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> On Apr 1, 2017, at 9:19 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/vladimir-putin-russia-climate-change-not-caused-by-humans-echoes-us-trump-a7660941.html?
> <http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/vladimir-putin-russia-climate-change-not-caused-by-humans-echoes-us-trump-a7660941.html?>

Trump, Putin and the Pipelines to Nowhere
You can’t understand what Trump’s doing to America without understanding the 
“Carbon Bubble”
Alex Steffen
Dec 15, 2016

If you’re an American, you’re likely misinformed about the most dire crisis in 
our world.

American journalists, pundits and media executives have largely convinced 
themselves that climate change is not a serious political issue, because they 
think the polls tell them that. A majority of American voters regularly tell 
pollsters they don’t think climate change is a critically important election 
issue, so therefore the media decides it must not be an important political 
issue at all.

Unfortunately, that conventional wisdom blinds us to both to the actual bedrock 
reality of this era, and to — as I see it — the defining aim of the in-coming 
Trump administration: delaying climate action.

Trump has surrounded himself with more oil industry and oil industry connected 
people than any president in history (even George W. Bush). You can’t 
understand what’s going on with Trump unless you understand the oil industry… 
and you can’t understand the oil industry without understanding climate change.

Understanding Climate Change

In case you’re just joining us here on Earth, we’re making the planet hotter. 
The science is incontrovertible that by burning fossil fuels, we’re changing 
the planet’s climate. Because the consequences worsen dramatically as we emit 
more climate pollution and the planet gets hotter, every nation on Earth agreed 
last year in Paris to hold that temperature rise to two degrees Celsius (2ºC).

This means we must limit the total amount of CO2 and other greenhouse pollution 
we put into the sky: we have to meet a “carbon budget.” To meet that budget, we 
have to radically cut greenhouse gas emissions — burning way less oil, coal and 
gas — in the next two decades, and set the global economy on a steep path to 
zero emissions.

Again, the American media has failed to convey the magnitude of the costs of 
unchecked global warming. Those costs are profound already, today, as the 
Arctic heatwave, Syrian civil war, bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, 
worsening storms, droughts, wildfires and freak weather events all show. Those 
costs will only grow, and they will grow more dire, more quickly as the planet 

At the same time, the innovations we need to create zero-carbon prosperity are 
already here. From plummeting costs for solar, wind, electric vehicles and 
green buildings to better approaches to urban planning, agriculture and 
forestry, we already have the tools we need to start building a much more 
prosperous world, producing hosts of new companies and millions of jobs. 
Indeed, a giant building boom is what successful climate action looks like.

Because we have no real choice but to act — and, in fact, climate action will 
make most people not only safer, but better off — big changes are coming, far 
sooner than most Americans understand.

But some people totally understand: the ones who stand to lose money from these 

The Carbon Bubble

The need to keep within our global carbon budget means we must leave most of 
the coal, oil and gas on the planet unburnt.

But also, we’ve already set in motion extremely serious climate change. Even if 
we act decisively now, we will be wrestling with the impacts of that pollution 
for centuries. So one half of our task is to become zero-carbon societies, but 
the other is to ruggedize in the face of worsening problems, in many cases by 
abandoning places that cannot be saved and practices that cannot be continued.

Here’s the blunt reality: the pressure to cut emissions and respond to a 
changing climate are going to alter what we do and don’t see as valuable. 
Climate action will trigger an enormous shift in the way we value things.

If we can’t burn oil, it’s not worth very much. If we can’t defend coastal real 
estate from rising seas (or even insure it, for that matter), it’s not worth 
very much. If the industrial process a company owns exposes them to future 
climate litigation, it’s not worth very much. The value of those assets is 
going to plummet, inevitably… and likely, soon.

Currently, though, these assets are valued very highly. Oil is seen as hugely 
valuable, coastal real estate is seen as hugely valuable, industrial patents 
are seen as hugely valuable.

When there’s a large difference between how markets think assets should be 
valued and what they are (or will) actually be worth, we call it a “bubble.”

Experts now call the differences between valuations and worth in fossil fuel 
corporations, climate-harmful industries and vulnerable physical assets the 
“Carbon Bubble.” It is still growing.

And here’s the thing about bubbles: they always pop.

People whose job it is to measure risk in financial markets are extremely 
concerned about the magnitude of the Carbon Bubble and the damage it will do as 
it bursts. Because when it bursts, trillions of dollars of imaginary assets 
will simply vanish in a very short time.

Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England and chair of the Financial 
Stability Board — the global institution designed to try to prevent market 
panics and crashes — gave a bombshell talk at Lloyds last year, saying he 
thought letting the Carbon Bubble continue to grow exposed global markets to a 
risk on the level of the 2007 subprime crisis.

