In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

History shows Jews and Christians killed more Muslims than Muslims killed
Jews and Christians

"Muslims feel they are paying the heavy price of Western guilt over
Europe's past mistreatment of Jews. Not even one UN statement against
Israeli aggression has been allowed to pass!"


In Terror War, Not All Names Are Equal

A major government watchdog group is charging that Muslim charities are
being shut down for supposedly backing terrorist causes, while giant firms
like Halliburton are receiving the full protection of U.S. law for
allegedly breaking government sanctions against doing business with Iran --
a country designated as a sponsor of terrorism.


If Past Is Prologue, George Bush Is Becoming An Increasingly Dangerous

Now, in early 2006, Bush has continued to sink lower in his public approval
ratings, as the result of a series of events that have sapped the public of
confidence in its President, and for which he is directly responsible. This
Administration goes through scandals like a compulsive eater does candy
bars; the wrapper is barely off one before we've moved on to another.


The Worst President in History?

One of America's leading historians assesses George W. Bush


Apartheid, Bush style

The Republican rape of New Orleans



Prof Justin Frank said the president is a danger to the world because he
actually believes he is all-powerful and beyond the law.


FLASHBACK: Is George W. Bush An Active/Negative President Like Nixon, LBJ,
Hoover and Wilson?


Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Of The Map - Does He Deny Te Holocaust?

It's becoming clear. The statements of the Iranian President have been
reflected by the media in a manipulated way. Iran's President betokens the
removal of the regimes, that are in power in Israel and in the USA, to be
possible aim for the future. This is correct. But he never demands the
elimination or annihilation of Israel. He reveals that changes are potential.


The Great Revulsion

"I have a vision — maybe just a hope — of a great revulsion: a moment in
which the American people look at what is happening, realize how their good
will and patriotism have been abused, and put a stop to this drive to
destroy much of what is best in our country."


Don't Impeach Bush. Commit Him

A Maniacal Messianic Prepares to Fulfill His Destiny

Until I read Seymour Hersh's expose in The New Yorker and subsequent
follow-up coverage by other journalists about the Bush Administration's
plans to start a war against Iran, I had dismissed talk of George W. Bush's
messianism as so much Beltway chatter. True, he hears voices, even claiming
that God and Jesus Christ talk to him. "I believe God wants me to run for
president," he told a friend in Texas. Eschewing mainstream religion, he
routinely parrots the apocalyptic ravings of fringe Christianist cults


Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq

"The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the
culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen
governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and
economic reasons."


FLASHBACK: Jewish Lobbyists Quietly Backed Resolution Allowing Bush to
Commit U.S. Troops to Combat

Leaders of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee now acknowledge it
worked in tandem with the Bush administration to win passage of a
resolution authorizing the president to commit U.S. troops to combat. The
behind-the-scenes campaign avoided Aipac's customary high profile in the
Capitol and relied instead on activists-calling sometimes from Israel
itself-to contact lawmakers and build on public endorsements by major
Jewish organizations.



White House knew there were no WMD: CIA

The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six
months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House
intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said,
according to CBS.


Revolt of the generals

The denunciation of the administration's handling of Iraq by former US army
chiefs is unprecedented,,1758033,00.html


America’s Terror-war in Iraq

What’s really taking place is that American armed and trained death squads
are attacking Sunnis and Shiite alike to facilitate a break-up of Iraq
which Pentagon planners and right wing ideologues have sought from the very


Rumsfeld jokes as generals get angry over GI body count

“I am driven to action now by the missteps and misjudgments of the White
House and the Pentagon, and by my many painful visits to our military
hospitals,” Newbold wrote “The cost of flawed leadership continues to be
paid in blood.


Poor planning, equipment to push Iraq war costs to 1 trillion dollars

"When the administration submitted its original budget for the Iraq war, it
didn't provide money for continuing the war this year or any other. We
could end up spending up to one trillion (dollars) in supplemental budgets
for this war," he said.


Five police among 7 killed

The five police commandos, were ambushed and shot dead by gunmen who opened
fire on their car,. A baker in Baghdad and a policeman in Baquba were also
shot and killed in separate incidents, defense and interior ministry
officials said.


6 Iraqi soldiers captured, shot to death

Six off-duty Iraqi soldiers were captured and shot execution-style outside
a restaurant in northern Iraq on Friday, police said.


4 Police Killed By IED

Four policemen were killed when their patrol hit a roadside bomb, police said.


