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It's been another busy week at Redline.  We've been getting up some
articles assessing the election outcome as well as more world economy
material, plus a major feature by veteran Israeli socialist Moshe Machover
on Zionism's continuing search for legitimacy (at the expense of the

I query whether the election outcome is at all a defeat for the left:

Daphna Whitmore looks at how alike Labour and National are in terms of
foreign policy:

Don Franks looks at why Labour wasn't worth any ticks from workers on
election day:

Andy Warren continues his digest of interesting items on the net over the
past week: http://rdln.wordpress.com/2014/09/30/9278/

Michael Roberts critiques claims that Keynesian economic theory can predict
and solve capitalist crises:

ISO is one of the far-left groups involved in Mana and its leadership
endorsed the Mana lash-up with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party.  This sparked
lively debate within the organisation.  We reprint (and welcome) the latest
contribution, this time by Shomi Yoon looking at class politics and the
problem of the InternetMana hook-up:

Veteran Israeli socialist Moshe Machover examines Zionist strategy:

In Australia, Corey Oakley looks at ISIS and imperialist hypocrisy:

And, as the NZ government and parliament discuss intervention, don't forget
Iranian Marxist Yassamine Mather's investigation of the origins and
politics of ISIS:

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