In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi   Civilians Slaughtered In America's War?  As Many As   250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In
America's War 2385

Cost of America's War in Iraq $274,930,301,614


Worldwide Terror Attacks Exceed 10,000

The numbers are a striking reminder that violence around the globe has
dramatically increased in the more than four years of the "war on terror".


'Diplomatic' Terrorism

I think we have reason to be grateful, at least on this one occasion, for
our president's crudity. His bluntness is a blessing. Now we know that,
stripped of its moral pretensions, its "strategic doctrines," and its
highfalutin' rhetoric, American foreign policy is nuclear blackmail, pure
and simple.

In the interest of parsimony, both budgetary and literary, let us dispense
with the high-flown policy pronouncements, communiqués, and other effluvia
of diplomatic parlance, and boil it down to a simple statement of
unmistakable clarity:Defy us and we'll destroy you.


The US Gulag Prison System

Today the US shamelessly has more people behind bars than any other nation
including China with over 4 times our population


The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics

Soon after revelations concerning Bush administration prior knowledge of
the 9/11 attacks ("Memogate"), a number of well-known media "liberals" and
"progressives" launched a heavy-handed series of broadsides against
independent 9/11 researchers who had been developing alternative theories
in response to the deeply flawed and fraudulent official story. Why would
they do this, at precisely the point that the Bush administration was
clearly sweating bullets and in deep trouble?


9/11: 30 Percent Of Gitmo Cleared To Go But US Hasn't Arranged Travel Home

Nearly 30 percent of the Guantanamo detainees have been cleared to leave
the prison but remain jailed because the U.S. government has been unable to
arrange for their return to their home countries, thePentagon said on Friday.

Of these 141 detainees among the 490 still at Guantanamo, various military
reviews have cleared 22 to be freed in their home countries and the
remaining 119 for transfer to the control of their home governments.


Bush's lame-duck presidency is stuck in its bubble

The further along U.S. presidents are in their second term, the more lame
duck they become, the more chickens come home to roost, and the more they
govern in a bubble.

U.S. President George W. Bush finds himself ensnared by the "ducks,
chickens and bubbles" dilemmas, without any easy way out. He's not the
first president to find his power and popularity ebbing in the second term
­ in recent years, think of Ronald Reagan and the Iran-Contra scandal, or
Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.


Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution

George W. Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's
permission to defend America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without
having to ask Congress? A new Congressional resolution being drafted by
Representative Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, can be a vehicle to
remind Bush that he can't.


Rice hints at “coalition of the willing” to tackle Iran

“The world wants Iran to adhere to its obligations and that's why the
United States, in coordination with its allies, is seeking and probably
will have to seek Security Council resolution to that effect”, she added.

What are Iran's "Obligations"? Under the Nuclear Non_proliferation Treaty
Iran has the right, recognized by the other signers including the US, to
develop nuclear technology for power generation, and to refine and process
their own nuclear fuel for those power stations. In 20 years of
inspections, nobody has uncovered any evidence that Iran is doing anything
other than building power stations.


Support This Bill: Illinois General Assembly : President Bush-Impeachment

This bill: Urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the U. S. House
of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the
President of the United States, George W. Bush, for willfully violating his
Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the
United States and if found guilty urges his removal from office and
disqualification to hold any other office in the United States.


BREAKING | Condoleezza Rice Implicated in New Leak Scandal

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice leaked national defense information to
a pro-Israel lobbyist in the same manner that landed a lower-level Pentagon
official a 12-year prison sentence, the lobbyist's lawyer said Friday.


Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least
150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II.



Iraqi authorities are illegally detaining thousands of people, the United
Nations` senior human rights official for the country said on Friday, and
also urged the US-led coalition to charge or release its prisoners.

Welcome to 'democracy in Iraq', American style!


The One Certainty About Iraq: Spiraling Costs for Americans

Remember when Bush said that Iraq's oil would pay for the war and
rebuilding? Well, that was another of his whoppers.

So, are you going to let your future and your children's futures be
mortgaged to the hilt for an illegal war started with lies? Are you going
to continue to be sheep under a government of wolves?


CIA Official: White House Ignored No-WMD Intel Before Iraq Invasion... The
Policy Was Set

A CIA official who had a top role during the run-up to the Iraqi war
charges the White House with ignoring intelligence that said there were no
weapons of mass destruction or an active nuclear program in Iraq.

The former highest ranking CIA officer in Europe, Tyler Drumheller, also
says that while the intelligence community did give the White House some
bad intelligence, it also gave the White House good intelligence — which
the administration chose to ignore.

