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Why Police Reforms Are Not Enough
We must end capitalism to end war and police violence
By Bonnie Weinstein

We can and should fight for police reforms such as outlawing choke holds, stop 
and frisk laws, plea bargains, bail requirements, as well as getting police out 
of our communities and schools. But that will not end the fundamental 
reactionary role of police departments in capitalist society. 

The job of the police is to protect the fundamental core of capitalism that 
commandeers the wealth that we produce through our labor, while paying us the 
lowest wages they can get away with—including by outright slavery—still alive 
and well in our prison system.

Community occupation and control
The whole purpose of the police is to occupy communities of the working 
class—especially people of color—to enforce the basic economic foundation of 
capitalism that puts private wealth above life itself. 

The police don’t protect the innocent from getting killed. They don’t prevent 
rapes. And they rarely capture those responsible for these crimes—including, of 
course, those committed by their own officers or by the wealthy elite. 

Criminalizing the poor
Their job is to enforce obedience to laws that are designed to make even the 
smallest infractions punishable by death on the spot—a broken tail light 
(Sandra Bland who died mysteriously in her jail cell after being arrested); 
selling cigarettes without a tax license (Eric Garner died in a police choke 
hold while crying “I can’t breathe”); by allegedly trying to pass a counterfeit 
twenty dollar bill (George Floyd, murdered by police kneeling on his neck and 
chest for eight minutes and 46 seconds until he died); sleeping in bed (Breonna 
Taylor was shot eight times by police on a “no-knock” warrant. She was innocent 
of any wrongdoing), and on and on.

The prison industrial complex
The whole prison system is filled with people whose crimes are the product of 
poverty and racism. And the conviction rate is astronomical.

Ninety-seven percent of federal and 94 percent of state criminal convictions 
are obtained through plea bargains. 

In an August 8, 2019 NBC News article by Clark Neily titled, “Prisons Are 
Packed Because Prosecutors Are Coercing Plea Deals. And, Yes, It’s Totally 

“America is the most prosperous country in the history of the world. We excel 
at innovation and mass production—and nowhere is that more true today than our 
criminal justice system, which features a streamlined process for transforming 
millions of suspects into convicted criminals quickly, efficiently and without 
the hassle of a constitutionally prescribed jury trial. It’s called coercive 
plea bargaining, and it’s the secret sauce that helps us maintain the world’s 
highest incarceration rate. The answer is simple and stark: They’re being 
coerced. Though physical torture remains off limits, American prosecutors are 
equipped with a fearsome array of tools they can use to extract confessions and 
discourage people from exercising their right to a jury trial. These tools 
include charge-stacking (charging more or more serious crimes than the conduct 
really merits), legislatively-ordered mandatory-minimum sentences, pretrial 
detention with unaffordable bail, threats to investigate and indict friends or 
family members, and the so-called trial penalty—what the National Association 
of Criminal Defense Lawyers calls the ‘substantial difference between the 
sentence offered prior to trial versus the sentence a defendant receives after 
a trial.’”

The wealthy are not only able to hire banks of lawyers if they are even accused 
of a crime, they pay the lawmakers to create laws that are to their advantage 
and to the distinct disadvantage of working people. 

These laws are designed to keep us in line—to instill in us the idea that we 
are powerless over them. 

The police are the enemy of the working class
Law enforcement unions have no place in the American Federation of Labor and 
Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL/CIO). The allegiance of police, 
prison guards, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to capitalist law and 
order sets them apart from, and in direct opposition to, the working class. In 
fact, law enforcement organizations have nothing in common with unions and no 
common interests with working people.

They accept the role of occupation of our communities—it’s their job and sworn 
duty. How else can they calmly keep a knee pressed to a man’s neck for eight 
minutes and 46 seconds without even grimacing—while stopping a human being from 

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