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Interesting profile on British classics scholar Mary Beard.

For all her openness to interaction, Beard has found it useful to respond to many of her critics personally and privately—to take the brawl inside. An early online experience was instructive. Just after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Beard was asked by the London Review of Books to contribute her thoughts. She argued, astringently, that it served little purpose to decry the attacks as “cowardly,” or to go no further in analyzing the motivations of the perpetrators than to call them terrorists: “There are very few people on the planet who devise carnage for the sheer hell of it. They do what they do for a cause; because they are at war.” The attacks needed to be understood not merely as an atrocity but as a response to Western foreign policy, and she alluded to a common sentiment in her community—“that, however tactfully you dress it up, the United States had it coming.” She received angry e-mails from correspondents who understood her to have callously suggested that the workers in the Twin Towers deserved to die.

full: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/09/01/troll-slayer
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