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What's below is part of the latest "what's new at links" post.
I am SOOO glad John found his old article!
It's a great overview of the issues involved, and a necessary intervention
in the current debate.
One quibble: I think he's too hard on Mandel for the latter's touting of a
priori decisions, because the rest of Mandel's essay is full of examples of
how workers would alter decisions ex post based on new information (and on
that note I love John's paragraph about how workers' skills and knowledge,
bred under capitalism, prepare them to be efficient planners).

  John Riddell: Socialist planning and the bureaucratic economy

By *John Riddell*
May 17, 2015 -- The following previously unpublished position paper, pulled
from my archives, was written in 1992. I am posting it in conjunction with
my review of Michael Lebowitz’s *Contradictions of "Real Socialism"*. My
comments raised many of the themes found in Lebowitz’s writings of that
time, of which I was then quite unaware. My approach, however, gives more
emphasis to the problem of economic allocation and the role of
non-capitalist markets.
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