In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


BRUSSELS, Belgium (UPI) -- The urban riots that shook France to its core 
last year were not sparked by Islamist fanatics and had little to do with 
the radicalization of the country`s Muslim youth, says a new report by the 
International Crisis Group. Instead, the independent Brussels-based 
grouping blames the violence on political frustration and social 
deprivation among Muslim communities and the heavy-handed tactics adopted 
by French police in deprived suburbs.

International Crisis Group website:

Study at:


Simple Math demonstrate that the Official 9/11 Account is a Fabrication

The term "official 9/11 account" refers to the account of the events of 
Sept. 11, 2001, as presented in June 2004 by the Commission of Inquiry 
appointed by President George W. Bush, and complemented by other official 
documents issued by US government agencies. This account includes various 
details, such as identities of the alleged hijackers, identities of 
aircraft, timelines and other data used to prove that the crime of 9/11 was 
perpetrated by the named individuals under the orders or the inspiration of 
Osama bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders.


The real meaning of 9/11

There is a rush to replace the World Trade Center with something or other 
but inaction to replace the houses of the hundreds of thousands who lost 
their homes to Hurricane Katrina.


9/11: Bush claims he can violate detainee rights at Gitmo

The Bush administration argued Friday that a newly enacted law wipes out 
hundreds of pending court cases by detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who 
are challenging their confinement.


9/11: The Torture Judge

U.S. court rules our government can break international laws to keep us safe.
Oh, well that makes it all right then!,hentoff,72497,6.html


9/11: Who's really locked up in Guantanamo?

Last week, under court order, the Pentagon released the transcripts of 
several hundred hearings held to decide whether Guantanamo prisoners were 
in fact "enemy combatants." Classified evidence was deleted, but what 
emerges is how insignificant most of these prisoners are. Fewer than half 
were caught on battlefields in Afghanistan or by U.S. troops. A majority 
were turned over by Pakistan (often for cash bounties). Few "combatants" 
are even accused of having fought. Many are held simply because they were 
living in a house associated with the Taliban or working for a charity 
linked to the group.


The Meaning of Free Speech

The flap over a Colorado high-school geography teacher illustrates two 
faults in American society today. One: Talk radio and talk television have 
taken on the role of rabble-rousers who routinely incite the mobs over any 
trivial matter. Two: People still obviously believe in word magic.

The teacher, Jay Bennish, said in a lecture in his geography course that 
there were some similarities between President Bush's last State of the 
Union speech and speeches Adolf Hitler used to make.


Can a Scientist Believe in God?

Can a scientist believe in God? "Absolutely. And recent surveys indicate 
that about 40 percent do," Francis Collins, co-director of the team to 
locate the gene for cystic fibrosis told tae. But for many scientists, 
answering that question can break a career. Take Dr. Dean Kenyon for 
example. He earned an S.B. in physics from the University of Chicago (Phi 
Beta Kappa) and a Ph.D. in biophysics from Stanford. He was a National 
Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, 
Berkeley; a visiting scholar at Oxford; and a postdoctoral fellow at 
nasa-Ames Research Center. Since the publication of the book he co-wrote, 
Biochemical Predestination, he has been an authority in chemical 
evolutionary theory. But one semester at San Francisco State University, he 
included 3 lectures (out of 27) on the Bible and the origins of life, for 
which he was removed from teaching introductory lecture courses. Only under 
pressure from the university's Academic Freedom Committee, the Academic 
Senate, and the American  Association of University Professors was Kenyon 


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2317

The War in Iraq Costs $248,302,671,361 - See the cost in your community


The farcical end of the American dream - The US press is supposed to be 
challenging the lies of this war

Mr Welshofer, it transpired in court, had stuffed the Iraqi General Abed 
Hamed Mowhoush head-first into a sleeping bag and sat on his chest, an 
action which - not surprisingly - caused the general to expire. The 
military jury ordered - reader, hold your breath - a reprimand for Mr 
Welshofer, the forfeiting of $6,000 of his salary and confinement to 
barracks for 60 days.


The war has spread is hatred and mistrust for our nation in much of the world

Iraq War: Three years later

The end of the third year of war in Iraq coincides with the quadrennial 
release of the Bush administration's National Security Strategy report. It 
seems they haven't learned a damn thing.


Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion

One thing is certain about the Iraq war: It has cost a lot more than 
advertised. In fact, the tab grows by at least $200 million each and every day.


Consequences of a War State

War consists of killing people and destroying property. That's all there is 
to war. Any honest soldier will tell you the same thing: His job is to kill 
people and destroy property. That's true of all branches of the service.



I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the 
American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands 
did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews 
killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews 
on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab 
neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called 
"cruel Zionism." I write about it because I was part of it.


To bleed and to die in the dust

Ask yourself: Does the president behave like a servant of the people; or 
does he resemble an emperor? Ask the same question of Bill Frist, Hillary 
Clinton, and all of our so called public servants. Who do their policies 
benefit? Who is working for whom? Do they live like you? What kind of 
health insurance do they have? How do their benefits compare to your own? 
Do they have money worries? Are their children getting killed in Iraq? How 
do their retirement pensions compare to your own?


Pledging to Vote for Peace

How many Americans would pledge to cast their votes in November only for 
candidates who want to end the war in Iraq?


Organizing Voters to End War - Protests and Petitions are Not Enough

"I will not vote for or support any candidate for President or Congress who 
does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and preventing any future 
war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign.?

Click here to make a difference."




