In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Another Bush 9/11 Lie Exposed

The transcript the feds released this week of the final minutes of Flight 
93 proves that President Bush brazenly and consistently lied to the 
American people about how that flight ended. The transcript shows that the 
Arab hijackers chose to crash the plane into the ground after the American 
passengers stormed the cockpit. There is no guarantee that the transcript 
is accurate, and the government has already been caught fabricating 
evidence at terrorist trials in the post 9/11 era. But the government’s own 
version of events damns Bush. The transcript was available in early 2002, 
if not earlier, and was shown at that time by federal officials to some of 
the survivors of the people killed when Flight 93 went down.

James Bovard [send him mail] is the author of the just-released :

Attention Deficit Democracy

The Bush Betrayal

Terrorism & Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World 
of Evil

The Future of Freedom Foundation


9/11: Americas Gulag:  Spy Chief: CIA Detainees Will Be Held Indefinitely: 

John Negroponte says accused Al-Qaeda members will remain in secret prisons 
as long as 'war on terror continues',8816,1183242,00.html


9/11: True believers?

I am amazed that, in this post 9/11 political atmosphere, there is still a 
segment of the American people who believe in what the Bush administration 
tells them.


The Bible's All Wrong, Again / The surprising Gospel of Judas proves you 
just can't be too sure about all that God stuff

If the Bible is the gold brick in the American spiritual sidewalk, then you 
simply have to ask: What is the relevance in the fact that Christ might not 
have been betrayed at all? That he may have orchestrated his own arrest?

Back in the time of the historical Jesus, one just could not be a God 
unless one had died and been resurrected. Archtypes for the resurrection 
myth include the Egyptian Osiris, and the goddess Ishtar (from whom the 
word "Easter" comes).


Asleep all over America

Are you awake yet, America? I'm wide awake, and worried. Are you worried 
with me, wondering what's next? Are you terrified?
If you're not scared silly, that frightens me even more.


The myth of the Jewish Lobby

Canadians must guard against buying into this caricature, says Anna Morgan

"There is no Jewish lobby."
"There is no Jewish lobby."
"There is no Jewish lobby."
"You don't need to see their identification."
"These aren't the droids you are looking for."
"Move along."


Who is this Israel, and what's all this talk of an "Israel Lobby"?

In March 2006, the London Review of Books published The Israel Lobby and 
U.S. Foreign Policy by Professor John J. Mearsheimer, Department of 
Political Science, University of Chicago and Professor Stephen M. Walt, 
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.[1] In this 
working paper, the two authors make the argument that the centerpiece for 
US Middle Eastern policy, especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, has 
been developed by the United States based primarily on its relationship 
with Israel. While many fellow scholars have applauded the authors for 
having the courage to suggest that the “Israel Lobby” might have too much 
power and influence in Washington DC, which it in fact does, the mainstream 
media has blacklisted the merits of this report by only reporting on the 
backlash of those who are offended by its content.



Posted Apr 16, 2006 08:25 AM PST - Category: WAR/DRAFT



Posted Apr 16, 2006 08:23 AM PST - Category: ISRAELI SPYING


If this doesn't prove that the US Government is controlled by Israel, 
nothing will.

Relinked in light of Newsmax story that confirms Israel's Dolphin 
Submarines are loaded with US supplied Harpoon (or according to another 
source Tomahawk) missiles with nuclear warheads.


News whiteout

The Bush administration has frustrated reporters by ignoring questions and 
sticking to its message. That strategy might no longer be working.
And we blogs might just be shaming the mainstream media into actually being 
journalists again.,0,3278247.story


Fallujah deja-vou:  US plots ‘new liberation of Baghdad’

THE American military is planning a “second liberation of Baghdad” to be 
carried out with the Iraqi army when a new government is installed.


Ethnic cleansing grows in Iraq

The Shiite refugees have fled their predominantly Sunni neighborhoods 
where, before the U.S. occupation and subsequent terrorist activity, they 
lived in peace, the newspaper said.


History Ambushes the Bush Administration

You can count on one thing. All over Washington, Republicans are at least 
as capable as I am of watching and interpreting the polling version of the 
smash-up of the Bush administration. With each new poll, the numbers creep 
lower yet. Presidential approval in the latest Washington Post-ABC News 
poll dropped another 3% in the last month and now sits at 38%, while 
disapproval of the President continues to strengthen -- 47% of Americans 
now "strongly disapprove" of the President's handling of the presidency, 
only 20% "strongly approve." (62%, by the way, disapprove of the 
President's handling of the war in Iraq.)


Action as propaganda

Bush thinks that victory in Iraq will provide retrospective justification 
for invasion, writes David Keen, but this argument cuts both ways

The continuing carnage in Iraq three years after the invasion is damaging 
George Bush’s popularity at home. Part of this is due to publicity around 
the mounting death toll for US troops. But failure carries a particularly 
heavy stigma in a context where success has been hailed as implying virtue, 
and even heavenly approval.


Retired generals rising up against Iraq war

Alexis de Tocqueville once remarked that in a democracy, the greatest 
pacifists are the generals. In America, this has often been true but rarely 
obvious. Our time-honored and intense tradition of civilian supremacy means 
that senior officers, active or retired, rarely express misgivings or 
dissenting opinions in public -- certainly not while a war is going on.


  SAS soldier quits Army in disgust at ‘illegal’ American tactics in Iraq

He said he had witnessed “dozens of illegal acts” by US troops, claiming 
they viewed all Iraqis as “untermenschen” - the Nazi term for races 
regarded as sub-human


Tribute To A National Hero

RAF Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith, having refused to serve in 
Iraq: Despite all the pompous huffing and puffing from a few military 
wallahs rolled-out for the occasion the fact remains that, according to the 
Geneva Convention, Dr Kendall-Smith was perfectly entitled to refuse service


IRAQ: Women were more respected under Saddam, say women's groups

According to the findings of a recent survey by local rights NGOs, women 
were treated better during the Saddam Hussein era – and their rights were 
more respected – than they are now.

