Hugh playing the little drummer boy for Livinstone from the "left" certainly must be a 
new chapter in the book of both entrism and critical support. Basically the latter 
linked to the former.

In other words if it moves support it.

Rob on the other hand compares it with Tuberculosis or cancer.

I would rather say from a scratch to gangrene..

Seems our thaxians are grasping at any straw these days .

I think it is because they don't have a grounded historical analisis of the present 
period and where we are going. 
PS below is a reply on asps regarding the present pimp section of the english left and 
Livingstone which passes in to the present discussion on this subject here at thaxis.

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

Andrew send the below to me a day after he sent it to asps and obviously wants a 
reply. So below is my reply..

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Re: Lilttle drummer boys for Livingstone!
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 13:57:26 +1300
From: "Andrew Campkin's News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bob Malecki wrote in message ...
>It is going to be interesting to watch our "English" leftists play the
>electoralist drummerboy for Livingstone. I see that the saliva is
>already turning to foam as they play public advertisement agency for
>Livingstone here on the net.
Its going to be interesting to see the next example of Spartacist
sectarianism.  Does Malecki have no idea about the tactic of critical
support to some one?  It will also be interesting to see the foam flecks
flying at the WV offices.  I suggest Malecki and his spart mates see Lenin's
"Left Wing Communism - an Infantile [Spartacist] Disorder"

Andrew Campkin

Opportunists of all sorts drag out this particular aspect of Lenin in order to cover 
there own motion to the right and in this case the SWP as well as others on the 
english left have a long history of liquidating any kind of revolutionary politics in 
favor of tailing labour in England.

In fact the entire left went out of its way to support Blair in the last elections and 
now are taking up the cross for Livingstone who basis his campaign on two fundamental 

The single issue of the London Underground and completely disassociating himself from 
his would be supporters on the "left".

Here I would suggest the banner. "Yes to collective traffic,No vote to the anti 
communist Livingstone!"

While at the same time arguing for massive strike action against privatization plans.

Meanwhile fighting for a full program of transitional demands not only against the 
third way of Blair but the traditionalists wannabes who at best want to go back to the 
good old days. Well the good old days are dead forever because of the fundamental 
historic fact in regards to the destruction of the former Soviet Union.

Over and above this...

I suggest that you read some Trotsky on both entrism and the issue of critical 

None of our "Trotskyists" supporters of Livingstone seem to pass into the above but 
far more so as left agents and PR pimps for this putrid bureaucrat who at present has 
become their darling. 

Above and beyond this the tactic of critical support by these revisionists has become 
its opposite. Not and instrument to break a section of labor towards revolutionary 
politics but to tail reformist politicsand become little drummer boys for 
Livingstone's ideas of at best socialism in one city based on the reformist demands of 
collective traffic.

Naturally we support state run collective traffic from privatization. However this 
does not mean that one becomes a pimp for the likes of Livingstone.

Wanna bet that the "left" not only will water down there politics even more to be a 
part of the movement? 

In reality communists should be exposing both the Blairites and Livingstone for there 
rotten politics while putting forth there own program of a solution to the situation.

The truth is that programatically it is the fake Trootskyists of all colors who have 
liquidated any serious revolutionary politics in order to become at best a pressure 
group on labor.

Interestingly enough the entire left and foremost the SWP who are now foaming at the 
mouth over Livingstone completely ignored the real possibility of a deep split in the 
previous elections. 

But the anti communist anti socialist campaign of Livingstone which they are begging 
to be a part of only shows how long they themselves are prepared to go in order to 
become "respectable" socialists.

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

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