Global Protests Mark Iraq War Anniversary

Anti-war protesters marched in Australia, Asia, Turkey and Europe on 
Saturday in demonstrations that marked the third anniversary of the 
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with a demand that coalition troops pull out.


Global Day Of Protest On Third Anniversary Of Iraq War

March 18th will be a global day of protest against the occupation of Iraq 
and new wars. For the first time there will be co-ordinated demonstrations 
in the US, Britain and Iraq. Troops out demonstrations have been called in 
Baghdad and Basra.


Anti-war protesters join forces across the world

In Sydney, protesters dressed up as George Bush carrying the Grim Reaper's 
scythe and chanting "End the war now!" and "Troops out!".


Thousands join anti-war protest


Anti-War Rallies Held Across the World

Find a protest.
If you can't find one, MAKE one.
Let the world know that the Neocons do NOT speak for you.


London Peace March 18/03/06

Posted Mar 18, 2006 08:10 PM PST - Category: CURRENT EVENTS
BBC reported up to 100,000 people showed up.


Anti-War Protest, San Francisco March 18, 2006

Posted Mar 18, 2006 07:55 PM PST - Category: CURRENT EVENTS


Must Watch 7 Minute Video: Cindy Sheehan - Camp Casey

"They can't kill hope and the can't kill love"


US Marines investigated for Iraq war crimes

About a dozen US Marines are being investigated for possible war crimes 
after the deaths last year of 15 Iraqi civilians caught in the crossfire 
during a gun battle with insurgents.,,7374-2090849,00.html


Four U.S. Soldiers Die, Four Others Wounded in Explosion in Iraq

The explosion occurred near a checkpoint of the Iraqi police in the region. 
According to the information U.S. troops have closed the area and arrested 
ten Iraqi policemen, guarding the checkpoint.


Soldiers killed by indirect fire

Two U.S. Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division were killed and another 
wounded in an indirect fire attack on Contingency Operating Base Speicher, 
northwest of Tikrit


US soldier killed in Samarra offensive

The US military said one US soldier was killed and about 30 people detained 
by the end of the second day of their assault on Samarra.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 17 March 2006
    * Resistance kills puppet chief of provincial governing council in 
al-Anbar, the longest-serving puppet official in ar-Ramadi.
    * US B-52s blast residential areas to the east of Samarra' late Friday 
    * US, puppet forces devastate region around Samarra'. Whole families 
wiped out. Americans bomb, puppet troops go in to loot and plunder.
    * Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter west of Samarra'.
    * American aircraft bomb Jallab village. Heavy civilian casualties 
reported by local medical sources.
    * US, puppet forces begin massive raids in Samarra' area, provocatively 
searching women and girls, looting houses.
    * Samarra' area Resistance reportedly in hands of local fighters 
following orderly withdrawal of al-Qa'idah combatants. More attacks on US 
troops believed to be ready for Saturday, pending the Americans' advance.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in ar-Ramadi.
    * US soldier reported killed by Resistance sharpshooter in al-Fallujah 
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in eastern al-Qa'im.
    * Following reported death of three US Marines at Baghdad power 
station, American troops destroy the plant and blame the wrecking on 
Resistance forces, leaving much of Baghdad, including hospitals, without 
    * President Saddam Hussein calls on Iraqis to unite to fight the 
occupation and its stooges.
    * "An act of Barbarism": US soldiers tie up and murder family of 11 
including women and children, Reuters reports from al-Ishaqi.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier on side street in 
    * Resistance bomb in Ba'qubah reportedly kills two US troops.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts US column in Kirkuk, reportedly killing 
four US troops.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in Mosul.
    * Resistance bomb wounds three British troops in al-Basrah.


8 killed in eastern Afghanistan

Militants ambushed an influential former governor near his home Saturday, 
killing him and four others, while three suspected Taliban rebels died in a 
botched attack on a current governor, Afghan officials said.


Girl, 8, is killed in Israeli raid

An eight-year-old Palestinian girl was shot dead by the Israeli military in 
the northern West Bank last night. Iqbar Zayed was riding in a car driven 
by her uncle in Yamun, east of Jenin, when she was hit, Palestinian 
hospital sources said.


Australia: Phone taps won't be random: Ruddock

Mr Ruddock today rejected claims that proposed new telephone interception 
powers could be randomly used to tap the phones of anonymous callers to the 
National Security Hotline.


Pigs at the trough: House GOP leader well traveled

The Center for Public Integrity said that Boehner accepted 42 privately 
sponsored trips from January 2000 to December 2005. That put him on the 
road to other countries and "golfing hotspots," often with his wife, 
Debbie, for about half a year, "only nine days of which he listed as being 
'at personal expense,' " the center said.


Congressmen get in fight, spew racial epithets

Congressional debate about immigration has gotten ugly, according to 
Thursday's edition of Roll Call.


The star-spangled fantasyland of the fake and home of the bogus

US politicians aim for rugged, macho images because insecure voters want to 
feel that real men are in charge,,1733675,00.html


NYC police used covert tactics, `proactive arrests' at protests

Among the most effective strategies, one police captain wrote, was the 
seizure of demonstrators on 5th Avenue who were described as "obviously 
potential rioters."


Dissent was once a cherished American value

The Pittsburgh advocacy group, which spends much of its time opposing war 
and violence, released federal documents this week that it says proves the 
FBI was spying on peace activists here.


Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass Congress

In an amazing development that has received almost no media attention, 
mainstream or alternative, President Bush again placed himself above the 
law and wilfully violated the Constitution by signing into law a bill that 
didn't pass both Houses of Congress.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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