[Marxism] Autonomous Administration announces agreement with the regime (ANF)

2019-10-13 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Autonomous Administration announces agreement with the regime (ANF):



Syrian Kurds confirm Damascus border deal for return of Syrian army (Kurdistan 


'A displaced civilian who fled his hometown of Kobani told Kurdistan 24 on 
condition of anonymity that the would rather have the Syrian government return 
than Turkey. “Both of them are dirty,” he said, “but Erdogan and his ISIS are 
dirtier.” '
“We know that we would have to make painful compromises with Moscow and Bashar 
al-Assad if we go down the road of working with them,” SDF Commander-in-Chief 
Mazlum Abdi, 
 in an op-ed piece for Foreign Policy today.
“But if we have to choose between compromises and the genocide of our people, 
we will surely choose life for our people.”

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[Marxism] No to the invasion and occupation of northeastern Syria by the Turkish army (Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists)

2019-10-13 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Hello ,

We have published a new article on our website. No to the invasion and 
occupation of northeastern Syria by the Turkish army
The Alliance of Middle Eastern and North African Socialists condemn Turkeys 
invasion of Northeastern Syria and its deadly assault on the Kurds.

Last week, after U.S. president Trump announced  the withdrawal of US troops 
from Northeastern Syria on October 9th,  Turkey began the bombing of its Syrian 
border regions and cities.  …
You may view the latest post at 
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Thanks & Regards

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[Marxism] Brief Reflection on Trump’s Impeachment by an informed outsider

2019-10-13 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Brief Reflection on Trump’s Impeachment
By Roberto Savio

Good analysis by an Italian-Argentinean who stands outside of US 
politics but appears to know the inside well. He is the Director for 
international relations of the European Center for Peace and Development.

To sum up his argument, he thinks it's very likely that the idea of 
impeaching Donald Trump will boomerang; his support for that view seems 

He notes that Trump fans are listening to a furious campaign which 
smacks of coup d’etat, calling the accusers traitors who deserve to go 
to jail. Watch for example his speech in Minneapolis on Friday, typical 
of his results and revealing in the call and response 
https://tinyurl.com/yxvc4ncj. Think in listening about his mentor Roy 
Cohn's stratagem: 1) never acknowledge wrongdoing, 2) always 
counterattack, 3) even if called out successfully, declare victory, and 
4) rely on constituents' short memories.

Savio observes that within 3 hours of Pelosi's declaration that an 
impeachment process would be launched, Trump received $1 million 
dollars, $5 million in 24 hours, and $8.5 million in two days, as well 
as 50,000 new donors. He connects the success of Trump's team strategy 
in part to the fact that, for historical reasons related to how the 
Union was created, the less populated and less developed states have 
proportionately more delegates than the large and wealthy states, and 
that Trump ran his campaign in these less developed and less populous 
states, ignoring big cities and more populous states,

He thinks that the Democrats have done Trump a great favour in the 
impeachment effort - that even if impeachment passes in the House with 
its Democratic majority, there's very little chance it passes in the 
Senate where, again for historical reasons linked to the creation of the 
union, each state has 2 senators, regardless of population, that Wyoming 
with 578,000 inhabitants has 2 senators as does California, with 37.2 
million people. He cites the obvious fact that less developed states, 
those with smaller populations, enable the Republican majority in the 
Senate, and that for the impeachment to be successful, a 2/3  senatorial 
majority is needed, a highly unlikely occurrence.

He notes that much will depend on who the Democratic candidate will be, 
that demonising Joe Biden will have impact, and that the "progressive" 
Sanders and Warren seem too elitist to Trump supporters, who are from 
very conservative regions, where Trump has the unconditional support of 
Catholics and of the 40 million-strong Evangelical Church parishioners.

He factors in the possible game-changer of an economic crisis, since 
Americans traditionally vote with their pockets; but that otherwise, 90% 
of Republican voters – as well as his Congressional support – remain loyal.

