In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2319

The War in Iraq Costs $249,019,818,285

See the cost in your community


Islamophobia: A second Holocaust in the making

Germany, once again, apologizes for the Holocaust and is willing to do what 
it takes to redeem itself - even if it was financing a second Holocaust 
against the Palestinian people; a typical manifestation of the European 
guilt-ridden political conscience. And typically, we, Arabs and Muslims are 
to pay the price.


Montreal mosque vandalized

For the fourth time in recent weeks, vandals have targeted a Montreal-area 
mosque, this time smashing several windows with rocks at a St. Michel 
mosque early Tuesday morning.

Imam Said Jazari says his is the fourth mosque in the Montreal region to be 
hit since the global controversy over the publishing of cartoons depicting 
the prophet Muhammad. Jazari organized a demonstration against those 
cartoons last month.


Muslim chaplain of NY jails suspended for saying there are "terrorists" in 
the White House


Dozens of clergy of all faiths, correction officers and fellow Muslims came 
out to support the head chaplain of the city's jails, who was suspended 
last week for allegedly claiming in a speech there are "terrorists" in the 
White House.


Danes must apologise to Muslims to end boycott - imam

MANAMA (Reuters) - Danish imams attending an Islamic scholars meeting in 
Bahrain will not call for a halt to a Muslim boycott of their country's 
goods until Danes apologise for cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, an imam 
said on Thursday.

Danish media reported on Thursday that the delegation of Danish imams would 
issue an appeal calling for the boycott of Danish products and firms to be 


Quebec orders prayer site for Muslims

MONTREAL­The Quebec Human Rights Commission says a university-affiliated 
institution should try to find reasonable accommodation where its Muslim 
students can pray.


Poll: 68% of Jews would refuse to live in same building as an Arab

Sixty-eight percent of Israeli Jews would refuse to live in the same 
apartment building as an Israeli Arab, according to the results of an 
annual poll released Wednesday by the Center for the Struggle Against Racism.


Interest in Learning Arabic Soars:  Arabic the fastest-growing spoken 
language of study at U.S. colleges and universities.

Interest in Learning Arabic Soars

As global events focus attention on the language, students at U.S. colleges 
are lining up for classes. But instructors are in short supply.

Coming of age during the 9/11 attacks and war in Iraq, some of the students 
in UCLA's advanced Arabic class want to launch diplomatic or military 
careers. Others seek to delve into the Koran and Islamic culture. And some 
simply love a mind-stretching, tongue-twisting challenge.,0,5290138,full.story?coll=la-class-employ-jobnews


Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s - 
Britain's dirty secret

Exculsive - Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in 
the 1960s, supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and 
uranium. And it looks as though Harold Wilson and his ministers knew 
nothing about it.

Mirage jets swoop from the sky to destroy the Egyptian air force before 
breakfast; tanks race across the desert to the Suez Canal; Moshe Dayan, the 
defence minister, poses with eyepatch after the Jerusalem brigade has 
fought its way into the Old City. These are the heroic images of the Six 
Day War and they defined Israeli daring: here was a people who, it seemed, 
risked everything on a throw of the dice. Years later the world discovered 
that there was an insurance policy.



WASHINGTON (AP) - Nabil Amen wrote it off as mistaken identity the first 
time U.S. border agents handcuffed him as he returned home from Canada. 
When he had border-crossing troubles a third time, he decided to never 
leave the United States again.


Latin America and Asia are at last breaking free of Washington's grip

The US-dominated world order is being challenged by a new spirit of 
independence in the global south

The prospect that Europe and Asia might move towards greater independence 
has troubled US planners since the second world war. The concerns have only 
risen as the "tripolar order" - Europe, North America and Asia - has 
continued to evolve.,,1731009,00.html


US strategy: Create international insecurity

Washington's predicament is that it is not powerful enough to impose peace 
on its own terms

The invasion of Iraq marked a diplomatic revolution. For the first time 
since Suez, a major power - and in this case the world's most powerful 
military state by a very large margin - deliberately launched a war outside 
its traditional sphere of influence without being threatened with imminent 
attack. The new US policy, which implied war might be more than merely a 
last resort in the face of imminent danger, flew in the face of prevailing 
international norms.


Ex-UN chief: America has 'lost its moral compass'

The United States has lost its moral compass and fallen out of step with 
the rest of the world in the wake of September 11, the former United 
Nations human rights commissioner warned tonight.,,11069-2095001,00.html


The Anti- Empire Report

US foreign policy does not "mean well". It's not that American leaders have 
miscalculated, or blundered, causing great suffering, as in Iraq, while 
having noble intentions. Rather, while pursuing their imperial goals they 
simply do not care about the welfare of the foreign peoples who are on the 
receiving end of the bombing and the torture


Every American Should Be Required To Watch This Video

The Road To Guantánamo

How three young men from the UK, ended up in the world's most notorious prison.