In other words, one of the most knowledgeable financial authorities on the 
planet has come to think that the difference between what the high-carbon part 
of the economy is priced at and what it’s worth is so enormous that letting it 
grow and then suddenly pop could crash financial markets worldwide.

And he’s far from alone. Scores of experts warn that the Carbon Bubble is one 
of the biggest threats to the global economy. The way to increase the 
resilience of global markets, they say, is to act on climate, but to do so with 
bold-yet-predictable pacing. If we do that — they say — we will still see the 
Carbon Bubble deflate, but markets should be able to adjust, and panic can be 
avoided. Climate action will stave off financial disaster as well ecological 

This is a win-win for everyone, except those heavily invested in those Carbon 
Bubble assets now. For these investors, the Carbon Bubble is a good thing: the 
longer it lasts, the more they reap the benefit of high valuations and large 
dividends. For them, the larger the Carbon Bubble swells, the more money they 

The Perception War

There is no long game in high-carbon industries. Their owners know this. They 
don’t need a long game, though: their investment horizons are years (or even 
months), not decades. Investors don’t even need successful companies, actually 
— as we’ve seen time and time again with hostile takeovers, pump-and-dumps, 
stock buybacks and other financial looting tactics. All they need is the 
perception of the inevitability of future profit, today. That’s what keeps 
valuations high.

Here’s something critical it took me a long time (and the patience of a few 
smart friends) to understand: the Carbon Bubble will pop not when high-carbon 
practices become impossible, but when their profits cease to be seen as 

As it becomes clear that these assets will not produce profit in the future, 
their valuations will drop — even if the businesses that own them continue to 
function for years. The value of oil companies will collapse long before the 
last barrel of oil is burned; the value of beachfront hotels will collapse long 
before rising tides flood their lobbies.

Put another way: The pop comes when people understand that growth in these 
industries is over and that, in fact, these industries are now going to 
contract. That’s when investors start pulling out and looking for safer bets. 
As investors begin to flee these companies, others realize more devaluation is 
on the way, so they want to get out before the drop: a trickle of divestment 
becomes a flood and the price collapses. What triggers the drop is investors 
ceasing to believe the company has a strong future.

Because that risk already exists, the pop is way closer than most people 

A crisis in investor confidence is the biggest threat to fossil fuel companies 
— not environmentalists, regulations, clean energy competitors or climate 

The Carbon Lobby and the Trump Gang

For high-carbon industries to continue to be attractive investments, then, they 
must spin a tale of future growth. They must make potential investors believe 
that even if there is a Carbon Bubble, it is decades away from popping — that 
their high profits today will continue for the foreseeable future, so their 
stock is worth buying.

How would you maintain this confidence?

• You’d dispute climate science — making scientists’ predictions seem less 
certain in the public mind— and work to gut the capacity of scientists to 
continue their work (by, for instance, defunding NASA’s Earth Sciences program).
• You’d attack global climate agreements, making them look unstable and weak, 
and thus unlikely to impact your businesses.
• You’d attack low-carbon competitors politically, attempting to portray the 
evidence that they can replace high-carbon industries as fraudulent (or at 
least overly idealistic).
• You’d use every leverage point to slow low-carbon industrial progress — for 
example, by continuing massive subsidies to oil and gas companies, while 
attacking programs to develop new energy sources.
• You’d support putting a price on carbon, since this makes you look moderate 
and engaged, but you’d make sure that the definition of a “reasonable” price on 
carbon was so low and took so long to implement that it was no real threat to 
your business, and at worst would replace the dirtiest fossil fuels with others 
(switching for example from coal to gas).
• You would ally with extremists and other sources of anti-democratic power, in 
order to be able to fight democratic efforts to cut emissions through the 
application of threats, instability and violence.
• Most of all, you’d invest as heavily as possible in new infrastructure and 
supply. For oil and gas companies, this means new exploration and new 
pipelines. Why would you do this, if you know you may have to abandon these 
assets before they’ve paid off? Two reasons: First, it sends a signal of 
confidence to markets that you expect to continue to grow in the future. 
Second, it’s politically harder to force companies to abandon expensive 
investments than it is to prevent those systems from being built in the first 
place — the mere existence of a pipeline becomes an argument for continuing to 
use it. This, too, bolsters investor confidence. (Note that whether these 
assets are eventually abandoned or not is of little concern to current 
investors looking to delay devaluations).

Here’s the kicker: If you were going to put in place a presidential 
administration that was dedicated to taking these actions, it would look 
exactly like what we have now: a cabinet and chief advisors in which nearly 
every member is a climate denialist with ties to the Carbon Lobby.

