepens

Neither side holds the upper hand in the strategic game of chicken
which could still see Greece forced out of the euro

by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Athens
The Telegraph, London
February 28, 2015 [March 1 print]

Greece's new currency designs are ready. The green 50 drachma note
features Cornelius Castoriadis, the Marxisant philosopher and sworn
enemy of privatisation.

The Nobel poet Odysseus Elytis - voice of Eastward-looking Hellenism -
honours the 200 note. The bills rise to 10,000 drachma, a wise
precaution lest there is a hyperinflationary shock as Greece breaks
out of its debt-deflation trap at high velocity.

The amateur blueprints are a minor sensation in Greek artistic
circles. They are only half in jest.

Greece's Syriza radicals have signed a fragile ceasefire with the
eurozone's creditor powers. Few think this can last as escalating
deadlines reach their kairotic moment in June.

Each side has agreed to a deception with equal cynicism, knowing that
the interim deal evades the true nature of Greece's crisis and cannot
bridge the immense political divide.

They have bought time, but not much. "I am the finance minister of a
bankrupt country," says Yanis Varoufakis, the rap-artist Keynesian
with a mission to correct all of Europe's economic ills.

First he has to deal with his own liquidity crisis. Tax arrears have
reached €74bn (£54bn), rising by €1.1bn a month. "This isn't tax
evasion. These are normal people who can't pay because they are in
distress," he told the Telegraph.

The Greek Orthodox Church is struggling to pick up the pieces. "The
local councils can't cope, so people come to us for food," said Father
Nicolaos of St Panourios parish in a working-class district of West

"We're feeding 270 people and it is getting worse every day. Today we
discovered three young children going through rubbish bins for food.
They are living in a derelict building and we have no idea who they
are," he said, sitting in a cramped office packed with bags of bread
and supplies.

"We rely on donations from the local bakery. If we run out of beans or
lentils, I put out a call, and everybody brings in what they can.
There is this spirit of solidarity because nobody feels immune," he

His poor parish in Drapetsova was built by refugees from Smyrna and
Pontus, victims of the "Catastrophe" in 1922, when ethnic cleansing
extinguished the ancient Greek communities of Asia Minor. He lovingly
showed me the historic icons and prayer books they hauled with them in
wagons, now in the church basement.

The utility companies have been cutting off the electricity as arrears
rise - and sometimes the water too - leaving 300,000 Greeks in the
dark. "They come and ask for candles. They can't use their fridge.
They can't cook. Their children can't do their homework," he said. It
is almost a description of a failed state.

Restoring electricity is the first order of business in Syriza's
"Thessaloniki programme", along with food stamps, a halt to property
foreclosures, and a month's extra pension for the less affluent.

Father Nicolaos urged Syriza to stand its ground. "Yes, we Greeks
played our own part in our downfall, but Europe played its part too.
We must not sell out at any cost, or sell our monuments to pay our
debts. We must fight," he said.

Syriza has a peculiar mandate. The Greeks voted for defiance, and also
to stay in the euro, two objectives that are hard to reconcile. Views
are divided over which emotion runs deeper, therefore which way the
inscrutable Alexis Tsipras will pivot. The boyish prime minister has
yet to show his hand.

"When it comes to the choice, I fear Tsipras will abandon our
programme rather than give up the euro," said one Syriza MP, glancing
cautiously around in case anybody was listening as we drank coffee in
the "conspiracy" canteen of the Greek parliament.

"The euro is more than just money. It is talismatic for the Greeks. It
was only when we joined the euro that we felt truly European. There
was always a nagging doubt before," he said.

"But you can't fight austerity without confronting the eurozone
directly. You have to be willing to leave. It is going to take a long
time for the party to accept this bitter reality. I think the euro was
a tremendous historic mistake, and the sooner they get rid of it, the
better for all the peoples of Europe, but that is not the party view,"
he said.

Fast-moving events may accelerate the decision. Nomura [banking
company] says Syriza could run out of money for basic government
functions within ten days. "The risk of capital controls remains
elevated," it said. Greece must repay €1.6 bn to the International
Monetary Fund in March.

Alekos Flambouraris, the government affairs minister, has already
begun uttering the fatal word "delay", as if were possible to delay an
IMF payment without triggering a total collapse of confidence. Syriza
insiders warn privately that default is becoming an alarmingly real
possibility. "It is so bad that anything could happen. I can't talk
any more, the phones are bugged,” said one official.

He blamed the European Central Bank (ECB) for setting off a
"self-fulfilling deposit flight" from the banking system by refusing
to accept Greek collateral in exchange for loans. This decision was
made within days of Syriza's landslide election, and before EMU's
elected leaders had issued any opinion.

The ECB's pre-emptive move is seen in Athens as counter-insurgency
warfare against the first radical-Left party elected in Western Europe
since 1945. It will not be forgotten lightly.

The outflows were brisk even before that. Deposit losses reached
€12.8bn in January. This is showing up in the "Target2" payment data
of the ECB system. The Greek central bank's liabilities to the rest of
the EMU network rocketed from €49bn in December to €76bn in January as
capital flight accelerated. They may have hit €100bn by now.