Raging Grannies and Raging Americans

Every American who has ears to hear the "decider" lie and everyone who has
eyes to watch him figuratively defecate on our Bill of Rights should use
their voices to scream against the cruelty of BushCo, use their feet to
march in solidarity with other Americans who repudiate the cruelty, and use
their butts to sit down in front of places of power to demand that our
leaders quit using our names to imprison people indefinitely without trials
and torture them as they hypocritically accuse other governments of
violating human rights.


Globe resorts to disreputable ‘Dershowitz Defence’

On March 29, The Coalition of Arab Canadian Professionals and Community
Associations (CAPCA) served the Globe and Mail editorial board and
publisher with a petition signed by itself and numerous individuals and
associations. The undersigned demanded that the Globe:
    * issue a correction and an apology regarding its Feb. 15 editorial.
    * address charges of plagiarism and unethical conduct directed at the
Globe’s editorialist; and
    * develop relationships, both formal and informal, with Canadian groups
that can help provide full Arab, and Palestinian, perspective regarding the
Globe’s Middle East content and be able to show that such relationships
have been sought and established.


Two failed states

"A massive fiscal squeeze on the Hamas-led government has led to warnings
that the Palestinian people could become residents of a failed state even
before they achieve independence," says an Agence France Presse report this


The Little Mermaid on Highway Six: Rooting for ordinary Israelis to wake up

Palestinian children are not made for war, any more than Israeli children
are made for war. Yet while the politicians jockey for power, our Israeli
mothers go on loyally sending their children to join the army and terrorize
the neighbors, as if that were a normal thing to do, believing it their
duty to the nation; and Palestinian mothers continue to live in fear when
their kids sneak out to throw stones at the tanks those Israeli kids are
driving, and sometimes they come back in a box. Miki, a former babysitter
for my children, granddaughter of a good friend, a sweet, charming girl,
was conscripted into the Israeli army at 18 with all the other kids, and
became a sharpshooter instructor. Her trainees, still children themselves,
go out and shoot Palestinian children in the streets of Nablus or Hebron.
Who can make sense of this? And what of another friend’s only son Haggai,
the dreamer, the nature-lover, who will never sit under a tree again on a
summer’s day, watching the clouds sail by in the sky? The Czar’s army (they
call it the IDF here) got him, and ate him alive.


Israel Preparing To Kill Palestinian Cabinet and Reoccupy Gaza?

In a growing barrage of Israeli pressure against Hamas, a senior military
commander said Israel is actively preparing to reoccupy the Gaza Strip and
a powerful lawmaker said the entire Palestinian Cabinet could be targeted
for assassination .


Hamas preparing for independent Palestinian economy

The Hamas-led Palestinian government is preparing a long-term plan aimed at
achieving separation from the Israeli economy.


Amira Hass: Hungry and shell-shocked

Where will the next blow land? That is the question. Not if it will come,
but rather when, and on whom will it land, and what kind will it be?


6 Police, 1 U.S. Soldier Killed in Afghanistan

Taliban insurgents attacked a police post on Friday killing six policemen
as gunmen opened fire on a patrol in a separate incident, killing a U.S.
soldier, officials said.


A Path to Peace with Iran

The problems that plague Washington DC on the issue of Iran are the same
problems that haunt America overall regarding Iraq -- no clear
understanding of why we as a nation are doing what we are doing where we
are doing it, and absolutely no system of accountability for those who are
implicated, directly through their actions or indirectly through abrogation
of duties and responsibilities, in embroiling America in such senseless


1 Million Dead Iranians

When this attack comes -- either as a stand-alone "knock-out blow" or as
the precursor to a full-scale, regime-changing invasion, like the earlier
aggression in Iraq -- there will be no warning, no declaration of war, no
congressional hearings, no public debate. The already-issued orders
governing the operation put the decision solely in the hands of the
president. He picks up the phone, he says, "Go," and in 12 hours' time, up
to 1 million Iranians will be dead.


Peak Oil And The Political Economy Of Terrorism

A Straits of Hormuz blocked by sunken tankers either way will immediately
reduce global oil supplies by 20-25 per cent per day. Perhaps more,
depending on which estimates you have been reading.


Grand Jury Hears Evidence Against Rove

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald met with the grand jury hearing
evidence in the CIA leak case and introduced additional evidence against
Rove, attorneys and other US officials close to the investigation said.


The "smoking iPod": Definitive proof that George W. Bush is a lawbreaker

Silly? Remember this: They nailed Al Capone for tax evasion, didn't they?


Cheney Profits From Katrina

Cheney exercised some of his Halliburton options in late 2005, during which
time that company's profits were soaring in part because of fat no-bid
reconstruction contracts granted to its subsidiary KBR in the wake of
Katrina. Cheney used those proceeds -- $6.8 million -- to donate to
charities per his 2001 agreement to use his options only for charity.


-muslim voice-

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