Hoi Masq,

I have set up a linux box to connect our local win95(sorry) network to
internet via a slip connection using a cable modem. And everything
works, except email. (for the detectives among you: I'am sending this
from my own computer temporarily connected with the cable modem)
Here's the setup:

local machines(win95):   linux box:                   ISP\eth                          slip
              |--- 195.96.12x.x--------

And I use IPFWADM to set default forwarding accept and masquerading (i
know, i know) and use DIALD to set up the connection(currently
*ALWAYS* up)
My kernel is version 2.0.35 and I use IPFWADM 2.3.0 . I have made all
the modules and turned on the option ICMP masquerading in kernel

Like I said, everything works, even receiving email! BUT, whenever I
want to send email, whatever emailclient I use, it fails. I use the
SMTP server of the ISP but I have tried several other SMTP servers
with the same result. The emailclient I regulary use gives this output
when I send mail: logging on to server, sending message header,
sending message text and when the status bar reaches 100% it just
So I logged on to the server (=linux box) en did a NETSTAT, and this
is what it said:

Proto Recv.-Q Send-Q Local Address                Foreign Address          State
tcp   1       0      8dyn25.delft.casema.net:auth sun4000.casema.net:45710 Time Wait

When I use the cable modem on my personal computer it works fine! (You
reading this email proofs it)
Does anybody recognizes this problem? Please help me out here, because
I ran out of ideas...



If scientific reasoning were limited to the logical processes of arithmetic, we should 
not get very far in our understanding of the physical world.  One might as well 
attempt to grasp the game of poker entirely by the use of the mathematics of 
probability. -- Vannevar Bush

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