In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Worst President in History?

One of America's leading historians assesses George W. Bush

George W. Bush's presidency appears headed for colossal historical
disgrace. Barring a cataclysmic event on the order of the terrorist attacks
of September 11th, after which the public might rally around the White
House once again, there seems to be little the administration can do to
avoid being ranked on the lowest tier of U.S. presidents. And that may be
the best-case scenario. Many historians are now wondering whether Bush, in
fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American

see also: Flashback: Bush in '99 -- We Warned You!


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In
Bush's War 2395

The War in Iraq Costs $276,686,921,091 - See the cost in your community


U.S. prepares to face U.N. on torture as Amnesty report blasts 'war crimes'
U.S. prepares to face U.N. on torture as Amnesty report blasts 'war crimes'

The Amnesty report reviews several cases where U.S. detainees held in
Afghanistan and Iraq have died as a result of torture. The group also
lambasts U.S. use of electro-shock weapons, inhuman and degrading
conditions of isolation in "super-max" security prisons and abuses against
women in the prison system -- including sexual abuse by male guards,
shackling while pregnant and even in labor.

As of now, the U.S. has yet to prosecute a single official, military
officer or private contractor for "torture" or "war crimes" related to its
occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, or the "war on terror." The report
argues that these cases are not isolated incidents, but part of an overall
pattern condoned by U.S. officials.

Torture: the great, new American value of the 21st century: doesn't it make
you feel proud??


Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday,
Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most
European capitals with nuclear weapons.

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them
at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals
are targets of our air force."

But we're gonna kill Iranians because they have a power station, right?


US Imperialism Brings World to the Brink

At the same time as the US attempts to limit global action to prevent harm
to the environment and to cut international commitment to the reduction of
poverty, the US Ambassador to the UN has objected to language which urges
nations to observe a moratorium on nuclear testing and to sign the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. While choking developing countries with
economic pressure the US is simultaneously and aggressively building up its
military forces and presence throughout the world.


9/11: Is the Zarqawi video a hoax?

People still snicker whenever anyone suggests that the American
intelligence community has, in the past, manipulated the American press.
Yet nobody laughed at Donald Rumsfeld when he claimed that

"The terrorists, Zarqawi and bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have
media committees. They are actively out there trying to manipulate the
press in the United States."


Osama Connected to 9/11? Not According to the F.B.I.

If you take a minute to visit the F.B.I. website and check out their most
wanted list you will run across a familiar face; Osama bin Laden. Of course
we know that Osama is wanted by the F.B.I. but did you know he is NOT
wanted in connection to the events of September 11th 2001?


“False Flagg” op called Rosetta Stone of 9/11

How wonderfully thoughtful of the hijackers to leave what Flagg termed this
“Rosetta stone” behind so everything could be figured out so quickly and
with such ease. You have to admit that was white of those dusky
Mid-Easterners. One of the pieces of luggage was said to include
“Arab-language papers amounting to Atta’s last will and testament, along
with instructions to the other hijackers to prepare themselves physically
and spiritually for death.” Boy, this Atta guy thought of everything. But
why go blabbing it all in two suitcases? He was supposed to be a terrorist
not a PR man.

I mean, did Dillinger leave his home address in a bank safe he busted into?
Did Al Capone leave a box of chocolates with a card with his name on it at
the “Valentine Day” massacre in Chicago? Did John Gotti leave a calling
card on Paul Castellano’s bullet riddled body after the dapper don and
buddy popped the Gambino crime family boss and chauffeur in front of
Spark’s Steak House in Manhattan? C’mon, you’re pulling my leg.


9/11: THREE Stage Terror Drill to Take Place in Chicago: May 2-4

Considering that "drills" were taking place the morning of 9/11 and 7/7
there is always the remote possibility that this is cover for another
"inside job". We pray to God that it is not.


9/11: "Flight 93" gets blasted on Universal's own blog.

Think this film will be the 2006 contender for some type of Leni
Riefenstahl Propaganda Film Awards?

