In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pat Robertson Accuses Muslims Of World Domination

(AHN) - Christian televangelist Pat Robertson is accusing Muslims of 
planning world domination and says some of them are "satanic." Speaking on 
his TV show The 700 Club, he says radical Muslims are inspired by "demonic 

BBC News reports Robertson was responding to a story about Muslim reaction 
to the publishing of cartoons satirizing the Prophet Muhammed.


30 Days As A Muslim In America

Morgan Spurlock, director of the documentary Supersize Me! sends David 
Stacy, a practicing Christian from Virginia, to "work, eat, and sleep" as a 
Muslim in "the heart of Muslim America, Dearborn, Michigan."


Statement of Human Rights Watch to the United Nations Human Rights Committee

In the discussion of post 9/11 policies, the United States has repeatedly 
and publicly stated its view on the applicability ­ or lack thereof ­ of 
the Geneva Conventions to persons detained in connection with its so-called 
war on terror. It has also, at least until last year’s passage of the 
McCain Amendment, often repeated the argument that the Convention Against 
Torture’s prohibition against cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment do 
not apply to U.S. authorities acting outside of the United States ­ an 
argument that, thankfully, the United States can no longer make.


The Black Mud of Bush/Blair Propaganda

It is not enough for those gentlemen of rectitude, the oh-so-Christian 
Coalition of George Bush and Tony Blair, to snatch innocent people from 
around the world and plunge them into a black hole of torture and anguish 
for years on end.


In case you missed it: Nazis of the Nineties

In his book "The Road to Serfdom," Friedrich Hayek warned Americans in 1944 
that despite their military war against Nazis, they were travelling the 
philosophical and economic road to that the Nazis were travelling. The 
Americans ignored that warning. Now along the Americans we are left with 
the consequences that are coming home to roost


In case you missed it: Machiavellian Realism and U.S. Foreign Policy

Means and Ends: For the United States, as for others countries, 
Machiavellianism dominates foreign policy, but the courage of a small 
number of dissenters suggests the possibility that some day the larger 
public will no longer accept that kind of "realism." Machiavelli himself 
might have smiled imperiously at this suggestion, and said, "You're wasting 
your time. Nothing will change. It's human nature."


Global Economic Hegemony: A New Kind of Warfare?

In the year 2000, Iraq had decided that it was no longer going to accept 
dollars for oil being sold under the UN’s Oil For-Food Program and decided 
to switch to the Euro as Iraq’s oil export currency. The result was a 
military strike by the U.S. and it’s allies and subsequently in ample time 
the dollar was restored as Iraq’s oil export currency.


Video: 9/11 : Professor Steven E Jones Lecture On The Collapse of WTC 

Physics professor and founder of Scholars For 9/11 Truth Steven E Jones 
presents his presentation on the collapse of WTC Buildings 1,2, and 7 on 
9/11. A very informative and scientific presentation that raises serious 
questions about the official account of the collapse of the World Trade 
Center Towers and Building 7.


9/11: 200,000 people are listed in terror suspect database

The list contains an additional 150,000 records that have only partial 
names, Bucella said.


9/11: The Abu Ghraib files

279 photographs and 19 videos from the Army's internal investigation record 
a harrowing three months of detainee abuse inside the notorious prison -- 
and make clear that many of those responsible have yet to be held accountable.


9/11: Read Shocking Guantánamo Detainee Suicide Letter Just Released by The 

Attorneys Representing Guantánamo Detainees React to Shocking Guantánamo 
Suicide Letter Just Released by The U.S.
First Guantánamo Suicide Letter Declassified by U.S. Government Confirms 
Prior Accounts From Detainee: “Imprisoned, Tortured and Deprived” for “No 
Reason or Crime Committed”


9/11: I Refuse To Answer

Major General Geoffrey Miller, the officer sent from Guantanamo Bay to Iraq 
to teach the MP's and intel teams at Abu Ghraib how to interrogate 
prisoners Gitmo-Style, has invoked his Article 31 right not to testify in 
the courts-martial of several dog handlers who are now being prosecuted. 
Shame shame General!


