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Toward Socialist Unity
By Bonnie Weinstein
At the same time faith in capitalism is on the decline, and a revolutionary, 
anti-capitalist socialist alliance is most urgently needed, one of the largest 
socialist organizations in the U.S., the International Socialist Organization, 
voted to dissolve. 
The reasons for the group’s dissolution were partly explained in a post titled 
“Taking our Final Steps,” that appeared April 19, 2019, on the website of their 
newspaper, Socialist Worker and signed by their most current leadership:
“In late March, current and recently resigned members of the International 
Socialist Organization took the highly unusual step of voting to dissolve the 
organization. ...Our newspaper Socialist Worker has ceased production, and we 
are developing a separate, independent body tasked with reporting on the 
botched 2013 sexual assault allegation so that former ISO members and the rest 
of the left might learn from our mistakes. ...Unfortunately, the impact of 
decades of undemocratic practices, including a hostility to caucuses and the 
self-organization of members of oppressed groups, as well as the recently 
revealed egregious treatment of allegations of sexual assault, meant that we 
were not able to recreate ourselves.”1
The demise of the ISO is not an isolated incident of the revolutionary left in 
the USA, and across the globe. The organized, revolutionary socialist left has 
been in decline for decades since the great upsurge beginning in the 1950s and 
into the ’70s that included the Cuban revolution, the civil rights movement, 
the rise of Black Nationalism, the Vietnam antiwar movement, the United Farm 
Workers Organizing Committee strike, the women’s liberation movement, the LGBTQ 
movement, along with the student radicalization and free-speech movement that 
included the May 1968 general strike and occupation of universities and 
factories throughout France. 
The capitalist class did all it could to squash these growing upsurges through 
their systematic divide-and-conquer assault on the working class. Civil rights 
demonstrators were brutally beaten and murdered. In 1965, as Malcolm X and 
Martin Luther King, Jr. were having talks about organizing joint actions, 
Malcolm X was assassinated February 21, 1965. Three years later Martin Luther 
King, Jr., who was in Memphis, Tennessee to support a sanitation workers’ 
strike, was speaking out against the War in Vietnam, and was in the midst of 
organizing a massive Poor Peoples March on Washington, was assassinated April 
4, 1968. Their deaths were a product of the extreme racism and bigotry the 
capitalist system thrives on.
All during those years, the capitalist class was on the warpath to destroy 
organized labor as well. In the 1960s a third of American workers belonged to a 
union. Today, only one-in-ten are in a union. 
What was missing during these times of turmoil—and is still missing today—is a 
class conscious labor leadership—one that recognizes that capitalism itself is 
what’s standing in the way of social justice and economic equality for all 
To build such a leadership among the working class, there needs to be a strong 
socialist vanguard that can lead the way—that can expose how class 
collaborationist politics leads only to defeat—and a principled, 
internationalist, anti-capitalist program is the is the necessary prerequisite 
for achieving justice and equality for the workers of the world.
The “branding” of the socialist left
The primary role of revolutionary socialist parties is to nurture 
class-consciousness—the awareness that the very nature of capitalism is the 
enslavement of workers—an economic system that exploits labor for the private 
economic gain of the capitalist class at the expense of labor. The job of 
socialists is to teach that there can be no mutually beneficial alliance 
between workers and capitalists. (Individual capitalists, of course, are 
welcome to participate in and support any of our independent struggles and are 
invited to contribute generously to them.)
However, while most of the revolutionary socialist left adheres to these 
principals they have been unable to unite; and have, instead, fractured and 
dissipated and, in the case of the ISO, actually disbanded. And, already, 
various parties on the left are inviting ex-ISO members to join their party, 
without considering what is really needed in order to win a socialist world. 
So what went wrong with the revolutionary socialist left? Ironically, as the 
left and organized labor has been declining, capitalist competition has revved 
All products are now “branded”—Apple vs. HP, Nike vs. Adidas, Prada vs. Coach, 
the Warriors vs. the Clippers, and on and on—brands that are at war with each 
other to “capture the market.” This branding has become second nature to us and 
has powerfully permeated our culture—competition being the driving force of 
capitalism—“the biggest and the best and smarter than all the rest”—the goal to 
strive for. 
This self-destructive ideology has rubbed off on the left. While the various 
revolutionary socialist groups and parties agree on 90 percent of the issues 
workers are faced with, the idea of uniting in some way to fight together 
toward a socialist solution is not even considered—each group is “protecting 
their own territory” in spite of the need for unity on the left.
This has to end.
Building a world socialist alliance
We socialists must end our branding wars among each other. This doesn’t mean 
that we need to disband our organizations, tendencies, etc., but we must find a 
way to work together toward the goals we all share. The solution is to form a 
multi-tendency alliance or party united under certain basic principals:
Pro-socialism and anti-capitalism—the goal being to rid the world of capitalism 
and establish socialism.
No support to capitalist parties or parties that seek to create an umbrella 
where capitalism and socialism can co-exist—they cannot.
Full support to the independent organization of oppressed peoples in their own 
defense; and including these groups as full and equal partners under one roof.
Full and transparent democratic organizational structure where the majority of 
our ranks rule and can carry out and test our program in the real world; then 
go back to the drawing board when necessary to improve it.
Full support to all united-front-type organizations fighting for specific goals 
such as opposition to war, prisoner defense, defense of immigrants and asylum 
seekers, Black Lives Matter, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and more.
Full support to worker’s struggles toward a better standard of living including 
the formation of their own leadership and organizations, strikes, and more.
These are just a few examples of points of unity that we could organize around. 
Instead of being in competition, each group could be viewed as bringing their 
own unique perspective to the general discussion toward unity of program and 
action to end capitalism and build a socialist world. It is the opposite of 
capital’s warring competition. It is the most important example we socialist 
can set. This is what’s needed in today’s world. This is what we can glean from 
the dissolution and fractionalization of the revolutionary left across the 
globe. The time for socialist unity is ripe!

1       “Taking our Final Steps”
This article as well as others on the dissolution of the ISO can be read at:
SocialistWorker.org <http://socialistworker.org/>, April 19, 2019
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