Oh yes, life is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better now under the US occupation.


Video of the Ramadi Resistance fighters april 2006


Dozens of Iraqi Police Still Missing Days After Night Ambush

Something bad is happening in Iraq that we are not being told about.


Learning to Count: The Dead in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 15 April 2006
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol southwest of al-Fallujah, leaving 
three US troops reported dead.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance battle with Americans in 
ar-Ramadi.  Resistance bombards American base east of the city; US 
warplanes destroy peaceful home, killing two civilians.
    * US occupation troops ruin livelihood of residents of western city of 
Hit, burning down fruit orchards, palm groves in campaign of house raids, 
mass arrests.
    * Head of Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq: 200,000 Iraqis have 
died in three years of US occupation, but media are concealing the true 
extent of devastation taking place.
    * US soldier reported killed in bombing near al-Yusufiyah.
    * Resistance fighters kill two pro-American Badr Brigade gunmen in 
western Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police in Baghdad’s Bab al-Mu‘azzam area.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet army patrol in ad-Durah.
    *  Resistance bombards US camp near al-Latifiyah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in al-Mawsil.


Who is a terrorist?

The scenes from Gaza are heartbreaking. Heartbreaking? - The sight of the 
Aben family from Beit Lahiya mourning its 12-year-old daughter Hadil last 
week did not stir any particular shock in Israel.


George Bush be damned: Palestinians to get Russian Aid !!

Russia has said it will grant the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority urgent 
financial aid, in opposition to the policy of the EU and the US. Foreign 
Minister Sergei Lavrov made the pledge to authority President Mahmoud Abbas 
in a telephone call, Moscow said.


Hamas Being Forced To Collapse

Does this serve U.S. and Israeli interests?

As many predicted, including myself (see The Third Intifada), the newly 
elected Palestinian government led by Hamas has already started to show an 
impressive level of pragmatism, however, Israel and the U.S. seem to not be 
interested. As a matter of fact the U.S., in specific, is leading a global 
campaign to isolate the Palestinian government in such a haphazard way, 
that they are also causing a troubling level of despair among the average 
Palestinian citizen as well.


Haniyeh: We'll eat salt

Palestinian prime minister says the PA won't flinch from cut off of 
international financial aid, won't bow to pressure to drop violence and 
recognize Israel; 'We are ready to eat salt and olives but we won't be 
humiliated,' he said,7340,L-3239771,00.html


Palestinian Health Care Conditions Under Israeli Occupation

129 Patients Have Died at Israeli Checkpoints

Members of the Ibdaa Health Committee are on tour in the US. They are 
educating Americans on the devastating health conditions of Palestinians 
and health care workers in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.


The hypocrisy and naivety of fighting for peace in Afghanistan

Excerpt from: Afghanistan: The Genesis of the Final Crusade. Purchase at 
the following link: (


U.S. Bombs kills at least 7 Afghan civilians

U.S.-led coalition forces using warplanes and artillery clashed with a 
small band of militants holed up in a house and a cave complex in eastern 
Afghanistan in fighting that killed seven Afghan civilians and wounded 
three, the military said Sunday.


Afghan district governor killed in Taliban ambush

Taliban insurgents gunned down an Afghan district governor in troubled 
southern Afghanistan on Saturday in an ambush in insurgency-hit Helmand 
province, police said.,000500020005.htm


Coming soon? The Taliban’s new country

Last Monday, the Taliban offered Islamabad peace — from within Pakistani 
territory. From Waziristan, a mountainous tribal area on the Afghanistan 
border that’s just a bit bigger than Tripura but that has become the 
epicentre of the USA’s War on Terror. It’s also become another war against 
the Pakistani state from within, joining Balochistan, Gilgit, and Karachi.,0035.htm


Iran suicide bombers ‘ready to hit Britain’

04/16/06 "The Times" -- -- IRAN has formed battalions of suicide bombers to 
strike at British and American targets if the nation’s nuclear sites are 
attacked. According to Iranian officials, 40,000 trained suicide bombers 
are ready for action.


  What President Ahmadinejad Said About Israel and Iran's Nuclear Program

Full text of President's Ahmadinejad address :
"Palestine is the meeting point of right and wrong. Freedom for Palestine 
is the present aspiration of humanity. We must believe that good will 
prevail and evil will disappear. We must believe that Palestine will be 
free soon."


Entire Bush team needs replacement

The undatelined photo from wherever it was our nominal president happened 
to be that day, showed a woman holding up a sign bearing the following 
message: "Will Someone Please Give Bush a B--- J-- So We Can Impeach Him?"

The message was a subtle reminder that it was a sexual act that got Bush's 
predecessor impeached, and a not-so-subtle reminder that Bush's numerous 
and far more egregious impeachable acts that have cost America thousands of 
lost and ruined lives and billions in treasure have so far gone unpunished.


On the possibility of a military coup in the United States of America

With the unending 'war on terror' resulting in a heavy tampering of the 
American Constitution by the current US Administration, and the consequent 
granting of virtually limitless powers to the President of United States 
for the duration of the unending war, a real 'Constitutional Conundrum' has 
been created.


DoD to Set Up Joint Intelligence Operations Centers Worldwide

WASHINGTON – The Defense Department is moving to establish a worldwide 
group of joint intelligence organizations designed to rapidly gather, 
interpret and act on information to better meet 21st-century military 
needs, senior military officials said here today.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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