Translation: Bush lied this country into war.


Ex - CIA Agent Says WMD Intelligence Ignored

The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six
months before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion but was ignored by a White House
intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said
according to CBS.

Only a teaser unless you register, but still an important story in that
this confirms that Bush KNEW Iraq did not have the weapons of mass
destruction that he told you they did.

In other words, the defense that Bush meant well and that the claim that
there were 'nookular' bombs in Iraq was never a simple "honest" mistake,
but an outright boldfaced lie with malice aforethought.

Bush lied.


Ex-Official: White House Ignored Doubts About Iraq

The former chief of the CIA's European operation is accusing the White
House of ignoring the spy agency's doubts that Iraq had a budding nuclear
program or weapons of mass destruction as the U.S. prepared for war.


Try living this

Kidnappings and death squads continue to tear Iraqi families apart, reports
Firas Al-Atraqchi

They had been watching him for two weeks before their Passat rammed into
his Toyota and with AK-47s pointed menacingly in his direction barked
orders for him to get into their car. Mehdi, a Shia businessman who was
setting up a company in Amman (also referred to as "Little Baghdad" because
of its surging Iraqi community) knew he was being kidnapped on his way to
the commercial Mansour district of Baghdad.


Four U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq

Four U.S. soldiers were killed Saturday when their vehicle hit a roadside
bomb while patrolling south Baghdad, the military said.

The military did not release any other details about the explosion or the
identities of the soldiers.

At least 2,387 members of the U.S. military have died since the war began,
according to an Associated Press count.


5 U.S. soldiers killed as Iraqi parliament chooses top leaders

The tough-talking al-Maliki was nominated by the Shiites on Friday after
outgoing Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari gave up his bid for another term.


Hamas: Israel recognition against land

Peace with Israel is achievable only if it returns land seized in 1967,
including Jerusalem, back to Palestine, a senior Hamas leader has said.


Israeli Military Blocks Palestinian Emergency Medical Aid

Since the incursion in Balata refugee camp started on 1:00 am February 19,
medical emergency work has been made impossible by the IsraeliOccupation
Forces (IOF). At this moment all entrances to Balata refugee camp are
blocked. There is only one ambulance left inside the camp. It will bring
wounded only to the edge of the camp, out of fear of not being allowed back
in. Wounded individuals are carried on stretchers to the entrance of the
camp and transported to Nablus hospitals. Normal ambulance traffic has come
to a complete halt.

MMN: A friend in Nablus is of the opinion that these latest actions by
Israel are a prelude to expulsions.


Vast Arrest Campaign Amidst Citizens in the West Bank

RAMALLAH, Palestine, April 22, 2006 (IPC + WAFA) - - Israeli occupation
forces launched a large-scale arrest campaign in the West Bank, while
intensifying its arbitrary measures around the city of Ramallah and
continuing the isolation of northern Jordan Valley for the fourth
consecutive week.


Real news in Afghanistan

While the Bush administration is on the defensive for its conduct of the
war in Iraq, the real setback in the U.S. war effort is coming in Afghanistan.

Taliban are currently in control of all of the rural and mountain areas of
Afghanistan, including Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Ghazni, Zabul, Helmand, and
Oruzgan, as well as a vast expanse of eastern and southern provinces
including sections of Kandahar.


Afghanistan: Six police officers killed in ambush at checkpoint

Suspected Taliban militants killed six Afghan police officers in
Afghanistan's volatile south and burned four of their bodies, officials
said yesterday. A U.S. soldier was killed elsewhere in the country.


4 Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan

The explosion struck an armoured vehicle carrying the soldiers to a remote
base near Gumbad, some 75km north of Kandahar, broadcaster CTV said.


Afghanistan's Capital Mostly in the Dark

One hundred afghani, or about $2, buy enough electricity to run a single
lamp for four hours a night. Enough power to run a TV costs $5 — a
significant sum in a city where a policeman's salary is around $50 a month.


Somali Islamists declare jihad on warlords

Tension soared in the capital of lawless Somalia on Friday as Mogadishu's
powerful Islamic courts declared jihad, or holy war, on a militia alliance
widely believed to be backed by the United States.


Israeli Spy Affair:   Rice leaked To AIPAC? Asked to testify in Aipac trial

A US district court allowed the defense in the trial of two former Aipac
employees to ask Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify in the
trial, after claiming that Rice leaked to the Aipac staffers the same
information that they had received from a former Pentagon employee and for
which they are being prosecuted.


CIA Officer Fired for Leaking Information

In a rare move, the CIA has fired an employee for leaking classified
information to the press


-muslim voice-

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