In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pentagon hired contractor to advise on collecting information on churches, 
mosques, other U.S. sites

A Pentagon intelligence agency that kept files on American anti-war 
activists hired one of the contractors who bribed former Rep. Randy "Duke" 
Cunningham, R-Calif., to help it collect data on houses of worship, 
schools, power plants and other locations in the United States.


Crusaders were noble, says Vatican -  Vatican on a quest for the Crusaders

THE Vatican has moved to rehabilitate the Crusaders by sponsoring a 
conference that portrays the Crusades as wars fought with the "noble aim" 
of regaining the Holy Land for Christianity. The Crusades are seen by many 
Muslims as acts of violence that have underpinned Western aggression 
towards the Arab world ever since. Followers of Osama bin Laden claim to be 
taking part in a latter-day "jihad against the Jews and Crusaders".,,13509-2093921,00.html


The U.S. government is one of the biggest opponents of democracy in the world

Take El Salvador for example – a tiny nation in Central America with only 
about 5 million people. Our government used intimidation in March of this 
year to promote the election of the ARENA party’s candidate for president, 
Tony Saca over the FMLN candidate Shafik Handal. At about the same time our 
government was issuing statements to scare Salvadorans it was also trying 
to scare Americans about non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.


The Most Powerful Weapon in the World

No pictures of the family leading ordinary lives. Every image is draped 
with flags or patriotic messages of support. This is not by chance. The 
producers don't care about who these people are. They only care about what 
they represent. This man's life and the lives of his sons were consumed by 
the fear and intolerance fabricated by the media, all in the name of an 
abstract notion of freedom and nationalism that simply does NOT represent 

Wakeup America. This is the height of fascism. You're being manipulated and 
controlled by the media to serve a war machine that feeds corporate interests.


Domestic lying: The question that journalists don’t ask Bush

With great fanfare the other day, Oprah Winfrey asked James Frey a question 
that mainstream journalists refuse to ask George W. Bush: “Why would you lie?”

Many pundits and news outlets have chortled at the televised unmasking of 
Frey as a liar. The reverberations have spanned from schlock media to 
highbrow outlets. On Friday, the PBS “NewsHour With Jim Lehrer” devoted an 
entire segment to what happened. The New York Times supplemented its 
page-one coverage with an editorial that concluded “Ms. Winfrey gave the 
audience, including us, what it was hoping for: a demand to hear the truth.”


Bush still sees no reason to apologise

"So I lied to get us into the war. Big @#$%ing deal. Only a commie pinko 
fag junkie anti-Semite would care that I started a war with lies. Real 
Americans LOVE to be lied to!" -- Official White Horse Souse


Iraq: The big lie

Bush and Rumsfeld robotically repeat their Iraq talking points, ignoring 
the fact that their ambassador and generals are contradicting them.


A Collapsing Presidency

Neocons are Jacobins. They are a foreign import and do not share our 
American values. Neocons are a grave danger to the United States and to the 
world. Neocons have led America into two gratuitous on-going wars that 
cannot be won, and they are determined to lead us into more wars. It is our 
duty to defend our country and to oppose these evil people.


Decline and fall

Kevin Phillips, no lefty, says that America -- addicted to oil, strangled 
by debt and maniacally religious -- is headed for doom.


America’s Blinders

What is the idea of our moral superiority based on? Surely not on our 
behavior toward people in other parts of the world.


Baker’s Latest Assignment; tell Bush we lost

After years of struggle, Baker and company have finally created the 
one-party system of their dreams with a government that is unaccountable to 
the people, the law, or its political base. Unfortunately, he’s about to 
learn what others have known for some time; the nation is in the vice-like 
grip of homicidal maniacs who have no intention of relinquishing power or 
admitting defeat.


Bush Didn't Bungle Iraq, You Fools

The Mission Was Indeed Accomplished


The 50 Billion Dollar Robbery

Where has the 50 billion dollars of reconstruction money gone?

Following the Iraq war, billions of dollars of Iraq's money was directed to 
American companies to rebuild the country. But much of it remains 
unaccounted for, and Peter Marshall has been investigating startling 
allegations of post war profiteering. Real Video - 14 Minutes


Why the war is a waste

Speaking truth to tyranny is the place to start. Otherwise, we will learn 
directly, not just from history books, that just as empires rise, they also 
fall, brought down by their own hubris.


U.S. War Spending to Rise 44% to $9.8 Bln a Month, Report Says

Spending will rise to $9.8 billion a month from the $6.8 billion a month 
the Pentagon said it spent last year, the research service said. The 
group's March 10 report cites ``substantial'' expenses to replace or repair 
damaged weapons, aircraft, vehicles, radios and spare parts.


