[Marxism] Adolph Reed Jr. blows his cool

2020-06-14 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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Well, it was refreshing to see a maniac chime in. Man sure likes to write f**k 
in various forms. Shows he is more than a high-class professor. He is a man of 
the people.
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[Marxism] Adolph Reed Jr. blows his cool

2020-06-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(A comment from the professor emeritus on my blog post.)

I usually don’t do this sort of thing, and I suspect some reaction is 
what he wants. Nevertheless, Proyect’s dishonest — e.g. he should know 
the line that he attributes to Debs is wrong; see William P. Jones, 
“‘Nothing Special to Offer the Negro:’ Revisiting the ‘Debsian View’ of 
the Negro Question,” ILWCH (2008) — and puerile — e.g., he asserts that 
I “turn a cold shoulder toward the the protests of the George Floyd 
murder” while discussing a 2016 essay — but I need to say one for the 
record. I’m beyond sick and tired of sanctimonious white assholes — and 
this includes you, Michael Yates — denouncing me for not understanding 
or caring about racism in the United States. If one wants to go around 
finding instances of racism all around — and that’s your politics, not 
mine — the hubris that tack displays couldn’t be a clearer example of 
it. Neither of you, nor the others who play this game know a fucking 
thing about me, my history, views, practice or life. For instance, if 
Proyect read what I’ve written on the monuments controversy in New 
Orleans, he’d know that I largely grew up under Jim Crow and lived its 
indignities for much of my formative life. My point in the piece from 
which he cherry picks quotes was to caution about the fact that the 
monuments’ removal was being interpreted by governing elites as a 
validation of current forms of neoliberal inequality, which also have a 
disproportionate impact on black people. So you two, and all the rest of 
the cretins whose play on the internet includes denouncing me, Cedric 
Johnson — another, albeit much younger black Lousianan whose experience 
of racial injustice is direct and unmediated by books — and others as 
“class reductionists,” especially at this moment when race-first 
politics has generated nearly $2 billion (and counting) of corporate 
support, including from an outfit as transparently hideous as ALEC, can 
go fuck yourselves. That that goes double, and in spades, for the white 
ones for whom this game suggests that, if they really want to find 
racism, they should just look in the motherfucking mirror.

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