Trump wants ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be his Secretary of State. You 
might remember that Exxon has been a main driver of climate denialism, as well 
as being one the largest polluters in history. Tillerson also has close ties 
with Vladimir Putin.

Not long ago, Tillerson was quoted as saying “The world is going to have to 
continue using fossil fuels, whether they like it or not.” Think that one over. 
This is the man who would be America’s face to the world.

Trump has also put forward a host of other appointees who are overt climate 
denialists and generally also have financial ties to industries threatened by 
the Carbon Bubble. These include Rick Perry, Trump’s choice for Secretary of 
Energy and a close ally of Big Oil; Scott Pruitt (EPA Administrator — a 
virulent climate denialist); Nikki Haley (U.N. Ambassador, also known for 
suppressing climate science as Governor); Steve Bannon (Chief Strategist, and 
just generally gross); Ryan Zinke (Secretary of Interior — who strongly 
supports more oil and gas exploration on public lands): Jeff Sessions (Attorney 
General and climate regulation opponent); Elaine Chao (Secretary of 
Transportation,  who will be tasked with getting a huge fossil fuel 
infrastructure plan through Congress, working with her husband, Mitch 
McConnell); James Mattis (Secretary of Defense, who is not a denialist but does 
have oil industry ties); Michael Flynn (National Security Advisor — and former 
oil industry lobbyist); Larry Kudlow (Council of Economic Advisors — a climate 
denialist and frequent defender of the Koch brothers); Wilbur Ross (Commerce 
Secretary — holds “hundreds of millions of dollars” in oil and gas 
investments); even Betsy DeVos (Education Secretary) is sister to Blackwater 
founder Erik Prince, who is investing heavily in African oil and gas fields, 
“places where he thinks his expertise in providing logistics and security can 
give him a competitive edge.”

This is a cabinet custom-built to protect carbon industry investors… 
especially, perhaps, one.

No One Cares More about the Carbon Bubble than Putin

Trump’s ties to Russian espionage suddenly make more sense in this light.

If you were going to ask why a country like Russia would risk a war to 
interfere with American politics, look at what the Russian economy is.

Russia is a petrostate. It’s the number one gas exporter and number two oil 
exporter in the world, but its economy is otherwise stagnant and out-of-date. 
Those oil and gas assets are controlled by a small number of oligarchs gathered 
around Putin, the former head of the KGB. Those oligarchs may be the one group 
of investors who stands to lose the most from the popping of the Carbon Bubble.

Russia’s major national asset is their potential to develop Arctic oil fields 
opened up by climate change — which won’t happen if investors pull out of oil. 
If it’s obvious that this oil is unburnable, there’s no point in building all 
those oil-drilling platforms and pipelines. But if the perception is that the 
Carbon Bubble won’t pop for decades, then getting one’s hands on millions of 
barrels of Arctic oil will pump valuations way up. By one estimate, these oil 
fields could be worth at least $500 billion.

I don’t have any special insight into what Russia did or didn’t do, but if 
you’re looking for a reason why they would want to disrupt our election, 
there’s 500 billion of them.

Now, add in all the other Bubble-expanding projects and ploys, pipelines and 
hotels, and you begin to see the magnitude of the scam here. The difference 
between the Carbon Bubble deflating rapidly now and popping spectacularly in a 
decade or more could mean literally trillions more dollars in profits for the 
kind of people now helicoptering into Washington.

But that same delay would also bring on climate catastrophe, damage our 
democracy and bring financial ruin for the investors who are left holding those 
assets when the bubble pops. If history is any guide, those investors will be 
pensions and mutual funds and small timers — in other words, regular people.

It is not hyperbole to say that swelling the Carbon Bubble is not only not in 
the interests of the United States, it increases threats to our economy and 
national security, puts Americans at risk, undermines our prosperity and 
weakens our nation. It’s hard to call defending high carbon interests anything 
but unpatriotic.

People who are looking to understand what the Trump gang is up to would do well 
to consider his gang’s actions through the lens of the Carbon Bubble. 
Understand that the amounts of money at stake are vast, nearly inconceivable to 
most of us, and highly concentrated in the hands of the people in Trump’s 
cabinet and their close friends and business allies.

Journalists are unused to thinking about climate change as being an economic 
and financial issue — much less the core political issue of our day — so for a 
lot of us this whole problem is invisible, despite the credibility of everyone 
pointing it out. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, frankly, because we are so 
cognitively unprepared to see the Bubble in front of us. That we are so blind 
to these risks is a tragedy.

We need to focus: The most serious political fight on the planet — the need to 
end use of coal, oil and gas — is at the center of America’s current political 


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