Today's the day (Nov.9) a revised proposed settlement from Google, the Authors 
Guild and the Association of American Publishers is to be released.
Just in time for MCN 2009.  This, from MCN 2009 speaker Peter Brantley:

The Open Book Alliance is issuing the following baseline requirements that the 
new settlement proposal must meet if it is to achieve those critical 
objectives.  These requirements reflect the collective expression of concerns 
by the U.S. Department of Justice, authors, publishers, academics, libraries, 
foreign nations, state Attorneys General, consumer advocacy groups, and many 
others, and thus we think it appropriate to review the revised settlement 
within this framework.  As we saw with the first attempt, a revised settlement 
proposal that does not meet or exceed these requirements will threaten the 
rights of all, the livelihoods of many, and the rule of law. If "Settlement 
2.0" repeats the same fundamental flaws, it should meet the same fate as the 
original settlement proposal.

 *   The settlement must not grant Google an exclusive set of rights (de facto 
or otherwise) or result in any one entity gaining control over access to and 
distribution of the world's largest digital database of books.
 *   Authors and other rights holders must retain meaningful rights and the 
ability to determine the use of their works that have been scanned by Google.
 *   The settlement must result in the creation of a true digital library that 
grants all researchers and users, commercial and non-commercial, full access 
that guarantees the ability to innovate on the knowledge it contains.
 *   All class members must be treated equitably.
 *   The settlement cannot provide for competition by making others engage in 
future litigation.
 *   Congress must retain the exclusive authority granted by the U.S. 
Constitution to set copyright policy.
 *   All rights holders impacted by the settlement must have a meaningful 
ability to receive notice, understand its terms and opt-out.
 *   The parties that negotiated the settlement must live under the terms to 
which they seek to bind others, rather than their own separately negotiated 

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