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I know there are estimates out there of how much carbon emissions must be
decreased by given dates to avoid or delay climate change tipping points.

But are there also estimates of what that would mean in terms of production
shifts? E.g. not just how much coal etc. would have to be left in the
ground, and not abstract (if essential) admonitions to switch to mass
transit and so on.

But are there actual estimates of what quantative shifts in all the key
industries and agricultural sectors, and re-employment in service sectors,
would add up to the required emissions decrease? Obviously there's an
infinite number of ways to solve that problem mathematically; the point of
the question is how to pick a handful of scenarios, with varying amounts
allotted to each industry, that would make possible an informed discussion
and voting process among worker, farmer and neighborhood councils locally
and globally.

All of this obviously assumes the seizure of all those resources and
industry from their current masters.
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