Re: [Marxism] Putin and Bolivia

2019-11-17 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Not really.


“Pues porque Rusia, junto a China, es uno de los apoyos para cualquier
política de independencia económica que se encare en el convulsionado pais
del Altiplano. Sembrar confusión sobre ese apoyo es un modo de debilitar a
Evo Morales y desmoralizar a quienes defienden su obra y su derecho a
retornar a la presidencia de su país.

El 14 de noviembre, y desde Brasília, donde participaba de una reunión del
BRICS junto a Putin, el vicecanciller ruso, Serguei Riabkov aseveró que
Añez se veía como quien dirigía el Estado boliviano.

Inmediatamente, Infobae reprodujo esos dichos como si implicaran un
reconocimiento del régimen imperante.Varios compañeros cayeron en el mismo
error, o se dejaron llevar por la temeraria interpretación de Infobae, cuya
comprensión del lenguaje diplomático parece del mismo nivel que la de
Faurie o Macri.

Me he tomado el trabajo de compilar todos los cables que difundió sobre el
tema la agencia ofici(osa/al) rusa de noticias TASS. Y me he convencido más
aún de que no hay reconocimiento de ningún tipo. No al menos un
reconocimiento más claro que el del MAS de Evo Morales, que negocia con el
partido de Áñez los cargos en el Parlamento.

Aquí va mi compilación, donde se puede ver claramente que las palabras
mágicas "la Federación Rusa reconoce al gobierno presidido por Jeanine Añez
como la autoridad legítima del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia" no aparecen
en ningún momento.

Aquí el compilado de cables. Empieza con Ryabkov, desde Brasilia, el 14 de

"Por supuesto, vemos todo lo que precedió al cambio de régimen como
acciones que equivalen a un golpe de estado", dijo el vicecanciller ruso,
Serguei Ryabkov. "Para nosotros, este es otro recordatorio de que ciertas
fuerzas utilizan técnicas, que van mucho más allá de las reglas de la ley,
para abordar sus propias cuestiones políticas".
"Hemos tomado nota del hecho de que en el momento en que [Añez] fue
aprobada como líder no había quórum en el Parlamento, por lo que sin duda
haremos algunas reservas. Claramente, ella será considerada como la líder
de Bolivia hasta que la cuestión de un nuevo presidente se haya resuelto en
una elección", dijo.
El vicecanciller ruso señaló que era un asunto interno de Bolivia.
El mismo día, desde Moscú, la portavoz oficial del ministerio de RREE de
Rusia, María Zajarova, declaró que "la situación en Bolivia sigue siendo
difícil y está plagada de complicaciones".
Añadió que "condenamos enérgicamente el uso de la violencia para llevar
adelante acciones políticas. Sólo conduce al caos, las bajas, la
inestabilidad social y económica".
Rusia "parte de la premisa de que el nombramiento del jefe de Estado en
Bolivia debe ajustarse a las normas legales y unir a los ciudadanos del
país", recalcó Zajarova, quien expuso que "tomó nota de los informes de que
(...) Añez había asumido la presidencia interina". Subrayó a continuación
que "el nombramiento y, lo que es más importante, la legitimidad del jefe
de Estado debe ajustarse plenamente a las disposiciones legales de la
Constitución del país y servir para unir a la nación, y no para dividirla".
Vladimir Putin, por su parte, señaló desde Brasilia (donde participa de la
reunión del BRICS) que "Rusia está dispuesta a colaborar con cualquier
gobierno boliviano que haya sido elegido legítimamente por el pueblo
Para el presidente de Rusia, en Bolivia se produjo un vacío de poder: "Se
puede ver que ha surgido una situación en la que hay un vacío de poder.
Todas las autoridades han dimitido. La vicepresidenta del Senado [se
autoproclamó presidenta interina, y] la Corte Constitucional tuvo que tomar
una decisión especial. La oposición no estuvo de acuerdo con ella, así que
hay un vacío de poder", dijo Putin a los medios el jueves después de la
cumbre del BRICS.
"La situación actual en Bolivia recuerda a la de Libia", agregó, y enfatizó
que "aún si no hay una intervención externa directa en Bolivia, el país
está al borde del caos, lo que "es, por supuesto, una señal preocupante".
Evo Morales, por su parte, avaló lo actuado por los legisladores de su
partido, el MAS. La bancada de senadores, en particular, asumió la
presidencia de esa cámara con dos vicepresidentes, como corresponde según
la ley. Uno de esos dos cargos lo ocupa una senadora del mismo partido que
Añez, la Unión Democrática (UD).
Desde Méjico, donde está asilado, llamó ayer a las fuerzas de seguridad a
no usar la violencia contra el pueblo "Le pedimos a las fuerzas armadas de

