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This is an essay by retired autoworker, Tom Adams. It is a detailed account of 
corruption in the United Auto Worker union. Please share it.

The Reds who built and led the union; those who organized the sit-down strikes, 
especially the women whose actions outside the plants made the occupation 
successful; the black autoworkers who fought both companies and the UAW in the 
Revolutionary Union Movement that swept Detroit in the late 1960s; the young 
workers who sabotaged the assembly line at the Lordstown plant in Ohio in the 
1970s; the modern-day union dissidents like the late Jerry Tucker who were 
persecuted by the UAW leadership; Gregg Shotwell, who kept the fires of 
rank-and-file democracy burning for so many years----all of these and more 
should not have sacrificed so much just to see their union wallowing in 
criminality and dictatorial rule.

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