UPDATE: Apparently things got a little hot on the blog. All earlier posts
were deleted, according to the announcement at the top of the page, because
of "technical difficulties". But it looks like subsequent posters have
continued their criticism of the movie.


Polls proving MOST of America is with US: 87% Vote to Impeach!


A Note To God

Yahya Abdul Raham- April 28, 2006 (on my 42nd birthday)




God’s Country?

Evangelical Christians have been preaching politics in Ohio ahead of
Tuesday’s gubernatorial primaries and face accusations of using the church
as a vehicle for political advocacy.


Diplomacy,the smokescreen for savagery

Open any Western newspaper and you are struck by the abundant use of the
word "diplomacy." It is the second most used word after "democracy."
However, careful analysis shows that U.S. version of diplomacy has become
the favourite smokescreen of U.S. wars of aggression. Iraq and Iran provide
the best cases.


Pentagon's Plan For Dirty War

The plan is the culmination and codification of an ad hoc array of progams
and powers that Bush has doled out to Rumsfeld over the years, including a
series of executive orders signed after the 2004 election that essentially
turned the world into a "global free-fire zone" for the Pentagon's secret
armies and proxy foreign militias, as a top Pentagon official told The New
Yorker. "We're going to be riding with the bad boys.


Blood Payments for Flawed Leadership

Bad news continues to pile up around Don Rumsfeld like garbage at a land
fill. The latest blast came from an unlikely source, The Army Times”, which
conducted a poll showing that 64% of enlisted men think Rumsfeld should
tender his resignation immediately.


Of imperial presidents and congressional cowards

Does President Bush have, or not have, the authority to take us to war with
Iran? Because Bush and the War Party are surely behaving as though this
were an executive decision alone.


Top Spy’s Story on Prewar Intel Is Finally Told

The CBS story remains very important as further evidence of the depths of
the Bush administration’s deception.


Ex-CIA Analyst Faults U.S. Policy

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, an outspoken critic of the Bush
administration's use of intelligence to justify the Iraq war, told clergy
members Wednesday that the United States' use of torture on prisoners in
its custody amounts to war crimes.


In a world gone crazy

US says world safer, despite 11,000 attacks in '05:

The U.S. war on terrorism has made the world safer, the State Department's
counterterrorism chief said on Friday, despite more than 11,000 terrorist
attacks worldwide last year that killed 14,600 people.


U.S.'s Cultural Ignorance Fuels Iraq Insurgency

The U.S. military's lack of understanding about Iraqi culture helped create
the conditions for the insurgency that U.S. forces face there, according to
a military adviser who has written a new book about the insurgency.


War in Iraq: $360K Per American, Per Year

How Many US Troops are Really in Iraq?
How Much is the War in Iraq Costing?

The Congressional Research Service has just released a new report on the
past and possible future costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pending
Congress’ action on the new emergency supplemental, which should complete
fiscal year 2006 expenses, the costs will be up to $439 billion by the end
of this year. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg; details follow. The
full report is available at


Iraq war set to be more expensive than Vietnam

The Iraq war has already cost the United States $320bn (£180bn), according
to an authoritative new report, and even if a troop withdrawal begins this
year, the conflict is set to be more expensive in real terms than the
Vietnam War, a generation ago.


Ex-head of interrogation at Abu Ghraib charged

WASHINGTON - The Army on Friday charged the former head of the
interrogation center at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq with cruelty and
maltreatment, dereliction of duty and other criminal offenses for his
alleged involvement in the abuse of detainees at the notorious prison in 2003.

Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan was charged with seven offenses. He is the
highest-ranking officer at Abu Ghraib to face criminal charges.


U.S. Soldier Among 41 Killed In Continuing Violence

Iraq security adviser sees US troops gone in 2 yrs : American soldiers
should be gone from Iraq by the middle of 2008 as U.S.-trained Iraqi forces
take over security responsibilities, Iraq's National Security Adviser
Mowaffak al-Rubaie said on Friday.


Mock trials in Americas Gulag

U.S.-educated Saudi tells tribunal he's proud to have fought U.S.