[Marxism] A Spy Complex Revealed - Leaked Iranian Intelligence Reports Expose Tehran’s Vast Web of Influence in Iraq

2019-11-17 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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The Intercept and the New York Times shared leaked documents detailing 
the operations of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security in Iraq 
from late 2013 through early 2015.


An Unprecedented Leak

The source said they wanted to “let the world know what Iran is doing in 
my country Iraq.” They sent The Intercept 700 pages of secret 
intelligence reports, but never revealed their own identity.

This kind of leak is unprecedented for Iran, a country with a highly 
secretive government and spy agencies that guard their confidential 
information zealously.

In the months after we received the leaked documents, we had them 
translated from Persian and then had the translations cross-checked. 
Once we determined their significance — the reports detail the 
operations of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security in Iraq from 
late 2013 through early 2015 — we approached the New York Times and 
proposed a reporting partnership. The article we jointly published with 
the Times just moments ago is the product of months of collaboration.

We found in the files a fascinating tale of how Tehran’s spies and 
assets wove a vast web of influence in Iraq, infiltrating nearly every 
aspect of social and political life. Popular outrage over Iranian 
meddling was already fueling massive protests in Iraq as this story went 
to press.

The Intercept also published stories based on the leaked reports 
exploring how Iranian intelligence conducted its own shadow campaign 
against ISIS; how the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran’s Quds Force held a 
secret summit in a Turkish hotel to plot against their common enemy, 
Saudi Arabia; and how the disastrous U.S. invasion gave Iran an opening 
to shape a new political order in Iraq.

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[Marxism] From the dystopian chaos of the free market to the solidarity of co-operative communism: the Maddaddam trilogy | Jenny Farrell | Culture Matters

2019-11-17 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Cheeseburgers, Oil and Minimum Wage: Building a Museum of Capitalism - The New York Times

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Putin and Bolivia

2019-11-17 Thread Richard Fidler via Marxism
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The information in this article on Russian investments in Bolivia probably
explains why Putin's government was so quick to recognize the golpista
President's counter-revolutionary regime. They just want to do business,
political sympathies aside. As Lou says, geopolitics down the drain...

-Original Message-
From: Marxism [] On Behalf Of Thomas
Campbell via Marxism
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 9:46 AM
Subject: [Marxism] Putin and Bolivia

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It's strange that no one on this list knows that, before it threw him under
the bus the other day, apparently, the Putin regime was supporting Evo
Morales in its own peculiar way and, in turn, Morales was one of the few
world leaders who recognized the Kremlin's occupation of Crimea as
legitimate and made a good number of trips to Moscow.

About a month ago, the Russian investigative journalism website Proekt
reported that Rosatom, Russia's national nuclear energy corporation, had
sent a spin doctors to Bolivia to help Morale in his election company. Now
Quartz has summarized Proekt's article for English speakers.
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[Marxism] City fund managers call for rethink of capitalism

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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*, Nov. 14, 2019
City fund managers call for rethink of capitalism
Patrick Jenkins in London NOVEMBER 14 2019Print this page102

Two of the world’s biggest fund management bosses have called for a 
rethink of capitalism and its obsession with constant economic growth, 
in a plaintive appeal for business and governments to deal more 
decisively with the challenges of climate change.

