In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Science, Humanity and the Iraq Holocaust

Gideon Polya


  Al-Jazeerah, April 15, 2006

This essay is a message of solidarity from an Australian  scientist and 
writer sent to the Brussells Tribunal (see: 
<> ) on the 
occasion of  the Madrid International Seminar on the Assassination of Iraqi 
Academics and Health Professionals, 22-23 April 2006 (see: 

Sensible people want to change things for the better. Indeed that is how 
Man became sensible. The extraordinary intelligence of human beings evolved 
through the Darwinian selection of genetic variants who had improved 
survivability through enhanced ability to understand their environment and 
improve their circumstances. There was a trade-off, a price to be paid for 
the resultant increased brain size, and that was infant birth after 9 
months’ gestation, the long-term helplessness of infants and their critical 
dependence on parents during postnatal brain development and enlargement. 
Associated with the co-evolution of increased intelligence and infant 
helplessness was evolution of survival-enhancing behavior patterns that 
resulted in our present behavioral fundamentals of parental affection, 
altruism and respect for Mother and Child.

As cogently argued by Richard Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene", Man also 
transmits behavior non-genetically from generation to generation through 
sets of learned behaviors, culture and ideas he describes as "memes" in 
contradistinction to the DNA-constructed "genes". The DNA-based "genes" are 
mutated, "shuffled" through genetic recombination and sex and are thence 
subject to natural selection. In contrast, "memes" are passed on in oral 
and written traditions from generation to generation, are selected through 
societal success and can over-ride genetic behavioral imperatives. Thus 
gene- and meme-determined social behaviors relating to "not killing" and to 
"doing unto others as you would have them do unto you" were codified in 
writing as "thou shall not kill" but conflicting ideological memes relating 
to nationalism, racism and power readily overcome this fundamental imperative.

Scientific approaches have dramatically improved Man’s lot since the 
beginnings of sophisticated, agriculture-based civilization in the Fertile 
Crescent encompassing lands from Egypt to present-day Iraq. The scientific 
approach involves truth, reason, sensible communication and the critical 
testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses. The scientific approach was 
implicit in the process whereby the earliest farmers carefully selected 
seed for sowing and applied a process of reiterated selection to eventually 
yield the cereal staples that became the mainstay of humanity. Lying, 
un-reason, censorship and fraud may serve narrow power interests but are 
ultimately self-defeating. Thus non-reportage of man-made mass mortality 
may serve the short-term interests of those responsible but simply ensures 
continuance of such catastrophes – history ignored yields history repeated.

Whether it is selecting better animal and plant breeds, developing better 
medical protocols or simply improving society generally, the basic approach 
involves minimizing risk. The best "risk minimization" protocol, which is 
applied most successfully in high risk areas such as heavy industry and 
aviation, successively involves (a) acquisition of information, (b) 
scientific analysis of the data, and (c) sensible systemic change to 
minimize risk. Unfortunately, in many areas of human activity this protocol 
is perverted by (a) lying by omission and commission, censorship, 
intimidation and self-censorship, (b) anti-scientific "spin"-based 
approaches involving the selective use of asserted facts to support a 
partisan position, and (c) "blame and shame" punishment of suitable victims 
with no sensible, risk-minimizing systemic change.

The tragedy of post-colonial Iraq since the return of Western armies in 
1990 illustrates the perversion of humanitarian values, scientific 
approaches and rational risk assessment. The bottom-line parameter in any 
discussion about social policy is the human cost. According to the latest, 
Web-accessible UN Population Division data (see: 
<> ) and UNICEF data (see: 
<> ), the 
"under-5 infant deaths per 1,000 births" in oil-rich Iraq versus 
impoverished Syria were 200 vs 170 (1953), 50 vs 44 (1990) and 125 vs 16 
(sixteen) (2004) i.e. infant mortality decreased enormously under the 
dictator Saddam Hussein but increased hugely after 1990 due to Western 
intervention. The post-1990 under-5 infant mortality in Iraq under 
war-criminal UK-US sanctions, bombs and occupation now totals 1.6 million 
and the post-1990 excess deaths (i.e. avoidable deaths) now total 2.2 
million. The 1990-2003 under-5 infant mortality and excess mortality in 
Iraq under sanctions and bombing totalled 1.2 million and 1.7 million, 
respectively; the 2003-2006 figures for post-invasion Occupied Iraq are 0.4 
million and 0.5 million, respectively. In comparison, the post-invasion 
under-5 infant mortality and excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan now 
total 1.4 million and 1.8 million, respectively (see MWC News: 

These tragedies could have been averted by commitment by the responsible 
Western democracies to the scholarly and scientific ethos of truth, reason, 
sensible communication and application of the scientific method. Everyone 
is now familiar with the numerous, outrageous lies that preceded the 
illegal Coalition war on Iraq in 2003. However relatively few are familiar 
with the above mortality statistics – while deriving from authoritative, 
publicly-accessible UN and UNICEF reports just a click away on the Web, 
this crucial information is comprehensively ignored by Mainstream Media in 
a continuing process of racism, lying by omission and holocaust-denial. The 
horrendous under-5 infant mortality in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (1,300 
infants dying every day, 0.5 million infants dying each year and with 90% 
of these deaths avoidable) is occurring because of the non-provision by the 
Occupying UK-US-led Coalition of the life-preserving requisites demanded 
unequivocally of Occupiers by the Geneva Conventions (see: 
Indeed these horrendous crimes constitute "passive genocide" and are the 
subject of formal complaints to the International Criminal Court (see 

The appalling, continuing, avoidable mass mortality of infants in the 
Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories is a gross violation of the 
fundamental human behavioral imperative of respect for Mother and Child and 
reveals the semantically-absurd War on Terror as in actuality a War on 
Women and Children. While this carnage has been occurring, the very people 
who can save societies from irrational perversion have been targeted, 
threatened and killed in Coalition-occupied Iraq, namely Iraq’s 
intellectuals, academics, lawyers, scientists, teachers and health 
professionals. According to the eminent Brussells Tribunal, about 220 Iraqi 
academics have been killed, hundreds of have been forced into exile, 
hundreds of Iraqi teachers have been murdered and there is evidence for 
targeting of professionals by death squads (see: 
). What can decent people do in the face of the racism, violence, unreason 
and untruth exhibited by the UK-US-led Coalition countries over 
Iraq?  Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. 
We are all obliged to INFORM everyone about gross abuses of humanity. 
Having read this, please inform everyone you know.

Dr Gideon Polya,

Melbourne, Australia




-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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