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U.S. Wars, Police Violence and Incarcerations
By Bonnie Weinstein

Socialist Viewpoint

January/February 2015
http://www.socialistviewpoint.org/ <http://www.socialistviewpoint.org/>

The whole world is in turmoil suffering the capitalist descent into barbarism. 
Working people are just beginning to realize that we are all in the same 
sinking boat.

Across the globe, we are facing the economic reality of austerity for us, and 
untold accumulation of wealth for the ruling elite. Democratic rights are being 
decimated. Police brutality and murder are rampant. And while the military, 
police and the corporations can kill, mutilate and rob with impunity; the poor 
are locked up for the crime of being impoverished.

We are reaching a tipping point both in our climate crisis of capitalist 
pollution and environmental destruction and our overwhelming social crisis of 
unending war, poverty and criminalization of the poor. What workers do not yet 
realize is that we have the power to change all of this.

Workers have the power

There is a great divide between those with well-paying jobs, such as those 
working in the abundantly-funded military industrial complex, building bombs, 
etc., and the vast majority of the rest of us.

Not that the divide can’t be closed. But there needs to be a huge rise in 
consciousness. Workers need to realize that by working together democratically 
and in our own common interests, we can make the world a better place and, in 
fact, we are the only hope to make that happen!

The purpose of oppression

The huge U.S. military and incarceration complexes are indelibly linked. Their 
intent is to make capitalism appear all-powerful and make workers think, not 
only that we are weak and defenseless, but that workers of different races, 
religions, and sexual orientations—even occupations—are somehow our natural 
enemies. They want us to fight amongst ourselves for crumbs.

U.S. capitalism’s war for profits on the workers of nations across the 
globe—which is what U.S. wars are all about—is the very same war of police 
murder, brutality and mass incarceration of workers at home. The warlords are 
one in the same.

Capitalism’s wars and police violence are designed to inhibit workers’ 
solidarity—especially here in “the belly of the beast.”

The capitalists will do anything and everything in their power to blur the 
connection between capitalist, imperialist wars and the enforced poverty of the 
masses through austerity measures, police violence and incarceration here at 

In effect, capitalism is forcing workers to pay for our own military 
bombardment and incarceration. And, we are being forced to supply the hard 
labor to build the weapons used to murder and oppress us, and to pave the road 
to their murderous descent into barbarism.

The capitalist class knows full well that the only force that can take this 
despotic power from them and change the world for the better is the unified 
force of the working class.

We can stop building weapons of violence, mass destruction and oppression and 
build the things we need for life, instead.

This will happen only when we come to the fundamental, conscious, realization 
that we can only reach our fullest potential as a humane society through peace, 
love, equality and cooperation. The current capitalist alternative—war, bigotry 
and competition—only leads to barbarism.

That’s why we have to oppose war and police violence as one and the same 
thing—capitalism’s method of getting us to blame and fight each other instead 
of them.

The chaos and descent into barbarism can sometimes be blinding; yet the 
solution is simple—end capitalism and build a socialist democracy worldwide 
under the control of the working class and in defense of all life on Earth!

The only solution is world socialist revolution! 

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