Anne Richards, chief executive of Fidelity International, said the world 
must end “our obsession with ever-increasing GDP” and the “primacy of 
shareholders” to foster the kind of long-term thinking that would help 
protect the environment.

Andreas Utermann, CEO of Allianz Global Investors, said the world’s 
growth mania — “nominal GDP growth, supported by population growth, [and 
profit] growth” — was clearly unsustainable, and suggested that 
capitalism in its current form is “borrowing from the future while 
destroying the environment”.

The pleas for reform, delivered as part of an FT City Network debate on 
whether capitalism could fix climate change, came in response to an 
address by Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, in which 
she called for wholesale reform of the current economic system to avert 
global disaster.

Mr Utermann, who announced this week that he will retire from AllianzGI 
after a 17-year career with the asset manager, said: “A more holistic 
approach to ‘growth’ needs to evolve, looking to capture societal and 
environmental benefits and costs.

“More sophisticated measures than GDP per capita are required to 
determine whether capitalism is delivering to all stakeholders without 
borrowing from the future while destroying the environment.” It was 
“self-evident that this is not sustainable”, he said.

In her critique of the short-termist outlook of shareholders, Ms 
Richards, who has also worked in senior roles at Aberdeen Asset 
Management and M, called for a “pivot [away] from the Milton Friedman 
concept of capitalism and the primacy of shareholders, who may have a 
very short-term involvement with an individual company, towards a wider 
stakeholder approach”.

The surprisingly outspoken interventions from two of the City’s best 
known asset managers reflected a wider view among contributors to the FT 
City Network debate that business and government must urgently improve 
their response to the growing evidence of environmental catastrophe. 
“Solving climate change through inclusive capitalism will define our 
generation,” said Nigel Wilson, chief executive of Legal & General, 
another big asset manager.

Several participants hailed the role that UK-based climate change 
activist group Extinction Rebellion has played — alongside the likes of 
Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg and film-maker David Attenborough — to 
highlight the issue. Recent protests have focused in part on the City of 
London and the role that banks, asset managers and insurers play in 
financing and sustaining some of the world’s most environmentally 
damaging industries, from oil extraction to vehicle manufacture.

Central banks’ mandates allow them to tackle climate change
Several City Network contributors said that, while it was impossible to 
instantly blacklist climate unfriendly firms, it was vital that 
companies set tough environmental targets, measure whether they were met 
and reward managers on their performance, rather than on short-term profit.

“Of course it’s not ‘either profits or sustainability’,” said Robert 
Swannell, the former financier and Marks and Spencer chairman who now 
chairs the government’s investment arm UKGI. “But let us ditch the 
shareholder value maximisation mantra and look for metrics that not only 
measure financial performance but also measure positive or negative 
impact on society.”

The shift towards a broader interest in stakeholders was foreshadowed in 
the US by a summertime announcement from the Business Roundtable, a key 
US corporate lobby group. It insisted that capitalism was the best way 
to protect jobs in a sustainable economy with “a healthy environment”, 
though it made no mention of climate change.

The FT City Network is a panel of more than 50 senior figures from 
across the City of London. Each month the forum debates a subject of 
topical interest.

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[Marxism] Thursday in Colombia

2019-11-17 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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*Quick update on Colombia*

With all eyes moving from Ecuador, to Peru, to Chile and now to Bolivia,
public attention has moved away from Colombia. It may be about to return.

This coming Thursday, November 21, there will be a national work stoppage
in Colombia. Usually these things are symbolic protests, sort of like a
walk in the park, but this year is likely to be different.

The popularity of Uribismo, and of Uribe’s puppet Ivan Duque (the current
president) has plummeted. In the recent departmental and municipal
elections, Uribe’s Centro Democratic was smashed. Duque’s approval rating
according to the latest poll is only 27%, down from a high of 64% early in
his term of office. His disapproval rating is 69%.

The recent resignation of the Minister of Defense in the face of his orders
to bomb a town that resulted in the deaths of many children, and then his
cover-up of the crime, is just the most obvious symptom of the government’s
internal crisis.