This is double-edged. Creditors have even more to lose if Greece spins
out of control. A full repudiation of debt to the EMU institutions and
states would cost over €300bn. It would be the biggest default of all
time, by an order of magnitude.

Yet still Germany's Wolfgang Schaeuble pounds the table, playing to
his billing in Greek demonology as the national nemesis. "Greece will
not get a single euro until it complies with it obligations", he said.

There will be no fresh money before the end of April from the EU-IMF
Troika, euphemistically renamed the "institutions". Nor is this
guaranteed. Syriza must first demonstrate that it is actually
implementing Troika demands, not just announcing them.

A bigger crunch will come when the stop-gap deal runs out at the end
of June, just before Greece must repay €6.7bn to the ECB. "We're going
to have four months of constant bickering and fighting with the EU
institutions, and when we get to June we're going to face exactly the
same blackmail over liquidity support, if not worse," said Costas
Lapavitsas, a Syriza MP and an economics professor at the University
of London.

Yet Syriza's leaders do not fully believe Mr Schaeuble's threats.
Rightly or wrongly, their verdict on the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels
is that he tried to force Greece out of monetary union but was blocked
by more powerful forces, including Washington.

They believe that Chancellor Angela Merkel ordered her finance
minister to desist. This occurred after Germany's Vice-Chancellor and
Social Democrat leader Sigmar Gabriel demanded an end to "Diktats",
and after Mr Tsipras warned Mrs Merkel in a 50-minute call that Syriza
would default if pushed too far.

Greece is counting on quiet support from France and the European
Commission. "There is a schism in the Troika," Mr Varoufakis told a
local radio station. "We will be talking with the Commission. The EC
can coordinate with the ECB if it wants."

This radio interview has caused outrage in Berlin precisely because it
reveals what Syriza's leaders are telling their audience at home, and
how they interpret events. Once again he repeated that there will
indeed be debt relief, and "very swiftly", whatever the pro forma
denials by the creditors.

Mr Varoufakis said Syriza had "vetoed" the Eurogroup demands for
further increases in the primary budget surplus from 0.6pc of GDP in
2014, to 3pc this year, and 4.5pc next year - a crime against economic
science, he says - and they intend to take a liberal view of what this
concession means.

These demands would have been "catastrophic" for a county already in
depression and without a functioning credit system, he said. The
target will henceforth be "appropriate" to economic circumstances, and
closer to the IMF's more dovish view of the fiscal multiplier. "This
is a great conquest," he said.

Mr Tsipras told the party faithful the day after the deal that Greece
had "won the battle, but not the war", inflicting the first defeat on
the austerity regime. The narrative at home is that right-wing forces
in Europe had attempted to crush their democratic revolution at the
first pass, and had been checked.

There was a revealing episode afterwards when ageing composer Mikis
Theodorakis wrote an open letter to Mr Tsipras exhorting him to defy
Mr Schaueble and throw out the "Bavarians". He was evoking a deep
historical grievance, decrying the Wittelsbach dynasty that was
imposed on Greece in 1833 by foreign powers - without seeking Greek
consent - and which quickly bankrupted the young state, but not before
it had obliterated Greek customary law and "disfigured" a Byzantine

Mr Theodorakis alleged "two centuries of European crimes against
Greece," implicitly calling for for a civilisational divorce from the
Western enemies of the Hellenic Orthodox world. Mr Tsipras could have
ignored it. Instead, he called to congratulate the old lion, inviting
him to the presidential palace the next day. Such reflexes are being
watched closely by Berlin, and by Moscow.

Mr Tsipras is of course walking a fine line, even if his approval
rating has surged to 87pc. The first anti-Syriza riots tore through
the Exarchia district of Athens on Thursday night as hooded anarchists
hurled Molotov cocktails and fire-bombed a car to protest the EMU

Less visible, but more threatening, are powerful forces within the
economic oligarchy who are starting to question whether they might not
do better protecting their vested interests outside the euro, shielded
from EU scrutiny. They have links to the military, police, and
security apparatus.

Mr Varoufakis said the latent danger is the far-Right. "If
pro-European and democratic governments like ours are asphyxiated, and
voters are driven to despair, the only people who will benefit are
fanatics, racists, nationalists, and all those who feed on fear," he
told France's Charlie Hebdo.

For now it is quiet in the working-class Nikaia district of West
Athens where a rap-singer was clubbed to death on the streets by
militias from the Fascist Golden Dawn party in 2013. Yet it would be
unwise to take this for granted.

The municipality had 30 families registered as poor and needy in 2009.
This rose to 330 in 2011. It is now 1,350. "They have no money left,"
said Michalis Fiorentis, a veteran poverty-fighter for the council.

"The recession finished off the small leather and clothes factories in
this quarter. People lost their jobs, their shops, their family
insurance, and spiralled into debt, all at once."

Mr Fiorentis confesses that there is very little that his under-funded
office can do to mitigate the distress. With no illusions, he gives
Syriza his acid blessing. "If they don't tell as many lies as the last
government, that would be a start."

