Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on

2016-11-08 Thread DW via Marxism
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Marx (and his US supporters in the Communist League) supported the
Republicans because they represented a *revolutionary democratic* solution
to slavery. This was in a period when Marx considered capitalism
"progressive" against the slavocracy which represented a wholly different
political economy.

It is absolutely historically GROTESQUE to compare voting for Abraham
Lincoln to Hillary Clinton. Are you stark raving mad, Thomas?

David Walters
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Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on

2016-11-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/8/16 9:38 AM, DW via Marxism wrote:

It is absolutely historically GROTESQUE to compare voting for Abraham
Lincoln to Hillary Clinton. Are you stark raving mad, Thomas?

Maybe I am missing something but Thomas cited an entirely different 
article by Marx that strictly opposed voting for bourgeois candidates:
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Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on

2016-11-07 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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What!  Didn't Marx favor voting for Louis Napoleon to keep the
reactionaries from taking power? At the very time Marx was writing this,
Horace Greeley was yowling in the New York Tribune that voting for an
abolitionist party rather than the Whigs aided only the proslavery
Democrats (as though the Whigs weren't proslavery in their own right).

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Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on

2016-11-07 Thread Thomas via Marxism
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“Even In Constituencies Where There Is No Prospect Of Our Candidate Being 
Elected, The Workers Must Nevertheless Put Up Candidates In Order To Maintain 
Their Independence”

“They Must Not Allow Themselves To Be Diverted From This Work By The Stock 
Argument That To Split The Vote Of The Democrats Means Assisting The 
Reactionary Parties”

March 1850 By Karl Marx, Address of the Central Committee to the Communist 
League [Excerpts]

With a view to checking the power and the growth of big capital, the democratic 
party demands a reform of the laws of inheritance and legacies, likewise the 
transfer of the public services and as many industrial undertakings as possible 
to the state and municipal authorities.

As for the workingmen – well, they should remain wage workers: for whom, 
however, the democratic party would procure higher wages, better labor 
conditions, and a secure existence.

The democrats hope to achieve that partly through state and municipal 
management and through welfare institutions. In short, they hope to bribe the 
working class into quiescence and thus to weaken their revolutionary spirit by 
momentary concessions and comforts.

The democratic demands can never satisfy the party of the proletariat.

While the democratic petty bourgeoisie would like to bring the revolution to a 
close as soon as their demands are more or less complied with, it is our and 
our task to make the revolution permanent, to keep it going until all the 
ruling and possessing classes are deprived of power, the governmental machinery 
occupied by the proletariat, and the organization of the working classes of all 
lands is so far advanced that all rivalry and competition among themseIves has 
ceased until the more important forces of production are concentrated in the 
hands of the proletarians

With us it is not a matter of reforming private property, but of abolishing it; 
not of hushing up class antagonism, but of abolishing the classes; not of 
ameliorating the existing society, but of establishing a new one.

Even in constituencies where there is no prospect of our candidate being 
elected, the workers must nevertheless put up candidates in order to maintain 
their independence, to steel their forces, to gauge their own strength and to 
bring their revolutionary position and party views before the public

They must not allow themselves to be diverted from this work by the stock 
argument that to split the vote of the democrats means assisting the 
reactionary parties.

All such talk is but calculated to cheat the proletariat.

The advance which the Proletarian Party will make through its independent 
political attitude is infinitely more important than the disadvantages of 
having a few more reactionaries in the national representation.

The gist of the matter is this: In case of an attack on a common adversary no 
special union is necessary; in the fight with such an enemy the interests of 
both parties, the middle-class democrats and the working-class party, coincide 
for the moment, and both parties will carry it on by a temporary understanding.

This was so in the past, and will be so in the future.

It is a matter of course that in the future sanguinary conflicts, as in all 
previous ones, the workingmen by their courage, resolution, and self-sacrifice, 
will form the main force in the attainment of victory.

As hitherto, so in the coming struggle, the petty bourgeoisie as a whole will 
maintain an attitude of delay, irresolution, and inactivity as long as 
possible, in order that, as soon as victory is assured, they may arrogate it to 
themselves and call upon the workers to remain quiet, return to work, avoid 
so-called excesses, and thus to shut off the workers from the fruits of victory.


-Original Message-
>From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>Sent: Nov 7, 2016 4:39 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to 
>Louis on
>On 11/7/16 4:31 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:
>> Personally I don't think the Stein campaign is of great importance, but
>> this piece also takes on broader questions of Syria and the (Western)
>> left, and the way principles can be so easily compromised.
>Jeff, I have no idea of what your connection to Marxism is but when you 
>speak of principles, there is none more sacrosanct that refusing to vote 
>for bourgeois parties. All you need to do is read V.I. Lenin on the 
>Cadets. The fact that Clay was so com

Re: [Marxism] Clay Claiborne on Syria and Jill Stein, responding to Louis on

2016-11-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/7/16 4:31 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

Personally I don't think the Stein campaign is of great importance, but
this piece also takes on broader questions of Syria and the (Western)
left, and the way principles can be so easily compromised.

Jeff, I have no idea of what your connection to Marxism is but when you 
speak of principles, there is none more sacrosanct that refusing to vote 
for bourgeois parties. All you need to do is read V.I. Lenin on the 
Cadets. The fact that Clay was so completely isolated on Marxmail should 
give you an idea of where people stand.

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