The CUT (Central Unitaria de TrabajadoresI, FECODE (teachers’ union), all
the key student organizations, and many, many other organizations are all
promoting the event. Very few people who plan to participate have any idea
about what the demands of these organizations are, but people are planning
to go in a general protest and expression of anger about the government’s
austerity measures, recent military actions, corruption, antipathy to
public education, and failure to do anything to improve the country’s
stagnant economy.

The Uribistas are running an online and a media advertising campaign
against participation in the event. It is not aimed at the left but is
rather aimed at the children of the Uribistas, especially the private
university students who have for the first time shown signs of join the
mass movement in large numbers. The Uribista effort seems to be propelling
even more support for the event this Thursday.

One of the reasons that students from the private universities are joining
the movement was the attack by the riot police on students at Universidad
Javeriana a few months ago.

Now, many are worried about police provocations on Thursday to justify
police attacks. Despite these worries, this event is likely to be the first
major challenge to the Duque government.

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[Marxism] Craig Silverman, Denver radio host, says he was fired for criticizing Trump on-air - The Washington Post

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Bolivian Horizons: An Interview with Pablo Solón

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How socialist Kshama Sawant triumphed over Amazon in its own backyard | US news | The Guardian

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Putin and Bolivia

2019-11-17 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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It's strange that no one on this list knows that, before it threw him under
the bus the other day, apparently, the Putin regime was supporting Evo
Morales in its own peculiar way and, in turn, Morales was one of the few
world leaders who recognized the Kremlin's occupation of Crimea as
legitimate and made a good number of trips to Moscow.

About a month ago, the Russian investigative journalism website Proekt
reported that Rosatom, Russia's national nuclear energy corporation, had
sent a spin doctors to Bolivia to help Morale in his election company. Now
Quartz has summarized Proekt's article for English speakers.
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[Marxism] Noel Ignatiev, scholar who wanted to abolish white racial privilege, dies at 78 - The Boston Globe

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] some conversations here in Chile

2019-11-17 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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The issue is not whether Clinton, Obama, or even Bernie Sanders “sold out”
so-called universal health care” as the name shifted from single payer to
that to medicare for all. The issue is whether socialists should allow
themselves to be limited to fighting simply for a government run insurance
plan of any sort whatsoever, as the conversation I had with those two young
women here in Chile implies.

I remember gettinginvolved (to a very limited extent) in the campaign for
health care reform back in the 1980s in Oakland, California. At that time,
the slogan was for “socialized medicine”. I went ton one or two meetings,
which were all held in the offices of a union. (I think it was SEIU, but
I’m not sure.) The fact that the meetings were in a union office indicates
the involvement/support of the leadership from the start. Then, at one
meeting, it was explained that we were going to change the slogan from
socialized medicine to “single payer”. It was explained that this was
really the same thing but the name would be easier for people to
understand. It was also explained that this was what the union leadership
wanted. Being somewhat uninformed, Ididn’t understand the difference, but
in fact it is huge.

Under whatever name you like - single payer, universal health coverage, or
medicare for all - a national health insurance plan would be a step
forward, but also a step riddled with problems. First and foremost, it
would accelerate the pace at which the hospital chains are merging,
shutting down hospitals and speeding up the staff. So, while we should
support the latest iteration of national health insurance, we should also
be pointing out its weakness and calling for socialized medicine.

Why, after all, should socialists allow the liberal wing of the Democratic
Party and their repesentatives - the union bureaucracy and the
nonprofiteers - to set the agenda for us? Why shouldn’t we go as far as
those two young women here in the streets of Santiago?

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Russia and Saudi Arabia in talks over supply of S-400 system

2019-11-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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There goes geopolitics down the drain.
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Re: [Marxism] Russia Recognises Anez as Interim Bolivian President After Coup That Led to Morales' Resignation - Sputnik International

2019-11-17 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Nov 15, 2019, at 12:22 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> Can't wait for Max BLumenthal to justify this.