Killing Children: The “My Lai phase” of the Iraq war

What goes through George Bush’s mind when he sees the dead bodies of Iraqi 
women and children loaded on the back of a pickup truck like garbage? Is 
there ever a flicker of remorse; a split-second when he fully grasps the 
magnitude of the horror he has created?


U.S. Companies Profited As Iraqi Children Died

A financial scandal that in terms of sheer scale must rank as one of the 
greatest in history.


The bodies are piling up

Today George said that the temptation to abandon "our" commitments is 
strong. Did he have a mouse in his pocket? I never made a commitment to 
preemptive war. I didn't authorize Congress to abrogate their 
responsibilities to declare war. I didn't give the orders to invade a 
country that was absolutely no threat to the USA. I also didn't give the 
orders to use depleted uranium and wmd in Iraq. I wasn't the one who 
devoted myself to torture and imprisoning people without due process.


Did Marines Commit Crime in Iraq Civilian Deaths?

A bloody videotape shot by a local Iraqi journalism student has prompted 
the Pentagon to launch a criminal investigation into an incident that left 
at least 15 Iraqi civilians dead in the city of Haditha.


One Morning in Haditha"

U.S. Marines killed 15 Iraqi civilians in their homes last November. Was it 
self-defense, an accident or cold-blooded revenge? A TIME exclusive,9171,1174682,00.html


Iraqi police say U.S. troops executed 11, including baby

Iraqi police have accused U.S. troops of executing 11 people, including a 
75-year-old woman and a 6-month-old infant, in the aftermath of a raid 
Wednesday on a house about 60 miles north of Baghdad.


Two Wounded Iraqi Children and Their Fathers Tell Their Stories

after being caught in crossfire and 3 year-old Alaa Khalid Hamdan was 
seriously injured when a U.S. tank opened fire on her family's home.


The Killing of an Entire Iraq Family by the US Forces of Occupation. Pictures


Death squads on the prowl in a nation paralysed by fear

Unseen by the outside world, silent populations are on the move, frightened 
people fleeing neighbourhoods where their community is in a minority for 
safer districts.


Danish troops out of Iraq now! Victory to the Iraqi Resistance!


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 19 March 2006
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing west of al-Hadithah.
    * Resistance bombing in southwestern Baghdad leaves US soldier reported 
    * For second straight day US forces on Sunday prevent aid from Red 
Crescent, UAE Humanitarian Organization from getting to victims of American 
Samarra’ offensive.
    * Villagers near Samarra’ beat up “disgusting” reporter for puppet 
government TV station who “did’t tell the truth.”
    * US troops, backed by pro-US Shi‘i sectarian forces, make hundreds of 
arrests in their offensive against the people of the Samarra’ area, 
including wives and children of “wanted” men.
    * Five US troops reported killed in Resistance attack in ad-Dulu‘iyah 
at dawn Sunday. US troops respond by murdering six local civilians.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing south of Tikrit.
    * Mysterious rocket explodes near Shi‘i pilgrimage site as US, UK 
continue efforts to spark sectarian conflict in Iraq.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills four British troops in an-Nasiriyah.
    * Resistance bombards US-occupied al-Habbaniyah airbase with mortars 
Sunday morning.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troop” in ad-Durah, Two puppet 
“Shock Troops” killed in Resistance bombing in al-Bayya‘.
    * Resistance bomb explodes by US column in western Baghdad’s 
al-Ghazaliyah area.
    * Two Resistance bombs blast puppet police in Ba‘qubah area.
    * Resistance ambushes puppet “National Guard” column on Saturday evening.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in Kirkuk.
    * Resistance bomb wounds three US troops in western Mosul, Resistance 
fighters ambush puppet police in western Mosul.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts US patrol in Tall ‘Afar.


Media Avoids Covering Vote on Permanent Bases

Something is happening in Iraq that most Americans have never heard about, 
but many Americans think the war is being fought for: the United States is 
building what look like permanent military bases.


Polls show public want Australian troops out of Iraq

A new opinion poll out today suggests that almost two thirds of people in 
this country want Australian troops to leave Iraq within the next couple 


Al-Awda: Abbas Must Step Down

Israel's attack on the Jericho prison, the murder of three Palestinians, 
and the kidnapping of Palestinian national leader Ahmad Sa'adat, Secretary 
General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and 
his comrades are aimed at forcing Palestinians to submit to 
US-Israeli-British dictates. They reflect an Israeli-British-American 
determination to subvert the Palestinians' struggle to reclaim their land 
and narrative, and to chart their future as the rightful owners of


IOF Practice a Starvation Policy against the Palestinian People

PCHR Warns of a Humanitarian Catastrophe in the Gaza Strip - Palestinian 
Centre for Human Rights

PCHR calls upon the international community, particularly the High 
Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, UN agencies 
and all international humanitarian organizations, to take effective 
measures to force Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) to allow the immediate 
flow of food, especially flour and milk, into the Gaza Strip through 
al-Mentar (Karni) crossing.

