I didn't see it in the article below, but Dobby was an assistant
prosecutor of the Nazis at the Nuremburg trials.


Legendary Lawyer Doris Brin Walker Dies; Represented
Angela Davis, Smith Act Defendants

Aug 16, 2009 By Marjorie Cohn

Marjorie Cohn's ZSpace Page / ZSpace

Doris "Dobby" Brin Walker, the first woman president of
the National Lawyers Guild, died on August 13 at the
age of 90. Doris was a brilliant lawyer and a tenacious
defender of human rights. The only woman in her
University of California Berkeley law school class,
Doris defied the odds throughout her life, achieving
significant victories for labor, and political

Doris' legal and political activism spanned several
decades and some of the most turbulent but significant
periods in US history. She organized workers, fought
against Jim Crow and McCarthyism, was active in the
civil rights and anti-Vietnam War movements, and
actively opposed the current wars in Iraq and

At UCLA, Doris became a marxist. After she was sworn in
as a member of the California State Bar, Doris joined
the Communist Party USA, remaining a member until her
death. Upon graduation from law school, Doris began
practicing labor law; but a few years later, she went
to work in California canneries as a labor organizer.
When Cutter Labs fired Doris in 1956, the case was
appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. Although the
Court refused to hear the case, Justice Douglas, joined
in dissent by Chief Justice Warren and Justice Black,
wrote, "The blunt truth is that Doris Walker is not
discharged for misconduct but either because of her
legitimate labor union activities or because of her
political ideology or belief. Belief cannot be
penalized consistently with the First Amendment . . .
The Court today allows belief, not conduct, to be
regulated. We sanction a flagrant violation of the
First Amendment when we allow California, acting
through her highest court, to sustain Mrs. Walker's
discharge because of her belief."

Doris returned to the practice of law and represented
people charged under the Alien Registration Act of 1940
(the Smith Act) in California. The Act required all
resident aliens to register with the government,
enacted procedures to facilitate deportation, and made
it a crime for any person to knowingly or willfully
advocate the overthrow of the government by force or
violence. The work of Doris and other NLG lawyers led
to Yates v. United States, in which the Supreme Court
overturned the convictions of Smith Act defendants in
1957. After Yates, the government never filed another
prosecution under the Smith Act.

During the McCarthy era, Doris was called to testify
before the House Un-American Activities Committee and
she also represented several HUAC witnesses. From 1956
to 1961, Doris successfully defended William and Sylvia
Powell, who faced the death penalty, against Korean War
sedition charges. The US government charged that
articles Powell had written reporting and criticizing
US biological weapons use in Korea were false and
written with intent to hinder the war effort. When a
mistrial ended the sedition case, the government
charged the Powells with treason. Attorney General
Robert Kennedy dismissed the case in 1961.

A partner with the NLG firm of Treuhaft & Walker in
Oakland, California from 1961 to 1977, Doris' practice
focused on civil rights, free speech and draft cases
during the Vietnam War. She also defended death penalty
cases. Perhaps best known for her defense of Angela
Davis, Doris was part of a legal team that secured
Angela's acquittal on charges of murder, kidnapping and
conspiracy. In that case, which Harvard Professor
Charles Ogletree in 2005 called "clearly the trial of
the 20th century, and one that exemplified the vast and
diverse talents of the true Dream Team of the legal
profession," the defense pioneered the use of jury

Doris was elected president of the NLG in 1970 after a
bruising battle during which one opponent labeled her
"a man in a woman's skirt." She paved the way for the
election of five women NLG presidents in the ensuing

Serving as Vice President of the International
Association of Democratic Lawyers from 1970 to 1978,
Doris supported the struggles of victims of U.S.
imperialism throughout the world and was instrumental
in the development of international human rights law.
In 1996, Doris served as one of eight international
observers at the South African Truth and Reconciliation
Commission hearings led by Desmond Tutu.

In 2004, Doris submitted a resolution on behalf of the
NLG Bay Area Chapter to the Conference of Delegates of
the California Bar Association asking for an
investigation of representations the Bush
administration used to justify the war in Iraq, for
possible impeachment.

Noted writer Jessica Mitford and Doris were close
friends for years; Jessica was married to Robert
Truehaft, Doris' law partner. When Doris invited
Jessica to join the Communist Party, the latter
replied, "We thought you'd never ask!" There is
speculation that author J.K. Rowling, who cited Jessica
as her main literary influence, named her Harry Potter
house elf "Dobby" after seeing Dobby Walker's name in
Jessica's books. On a recent visit to her home, Doris
showed me the Dobby references in works by Jessica on
her bookshelf.

Doris frequently called me with her concerns and
opinions about the issues of the day and in the NLG.
She remained intensely engaged in politics until the
day she died.

Doris "Dobby" Walker inspired generations of
progressive lawyers, law students and legal workers to
struggle unrelentingly for justice and equality. She
was a friend, comrade and role model to scores of
people in and out of the NLG. We will never see the
likes of her again.

Marjorie Cohn is president of the National Lawyers
Guild and a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of
Law. She is the author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the
Bush Gang Has Deifed the Law and co-author of Rules of
Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military
Dissent. Her anthology, The United States of Torture:
America's Past and Present Policy of Interrogation and
Abuse, will be published next year by NYU Press. See

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