I’m also looking forward. A search of Grayzone for “Bolivia” and “Putin” still 
comes up blank for now. Their last story on Bolivia was Nov. 11.

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Re: [Marxism] Quantum Experiment

2019-11-17 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Ever since quantum mechanics began, there have been many physicists and others 
who have insisted on interpreting the results of quantum experiments as 
supporting idealist interpretations of the theory. In the West, most people 
seemed to have been perfectly happy with that outcome because the rejection of 
materialism supported the prevailing political ideologies. In the Soviet Union, 
quantum mechanics  (along with relativity) struggled for some years to gain 
acceptance there precisely because so many Soviet physicists and philosophers 
also interpreted the theory in idealist terms.

More about that here: 

Jim Farmelant 
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: John Edmundson via Marxism 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Quantum Experiment
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 09:47:13 +1300

It;s ironic that the outcome of this would be to objectively prove the
subjectivity of science :-)


On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 4:53 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> On 11/16/19 10:19 AM, Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism wrote:
> >
> > Louis,The subject is extremely interesting and I am working
> on the philosophical aspect of it.
> > But unfortunately, it requires subscription.
> > Can you post the text?
> > Vijaya Kumar M
> Vijaya, this was from Alternet, which does not have paywalls. In any case:
> Quantum physics: our study suggests objective reality doesn’t exist
> November 14, 2019 7.40am EST
> Authors
> Alessandro Fedrizzi
> Professor of Quantum Physics, Heriot-Watt University
> Massimiliano Proietti
> PhD Candidate of Quantum Physics, Heriot-Watt University
> Alternative facts are spreading like a virus across society. Now it
> seems they have even infected science – at least the quantum realm. This
> may seem counter intuitive. The scientific method is after all founded
> on the reliable notions of observation, measurement and repeatability. A
> fact, as established by a measurement, should be objective, such that
> all observers can agree with it.
> But in a paper recently published in Science Advances, we show that, in
> the micro-world of atoms and particles that is governed by the strange
> rules of quantum mechanics, two different observers are entitled to
> their own facts. In other words, according to our best theory of the
> building blocks of nature itself, facts can actually be subjective.
> Observers are powerful players in the quantum world. According to the
> theory, particles can be in several places or states at once – this is
> called a superposition. But oddly, this is only the case when they
> aren’t observed. The second you observe a quantum system, it picks a
> specific location or state – breaking the superposition. The fact that
> nature behaves this way has been proven multiple times in the lab – for
> example, in the famous double slit experiment (see video below).
> In 1961, physicist Eugene Wigner proposed a provocative thought
> experiment. He questioned what would happen when applying quantum
> mechanics to an observer that is themselves being observed. Imagine that
> a friend of Wigner tosses a quantum coin – which is in a superposition
> of both heads and tails – inside a closed laboratory. Every time the
> friend tosses the coin, they observe a definite outcome. We can say that
> Wigner’s friend establishes a fact: the result of the coin toss is
> definitely head or tail.
> Wigner doesn’t have access to this fact from the outside, and according
> to quantum mechanics, must describe the friend and the coin to be in a
> superposition of all possible outcomes of the experiment. That’s because
> they are “entangled” – spookily connected so that if you manipulate one
> you also manipulate the other. Wigner can now in principle verify this
> superposition using a so-called “interference experiment” – a type of
> quantum measurement that allows you to unravel the superposition of an
> entire system, confirming that two objects are entangled.
> When Wigner and the friend compare notes later on, the friend will
> insist they saw definite outcomes for each coin toss. Wigner, however,
> will disagree 

[Marxism] Chile: Abel Acuna presente

2019-11-17 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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The police – the “carabineros – killed another protester in Chile on Friday
night. I just found out.

Young Abel Acuña – all of 29 years old – collapsed on the ground from the
pwerful tear gas that the police where shooting. When the EMT’s arrived to
try to save him, the police shot at them,preventing them from saving his
life.. So young Abel died with his lungs full of gas.

Read article:

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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