9/11 UK: Taking prisoners to the edge of drowning 'not torture' says 
Foreign Office

FORCING a prisoner's head under water until they believe they are drowning 
does not necessarily constitute torture or abusive treatment, the Foreign 
Office has said.


9/11: The Changing Face of Terror

September 11 has been the most abused and manipulated public relations scam 
in history. It is trotted out in every presidential speech, every executive 
press conference, and every appearance by an administration official. It is 
routinely used to undermine the rule of law and to vindicate the despotic 
powers of the president.


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2314

The War in Iraq Costs $247,647,194,727 - See the cost in your community


Ordinary Iraqi families getting ready to fight

They're stockpiling weapons, food and fuel


Mass grave find fuels sectarian tension in Iraq

Iraq moved closer to sectarian civil war as police found the bodies of 87 
men killed in Baghdad, many of them showing signs of torture. The dead 
appear to be Sunni Muslims killed in retaliation for the bombs that 
slaughtered 58 people and wounded 200 when they exploded in crowded markets 
in the strongly Shia area of Sadr City.


Accepting Reality: America Lost the War in Iraq

The chance for victory vanished long ago with the hearts, minds, arms, legs 
and lives of the Iraqi people.


Iraq: U.S. military kills five children, two men and four women

Major Ali Ahmed of the Ishaqi police said U.S. forces had landed on the 
roof of the house in the early hours and shot the 11 occupants, including 
the five children


U.S. military airstrikes significantly increased in Iraq

American forces have dramatically increased airstrikes in Iraq during the 
past five months, a change of tactics that may foreshadow how the United 
States plans to battle a still-strong insurgency while reducing the number 
of U.S. ground troops serving here.


The German Government and its authorities are doing the wretched job on 
behalf of their American Masters


American arrested with weapons in Iraq

The man it described as a security contractor working for a private 
company, possessed explosives which were found in his car. It said he was 
arrested on Tuesday.


In case you missed it: ‘The Salvador Option’

The Pentagon may put Special-Forces-led assassination or kidnapping teams 
in Iraq


'I am still the head of state'

Saddam Hussein insisted today that he was still Iraq's president and called 
on Iraqis to stop fighting each other and rise up against US and British 
troops as he gave evidence for the first time at his trial.,,1731557,00.html


Saddam Calls Trial a 'Comedy'


Iraq War Resisters Stage 241-Mile Peace March Across U.S.-Mexico Border


MSNBC Poll: 94% believe President Bush misled the nation in order to go to 
war with Iraq

Do you believe President Bush misled the nation in order to go to war with 
Iraq?   * 74050 responses
Yes = 94%  -  No = 6%

Vote at:


Black Op Murder of Christian Activist in Iraq


Two US Soldiers Killed in Western Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 14 March 2006
    * US troops murder Iraqi family of seven in ar-Ramadi, leave bodies to 
burn in flaming car.
    * Three US troops reported killed in two Resistance bomb attacks in 
    * Resistance bombing leaves two US troops reported killed in western 
    * Resistance fighters assault US headquarters in al-Hadithah, 
reportedly killing four US troops.
    * Pro-American militias shell historic Sunni mosque in Baghdad Monday 
evening, wounding seven civilians in renewed Anglo-American effort to spark 
civil war.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column near at-Tarimiyah, reportedly 
killing two American troops.
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing north of Bayji.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US vehicle north of al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance bomb kills three puppet “Shock Troops” in Samarra’.
    * Resistance kill three puppet policemen in al-Miqdadiyah.
    * Resistance bomb wounds American troops in southern Ba‘qubah early 
Tuesday morning.
    * Puppet security officer killed Resistance bomb attack in al-Hawijah.


Gridlock and anxiety after Jerico jail raid

The Palestinian territories have come to a halt during a general strike 
called in protest against an Israeli siege of a West Bank jail.


