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New from Linux Beach:

      Charlie Rose: Is NYPD's John Miller Incompetent or Lying?

Dear Charlie Rose:

On your show, *CBS This Morning*, today NYPD's deputy commissioner of
intelligence and counterterrorism, and former CBS News senior
correspondent, *John Miller* said many things that angered me in his
discourse on the police murder of *Freddie Gray*, and one thing that I
found incredulous, he said
/"I've never heard of police 'rough rides'."/

Yet the term and practise are well known on the streets and in police
circles. A *Philadelphia Inquirer* investigation into the practise in
that city published in 2001 reported

    Top commanders acknowledge that rough rides are an enduring
    tradition in the department. The practice even has a name - "nickel
    ride," a term that harks back to the days when amusement-park rides
    cost 5 cents.

    An Inquirer investigation documented injuries to 20 people tossed
    around in wagons in recent years. Thompson was one of three who
    suffered spinal injuries, and one of two permanently paralyzed.

The *New York Times* wrote
yesterday about the phrase 'rough ride':

    The slang terms mask a dark tradition of police misconduct in which
    suspects, seated or lying face down and in handcuffs in the back of
    a police wagon
    are jolted and battered by an intentionally rough and bumpy ride
    that can do as much damage as a police baton without an officer
    having to administer a blow.

The *Baltimore Sun* wrote
about the type of injuries Freddie Gray suffered:

    For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a
    "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans
    are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed
    detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an
    expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.

I could go on citing sources on this till the sun sets, but you get the
picture. The term is well known and has a long history in law
enforcement and media circles and yet John Miller comes on national TV
and tells the world that he hasn't even heard the term!

So my question to you, Charlie Rose, is: Do you think he is really that
incompetent in matters of police intelligence or do you think he is lying?

I'll tell you what I think. I don't think John Miller is that stupid or
unaware. I think he is lying. I think he knows very well that Freddie
Gray was most likely a victim of police violence but John Miller honors
the police wall of silence. I think John Miller showed by telling this
lie that he is part of the problem. He lacks basic integrity. He doesn't
need to have any command authority in any police organization and you
shouldn't have him on your show if you value your reputation.


Clay Claiborne, a morning viewer
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