Mr Tsipras is juggling agendas, so far with remarkably steely nerves
and sang-froid for such a young man. He survived a stormy 10-hour
debate of the Syriza caucus this week, with just five MPs voting
against the EMU deal. Yet the criticisms over the Brussels deal were
blistering. Panagiotis Lafazanis, head of Syriza's 'Left Platform',
said his forces will not accept any retreat from a "radical left

The prime minister is heeding the warnings. Privatisation of the power
utilities, airports, and ports have been cancelled or face drastic
review, leaving only "completed" deals in tact. This a minimalist
reading of the text signed in Brussels, another sign that Syriza has
no intention of buckling to Mr Schaueble's very different

"We will cancel the privatisation of the Piraeus Port," said George
Stathakis, the economy minister, wearing the trade-mark leather jacket
of the movement. He is a Marxist economist, yet also the
British-educated son of a Cretan shipping magnate, the two sides of

"It will remain permanently under state majority holding. There is no
good reason to turn it into a private monopoly," he said. Indeed, the
port generates an income for the state. Syriza suspects that the chief
reason why the Troika is pushing €25bn of fire-sales into a depressed
market is to collect debts for the creditor powers, for it makes no
other sense.

The parallel with the International Committee for Greek Debt
Management in 1898 is lost on nobody. The six-power league of
bondholders seized customs duties in the Port of Piraeus, and took
over revenues from stamp duty, tobacco, salt, kerosene, and even
playing cards.

A veteran EU diplomat in Athens said the Troika is so determined to
extract money that it has turned a blind eye to some of the dubious
deals tailored to the interests of powerful oligarchs. "The sales are
a stitch-up, all going to the same small circle. We know exactly who
the biggest smuggler of shipping fuel is, and why nothing has been
done. He was very close to the previous government. Syriza are not
part of this system and don't have 'checks to pay back'," he said.

It is this debt collector's agenda that has fed contempt for the word
"reform" in Greece. The Greeks know from leaked IMF minutes that their
country was sacrificed in the first bail-out of 2010 in order to save
the euro and Europe's banks at a time when EMU had no defences against
contagion. “Debt restructuring should have been on the table,” said
Brazil's IMF member.

Instead the Troika foisted more debt onto Greece, roping EMU taxpayers
into what should have been a dispute between the Greek state and
private bondholders. “Europe in its infinite wisdom decided to deal
with this bankruptcy by loading the largest loan in human history on
the weakest of shoulders, the Greek taxpayer. What we’ve had ever
since is fiscal waterboarding," said Mr Varoufakis.

The government has cut its wage bill by a third in five years. Public
sector jobs have fallen by 170,000. Average pay has fallen 22.5pc. Yet
the debt has spiralled up, from 157pc in 2012 to 182pc last year.

Such is Greece's Sisyphean Task. The ferocity of the fiscal cuts -
without monetary stimulus, or the usual devaluation and debt relief in
IMF packages - has caused the economy to contract by a quarter,
shrinking the base that must carry the debt burden. Gains from
austerity have been overwhelmed by more powerful debt-deflation
forces. The IMF has admitted in a mea culpa that the Troika exceeded
the therapeutic dose for fiscal tightening.

Greece is now told it must to cut the debt to 124pc of GDP over the
next five years to comply with the Troika memorandum. It is the Big
Lie of the Greek bail-out, perpetuated by the creditors to deceive
their own democracies at home. The economy minister shrugged his
shoulders and laughed when I asked him how his country planned to meet
this patently absurd target.

Syriza hoped to end the charade by securing allies in Southern Europe
with calls for an EMU-wide debt conference modelled on the London
Accord of 1953, which cleared the way for post-War recovery. Here they
over-reached. The insidious effect of the bail-out is that Greece now
owes the money to Italian and Spanish taxpayers, among others, vastly
complicating the political landscape.

In any normal contest with creditors, Syriza's position would be
hopeless. But nothing about this episode is normal. If EMU were to
force Greece out of the euro by withdrawing bank liquidity and
deliberately causing the collapse of the Greek financial system - to
which the ECB has a duty of care under EU treaty law - they would
create a martyr state for the whole European Left.

They would violate the sanctity of monetary union and risk reducing it
to a fixed exchange "ERM3", inviting an attack on the weakest link to
follow. The EU's extraordinary experiment in solidarity would lie in

The Western security system would the face turmoil in the Balkans. It
would have to deal with an embittered state - hostile to Nato, and
willing to play the Russian card - along an arc of instability
stretching from Ukraine, though the Levant, to North Africa. That is
why US President Barack Obama has intervened, pleading with Chancellor
Merkel to avert the worst. The stakes are too high for finance

It is far from clear who really has the upper hand in this game of
strategic chicken. Both sides can reasonably calculate that the other
will blink first at each deadline to come. One of them is wrong. That
is what makes this drama so riveting, and so dangerous.


"ERM3" - see  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Exchange_Rate_Mechanism>

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