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We've referred to the dispossession of half the Syrian population
(around 12 million people) as a gigantic Nakbah for years, but many
probably viewed it as rhetorical flourish. "Naturally people flee
during war but they'll return later" etc. But we understood that the
very systematic way in which the regime destroyed entire cities and
entire parts of the country, the clear focus on murdering as many
civilians as possible over actually fighting rebels as such, as
evidence that counterrevolution, while the main aim of the regime's
war, was not the only aim, and our use of the term 'Nakbah' was quite
deliberate and carefully chosen. This has been clarified in actual
legislation by the Assad regime. "It has drawn parallels with laws
enacted in Lebanon after the civil war to seize land in central
Beirut, and the absentee property law in Israel in 1950 that legalised
seizures from Palestinians driven from their lands."

10m Syrians at risk of forfeiting homes under new property law


Assad confiscates homes of millions who fled war in Syria

Catherine Philp, Diplomatic Correspondent | Hannah Lucinda Smith, Istanbul

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