Released today by the New Media Consortium.

Electronic publishing as it relates to museums is one of info tech trends 

Full List

1. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

2. Crowdsourcing

3. Electronic Publishing

4. Location-Based Services

5. Natural User Interfaces

6. Preservation and Conservation Technologies

Full Text


Short List

E-Publishing is Listed in the 2-3 years to Adoption Section and summarized this 

"Already firmly established in the consumer sector, electronic publishing is 
redefining the boundaries between print and digital, still image and video, 
passive and interactive. Modern digital workflows support almost any form in 
which content might appear, from traditional print to digital, web, video, and 
even interactive content.

Building in the full spectrum of potential publishing avenues - print, web, 
video, mobiles and tablets, and interactives - from the beginning is not only a 
way to streamline production overall, but also to increase the reach of the 
materials produced by leveraging the content over a wide range of media.

If the first revolution in electronic publishing was making publishing 
platforms accessible to anyone, the next phase is the linking of these 
platforms together to produce new combinations and new types of content. New 
concepts like the Online Scholarly Catalog Initiative

(OSCI) and Responsive Design will allow that content to be easily archived as 
well as ported to any device"


Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

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