In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Newsday's Pinkerton: Radio host Graham was fired for criticizing a "PC
thing" -- "the sanctity of Islam"

Fox News political analyst and Newsday columnist
P. Pinkerton argued that the "only reason" Washington, D.C., radio station
WMAL-AM recently decided to
conservative talk show host Michael Graham was "because he went after a PC
[political correctness] thing, which is the sanctity of Islam."

WMAL suspended Graham's daily three-hour show after he made numerous
inflammatory remarks about the Islamic faith. On August 22, The Washington

According to WMAL, Graham said "Islam is a terrorist organization" 23 times
on his July 25 program. On the same show, he also said repeatedly that
"moderate Muslims are those who only want to kill Jews" and that "the
problem is not extremism. The problem is Islam."

On August 24,
<>, a
conservative, Internet-based radio network,
that it had hired Graham to host a daily program.

From the August 27 edition of Fox News' Fox News Watch:

RICH LOWRY (National Review editor): But what bothers me most about these
kind of stories is whenever someone says something controversial or dumb,
and then they get criticized or fired or whatever, their free-speech rights
are being violated, which is nonsense. He [Graham] had all his First
Amendment rights; he can stand on, you know, the roof of his house and
shout, "Islam is a terror organization." But he just doesn't necessarily
have a right to say it on [WMAL owner] ABC's airwaves.
PINKERTON: I agree. Just as I support the right of TV stations not to run
ads, I support the right of WMAL to fire this guy. However, he made a good
point. He said, Look, if I had said that the Catholic Church is a haven of
pedophiles, if I had said that right-to-lifers are terrorists because of
Eric Rudolph, nothing would have happened to me.

NEAL GABLER (media writer): That's not true.
PINKERTON: The only reason I'm being -- well, he said -- I agree with him.
The only reason he's being fired --

GABLER: That's ridiculous.
PINKERTON: -- is because he went after a PC thing, which is the sanctity of




-muslim voice-

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