US likely to veto UN action on Israeli aggression in Jericho

The threat of a U.S. veto hovers over planned closed-door deliberations 
Wednesday over Qatar's bid for a UN Security Council to condemn Israel's 
Jericho jail siege and its capture of the killers of former cabinet 
minister Rehavam Ze'evi.

see also:
Britain accused after day of chaos and kidnaps in Gaza,,1731124,00.html

A sudden exit, a jail is stormed - and Israel's long wait is over,,1731123,00.html


Israel's attack on Jericho: Palestinians remain without protection

The Israeli attack on Jericho and kidnap of a number of Palestinian 
prisoners, including the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine (PFLP) demonstrates once again the fiction that there is a 
functioning Palestinian "government" in the occupied territories. The ease 
and impunity with which the occupation forces attack Palestinians 
everywhere serves to remind us that these territories remain today, as they 
have been since 1967, under full Israeli military dictatorship. It is a 
mistake to keep referring to a "Palestinian government," because this gives 
the false impression that Palestinians under occupation are in control of 
their destiny. Palestinian factions may, in the wake of the January 
elections, be negotiating to form a "government," but this does not mean 
that this "government" can exercise any control or protect Palestinians 
from the ravages of the occupying power.


Palestine Issues Full Casualty List

Beirut, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) The Palestine National Information Center 
has issued Wednesday a report  detailing that 4,298 Palestinians have been 
killed, 46,353 wounded and 9,200 arrested, while over 71,000 homes  have 
destroyed since 2000 by the Israeli military.


Too used to death of Palestinian children

Raad al-Batash, 8, Mahmoud al-Batash, 15, and a third boy,  Ahmed a-Susi, 
were killed in an air force strike in the Gaza Strip on March 6 that had 
targeted two wanted Islamic Jihad members. The mother of one of the boys 
and another seven passers-by were injured in the attack.


Assembly of First Nations (AFN) rejects criticism of trip to apartheid Israel

The chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is “completely 
unapologetic” about a recent visit to Israel that has drawn the ire of a 
collection of Arab groups, AFN communications director Don Kelly stated 
last week.

See also AFN's statement at:


Israel starts work on new settlement

The Israeli government has begun to develop facilities for what eventually 
could be the largest settlement project in the West Bank since 1967.


Theatre Censorship Controversy:  Rachel's Words to be Heard Here In 
Montreal On Thursday, March 16th

Canadian artists are reacting to a theatrical controversy that has been 
brewing in London and New York City. An Off Broadway production of My Name 
Is Rachel Corrie, an acclaimed solo show about an American demonstrator 
killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to stop the destruction of a 
Palestinian home, has been censored ("indefinitely postponed").


Bush's Fake Aid

The president's $5 billion program does more for foreign banks than the needy

In March 2002, with one war raging in Afghanistan and another looming in 
Iraq, President Bush announced that he intended to undercut terrorism by 
attacking poverty overseas. "I'm here today to announce a major new 
commitment by the United States to bring hope and opportunity to the 
world's poorest," Bush declared. Under his watch, the president said, 
America would increase its annual foreign aid to $5 billion. And instead of 
giving handouts, he added, the program would employ an entirely new model: 
investing in countries to spark their economic growth and holding them 
accountable for their policies. "I carry this commitment in my soul," Bush 
said, concluding his speech with a trademark religious touch. "We will make 
the world not only safer but better."


Latin America and Asia are at last breaking free of Washington's grip

The US-dominated world order is being challenged by a new spirit of 
independence in the global south

The prospect that Europe and Asia might move towards greater independence 
has troubled US planners since the second world war. The concerns have only 
risen as the "tripolar order" - Europe, North America and Asia - has 
continued to evolve.
Every day Latin America, too, is becoming more independent,,1731009,00.html


Washington seeks to bully UN Security Council over Iran



Feingold Accuses Democrats of 'Cowering'

Wisconsin Sen. Russell Feingold accused fellow Democrats on Tuesday of 
cowering rather than joining him on trying to censure President Bush over 
domestic spying.


-muslim voice-

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