SEE ALSO: IDF extends seal on territories as humanitarian state worsens


Baruch Marzel: IDF must assassinate left-wing activist Uri Avnery

National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, now campaigning for the March 
28 Knesset election, said Monday the leaders of the Kadima party are 
"traitors" and "criminals" and called on the Israel Defense Forces to 
assassinate the far-left leader of the Gush Shalom movement Uri Avnery.

We will start with the latest article by Uri Avnery, 80-something-year-old 
Israeli peace activist, followed by the Ha'aretz article about why Baruch 
Marzel wants him eliminated. Avnery, who watched the pictures coming out of 
Jericho on the TV of a Palestinian friend whom he visited, draws lines back 
to the 1956 when Britain and France conspired with Israel to go to war 
against Egypt and concludes with a harsh question.


Border Police kill girl, 10, near Jenin

Border policemen killed a 10-year-old Palestinian and wounded her aunt at 
an improvised army checkpoint on Friday.


IDF: Police who killed Palestinian girl broke rules of engagement

The undercover Border Policemen who allegedly killed a 10-year-old 
Palestinian girl near Jenin on Friday night violated the rules of 
engagement, according to an initial investigation of the incident.


Bush Repeats US Would Use Military To Protect Israel

"I made it clear, and I'll make it clear again, that we will use military 
might to protect our ally Israel," Bush said during a question and answer 
session after a speech in Cleveland.\ACQDJON200603201406DOWJONESDJONLINE000553.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=


Palestine, Afghanistan and Canada's Reputation

The positive Palestinian view may change as current events with Canada at 
home and abroad show signs of a more right wing hard line approach.

Canada has had a favourable image around the world for reasons that I would 
like to think can be attributed in part from our previous record as a 
United Nations peacekeeper. Indeed it was Canada’s Lester B. Pearson who 
suggested to the United Nations during the 1957 Suez Crisis that the 
combatants be separated with a UN peacekeeping force, an idea that was 
accepted, implemented, and for which he received the Nobel Peace prize. The 
second attribute that finds Canadian friends around the world is that we 
are defined as being ‘not Americans’, that we hold different ideals of 
humanitarian compassion and social responsibility.


Seven die in Pakistan blast

Dera Ismali Khan is close to the Waziristan tribal region which has been 
the theatre of conflict between Pakistani forces and the suspected Al-Queda 
and Taliban militants for over three years.


Four Afghan policmen killed in motorbike ambush

Suspected Taliban gunmen on motorbikes shot and killed four Afghan 
policemen today in a lawless southern province where 3,300 British troops 
will soon be based, a provincial official said.


Canada's 'Guantanamo North' prison to open by end of March

Small six-inmate facility within maximum security Millhaven Penitentiary 
already the subject of human rights protests

Kingston (20 March 2006) - Few people in Canada even know it exists those 
who do are already calling it Guantanamo North - a small and intensely 
secure maximum-security prison for foreign terror suspects detained in Canada..


Who is the rogue state really?

Iran is not guilty of abdicating or reneging on its obligations as a 
signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT). Under the terms of 
that treaty, Iran has an inalienable right to develop research, production, 
and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination.



The much greater threat to the US currency is the US current account 
deficit, which ballooned to 7% of gross domestic product in the fourth 
quarter of 2005. The announcement drove the euro up to 1.202 against the US 
dollar as skittish traders renewed their concerns about the world's fiat 


Guantanamo protest in SF halts traffic downtown, 17 arrested

Police arrested 17 protesters and pulled several others wearing orange 
jumpsuits from a makeshift prison cell Monday in the heart of the city's 
financial district.


Australia: Suspected terrorist abused in custody, court told

The lawyer for one of the eight terrorism suspects rounded up in Sydney 
last year has told a court his client was being abused and was denied 
medical treatment while in custody.


BBC film telling the 'truth' of Rwandan genocide compounds the original 
sins of the West's media

History? This film is fiction

In the course of a few terrible months in 1994, up to one million people 
were killed in Rwanda in organised and systematic massacres. It was 
slaughter on a scale not seen since the Nazi extermination programme. The 
comparison with the Holocaust is impossible to resist, for the central 
purpose was the elimination of a people. Every Tutsi was targeted. The 
failure of the Security Council of the UN to act responsibly is one of the 
great scandals of the 20th century.,,1734240,00.html


Rewriting The Science

As a government scientist, James Hansen is taking a risk. He says there are 
things the White House doesn't want you to hear but he's going to say them 


Chavez blasts Bush as "donkey" and "drunkard"


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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