  The U.S. holds about 490 detainees at Guantanamo. So far, 10 have been
charged and trials could begin within months depending on the U.S. Supreme
Court's ruling.


He was dressed in a tan tunic: I don't want this court, he said

“I don’t want this court,” he said in Arabic, the mild, sing-song tone of
the female translator jarring with his own. “You judge and you sentence me
the way you want if this is Allah’s will. A nation that is an enemy of
Allah cannot be a leader.”,,3-2155370,00.html


Musharraf insists: I'm not George Bush's poodle

General Pervez Musharraf, facing a surge of anti-American sentiment,
yesterday warned that covert US air strikes against al-Qaida inside
Pakistan were an infringement of national sovereignty.,,1763104,00.html


Afghan Corruption Breeding Violence

Nearly five years after the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan's security
situation continues to be dragged down by endemic corruption, roving
militias, and a growing nexus between narco-warlords and remnants of the
Taliban, officials and analysts say.


Canada’s real role in Afghanistan

Canadians are spilling their blood to prop up a corrupt, vicious, and
undemocratic puppet government, to facilitate the murderous Pax Americana,
and to bring the world a little closer to catastrophe.


One State Solution: A Greater Palestine?

Perhaps "Palestine" should be declared to include Israel, the West Bank,
Gaza and Jordan

A Palestinian state of the West Bank and Gaza is no longer on the cards,
irrespective of the make-up of the coming Israeli government. Israel
instead has created the strategic conditions, including a near Israeli
public consensus, for the expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank.


Walking on eggshells

It's no coincidence that Ariel Sharon used to call Bush the best president
Israel has ever had. Why? Because they saw eye-to-eye on the threat posed
by global Islamic terror. Bush gave Sharon a free hand to carry out
targeted assassinations, and held a diplomatic umbrella over him in the UN
Security Council.


Common Ground

The right of Palestinian return: Wisdom, equity and realism on Arab-Israeli
issues are scarce commodities among former or serving American officials. A
retired American diplomats suggests, that a key to peace-making should be
Israeli recognition of the right of Palestinian refugees who fled or were
driven out in 1948 to return to their homes and lands in what is now Israel.


Palestinians Making Do With Less in Crisis

With their salaries weeks overdue and savings depleted, Palestinian
families are finding creative ways to survive the Hamas-led government's
deepening financial crisis.


Peres may have to resign; bribery, fraud, breach of trust


Two years out of Israeli jail, Vanunu's life on hold

Citing security concerns, Israel's Justice Ministry this month renewed its
ban on travel by Vanunu, a former technician at the Dimona atomic reactor
who all but blew away the country's cherished nuclear secrecy with a 1986
newspaper interview.


Video: Inside Dimona : Never before seen 3D tour of Dimona

Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons Plant


U.S. Diplomacy? McCain warns Russia, China on Iran

A leading U.S. senator warned Russia and China on Friday of damage to their
relationship with the United States if they refused to go along with
sanctions against Iran.


Neil Young joins the hate Bush bandwagon

Had Neil Young released a song titled Let's Impeach the President three
years ago, he would have been exiled to the fringes of American music: just
ask the Dixie Chicks.,,1763207,00.html


Neil Young: Living With War

Listen to the album


Hate groups on the rise

TUCSON, Ariz. - The Southern Poverty Law Center said the leader of the
anti-immigration group Border Guardians has secretly urged the nation's
largest neo-Nazi group of white supremacists to launch a campaign of
violence against undocumented workers.


18 Rich Families Pay For Campaign To Kill Estate Taxes

Eighteen of America's wealthiest families, are bankrolling efforts to
permanently repeal estate taxes that would save their families a total of
$71.6 billion, according to a report released Tuesday by public interest


Top Vatican Official Urges Protests And Boycotting Of Da Vinci Code Film...

Well, then I'll HAVE to see that one!

After thousands of years in the propaganda biz, these folks should realize
that this attempt to urge protests and boycotts will only energize the
public to see the movie. This is a publicist's dream, as the effort will
have the "banned in Boston" effect on the film, and won't cost the
production company one dime.


-muslim voice-

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