>This is interesting.  I'd never heard of setting a manual window size
>on any version of Unix.  All the ones I'd used before had reasonable
>defaults for the TCP window size.  Why doesn't Linux?  Why make
>everybody figure it out for themselves?

Linux assumes a base line for EVERYTHING.  Do you have a fast UDMA
IDE hard drive?  You aren't using its full potential!  You need to 
either tweak the kernel or use HDPARAM to get the full speed out 
of your IDE drives.

A LOT of other tweaks apply for SCSI stuff, video, network, etc.  
Check out a LOT of the *.h files in the kernel source's "drivers
" dir.  A lot of performance stuff is disabled by default to make 
initial Linux boots VERY reliable.

>This is true enough for 2.0 kernels.  I just recently moved to the 2.1
>kernel set, because I needed support for a 16650 UART serial port, which
>2.0 doesn't seem to support at all (at least, not using the FIFO's on
>the chip).  In 2.1, when I use the "setserial spd_vhi" command, the
>console spits out that the use of this command is "deprecated". 

"Rrrrreeeeaaallllyyyy"... Hmmm.. news to me.  I've been meaning to
goto 2.1.x for a while but the conversion to IPCHAINS is gonna be
a pain.  Also.. my Dell laptop does NOT want to make a 2.1.108+ 
kernel work with PCMCIA cards.  Can you say crash?

|  David A. Ranch - Remote Access/Linux/PC hardware      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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