He notes the fragility of democracy, when it is based on non-democratic 
rules, and among other examples how the Supreme Court with a Republican 
majority changes the American legal system considerably; that capitalist 
democracy functions effectively if it has laws that guarantee the 
balance of power and if there is a conscious and interested citizenry in 
the common good, which is not divided as it now is in a partisan way, 
where the other is considered the enemy and not as people with different 

As case in point, he notes that Viktor Orban, after being democratically 
elected, developed a xenophobic policy against migrants, carried out 
tight control of the press, the National Election Commission and the 
judiciary, enriched his faithful with funds from the EU, changed the 
entire electoral system, accommodating it to his party and then declared 
himself follower of an illiberal democracy.

Similarly, he notes Hitler and Mussolini, who came to power in a 
democratic way and then eliminated democracy by identifying an enemy of 
the people, in whose name they said they spoke: Jewish power - as today 
the main targets of the populist and xenophobic right for raising its 
electoral quotas are immigrants - and how Brexit was largely due to the 
announced arrival of millions of Turks, who were not even in the 
European Union, analogous to how Trump made the Mexican and Central 
American “invasion” the strong point of his defence of the American 
people, along with the Chinese threat. If the voter swallows these 
mythologies, he thinks democracy is certainly in danger, and he sees 
Trump and Johnson as just the tip of the iceberg.

And of course, if and when impeachment fails and especially if the 
Democrats again fail to 

[Marxism] Unbalanced Trump a crisis for US capitialism

2019-10-13 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Like a spoiled six-year old having a temper tantrum, Trump is flailing
about and out of control. How can they keep any semblance of stability, how
maintain respect by foreign forces as well as by at least most workers at
home for the top representative of US capitalism? How can they ensure that
the right decisions are made? How can they keep the ship of state on
course, headed in the right direction, if the captain is mentally

"If they had reason to worry before Trump made his precipitous decision to
allow Turkey to invade Northeast Syria, now they are doubly concerned.

"Exhibit A is an article by George T. Conway III in The Atlantic magazine.
A harsh critic of Trump, ironically George is the husband of Trump
spokesperson Kellyanne Conway (that must be an interesting relationship!).
However, he is also an important figure in his own right. He is a top
corporate lawyer at a boutique corporate law firm, has argued cases before
the US Supreme Court, and was considered by Trump for the post of Solicitor
General as well as assistant attorney general (which he turned down).

"That’s why when he talks we’d better listen. And readers are urged to read
the full article."

Read full article:

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] What the New Deal can teach us about winning a Green New Deal: Part IV—Keeping the pressure on the state | Martin Hart-Landsberg | Reports from the Economic Front

2019-10-13 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] First as Farce, then as Tragedy | Left Voice

2019-10-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] ‘Our River Was Like a God’: How Dams and China’s Might Imperil the Mekong - The New York Times

2019-10-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Best seen at NYT for graphics.

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[Marxism] It is time to try out an “ecological Leninism” – Interview with Andreas Malm

2019-10-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Shoshana Zuboff. A Socialist Review.

2019-10-13 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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Surveillance Capitalism is long. It is also often a rewarding read, if you can 
skim over the Business School style.  Zuboff reaches this conclusion by an 
often-convincing account of how companies like Facebook and Google operate. 
They are placed within the wider framework that sketches changes in the 
capitalist mode of accumulation, regulation and the (post) “industrial 

The Harvard Professor draws on Hannah Arendt’s reading of Rosa Luxemburg’s 
description of the militarist “destruction of non capitalist strata” across the 
world. Primitive accumulation was not just a one-off event, a ripping up of 
traditional roots and mass enrolment in the market. . By the end of the 
twentieth century, this has turned David Harvey argued, into the domestic 
neoliberal strategy of “accumulation by dispossession” of public assets. In its 
present form, “Surveillance capitalism originates in this act of digital 
dispossession brought to life by the impatience of over-accumulated investment 
and two entrepreneurs who wanted to join the system." (3)


Andrew Coates
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