
One of the great fears about asking a question is to have too many 
too long replies. So can I ask the most difficult question which 
merits the lengthist of answers BUT to ask for only a *brief* reply.

The question is: What are we waiting for?

What do comrades consider is the MOST IMPORTANT single obstacle to 
revolution at the present time? Are we waiting for a further decline 
in the Far Eastern economies? A counter-counter revolution in Russia? 
A all-American or EU-wide general strike? A increased radicalism of 
direct action environmental campaigns globally? Or will Capitalism 
continue to stregthen as the Chinese market is further opened up and 
reformist wings continue to dominate most national movements? Will a 
continued escualtion in trade wars and regional disputes between the 
major Imperialist powers lead to a re-run of 1914? Or a country 
such as Brazil, the Phillipines or Indonesia having a revolution will 
greatly weaken Imperialism and offer new hope to workers everywhere 
proving that Marxism is not dead?

Remember it is just the question of what is the most significant hold-
up to what I presume everyone still expects is an eventual 
revolutionary situation.

That should be enough to get you going.

John Walker

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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