This movie shows the sadism and stupidity of the US and British soldiers. 
The guards behave with the same cruelty you expect to see from SS officers 
in lurid second world war movies. It takes a moment or two to realize that 
these events reflect the reality of those held in Americas notorious gulag.


Another Abu Ghraib trial leaves top brass unscathed

Smith, who was sentenced on Wednesday to about six months in prison for 
abusing detainees in Iraq with his black Belgian shepherd, had said he was 
merely following interrogation procedures approved by the chief 
intelligence officer at Abu Ghraib, Col. Thomas Pappas.


The Joy of Being Blameless

On the day that a court-martial imposed justice on a 24-year-old Army 
sergeant for tormenting detainees at Abu Ghraib with his dog, President 
Bush said once again that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, was doing a 
"fine job" and should stay at his post.


New York Times details secret US military torture operation

A New York Times report on March 19 details the operations of Task Force 
6-26, a highly secret US Special Operations Unit whose members have 
reportedly engaged in torture and assassination in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets

Since 1991, the U.S. has staged four nuclear wars using depleted uranium 
weaponry, which, like Agent Orange, meets the U.S. government definition of 
Weapons of Mass Destruction. Vast regions in the Middle East and Central 
Asia have been permanently contaminated with radiation.


Depleted Uranium For Dummies

Everything you need to know about depleted uranium.

Every day our troops remain in Iraq increases the chances that they will 
come home sick, produce children with birth defects, and die prematurely.


It's Criminal

The rallying cry of the Democratic Party must become impeachment. Given the 
magnitude of the crimes committed by the United States in Iraq under the 
direction and leadership of President Bush and his administration, there is 
simply no other recourse that can bring a halt to the madness in Iraq, and 
the insanity being planned in Iran and elsewhere.


The War Lovers

For me, one of the more odious characteristics of Blair, and Bush, and 
Clinton, and their eager or gulled journalistic court, is the enthusiasm of 
sedentary, effete men (and women) for bloodshed they never see, bits of 
body they never have to retch over, stacked morgues they will never have to 
visit, searching for a loved one. Their role is to enforce parallel worlds 
of unspoken truth and public lies. That Milosevic was a minnow compared 
with industrial-scale killers such as Bush and Blair belongs to the former.


The Aftermath Of A Massacre  Video


Another Civilian Massacre?

The investigation into the killings comes hot on the heels of a US Navy 
criminal probe into reports that marines intentionally shot 15 civilians 
dead near the western town of Haditha last November.


Peace elusive in Iraqi city of Samarra

Staff Sgt. Cortez Powell looked at the shredded jaw of a dead man whom he'd 
shot in the face when insurgents ambushed an American patrol in a blind of 
reeds. Powell's M4 assault rifle had jammed, so he'd grabbed the 
pump-action shotgun that he kept slung over his shoulders and pulled the 


Soldier Who Killed Iraqi Girl in 2004 Discharged, No Criminal Charges Filed


The “Noble Cause” that killed Casey Sheehan

America has completely surrendered to denial; abandoning any claim to 
reason or clear-sighted analysis. The vast majority of people are perfectly 
content to ignore the tell-tale signs of looming disaster choosing instead 
to keep their heads firmly tucked in the sand.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 22 March 2006
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in central 
    * Resistance car bomber blasts US column on Airport Road, reportedly 
killing four US troops.
    * US troops raid ad-Dulu‘iyah Tuesday, kill nine local people, 
including a couple and their 13-year-old son.
    * Resistance bomb south of al-Latifiyah leaves a reported two US troops 
    * US soldier reported wounded in Resistance bomb attack in western Mosul.
    * Resistance bombards US outposts, headquarters in ‘Amiriyat 
al-Fallujah Wednesday evening.
    * Iraqi Resistance mounts car bomb and mortar attack on US headquarters 
in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance mortar shells blast joint US-Iraqi puppet army 
headquarters in al-‘Ubaydi.
    * Resistance ambushes puppet police patrol in southwest Baghdad’s 
al-‘Amil district.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troops” in south Baghdad’s 
as-Sayyidiyah area.
    * Resistance shoots down unmanned US spyplane Tuesday evening.
    * Resistance fighters ambush convoy carrying construction supplies to 
US al-Bakr Baase.
    * Resistance forces ambush convoy hauling concrete barriers to US bases 
northeast of Baghdad.
    * Resistance fighters assault puppet police station in al-Mada’in at 
dawn Wednesday.
    * Resistance bombards US base north of al-Hillah Wednesday night.
    * Resistance rockets blast US al-Ghazlani base in Mosul.
    * US soldier reported wounded in Resistance bomb attack in western Mosul.
    * Resistance fires rocket into puppet military coordination center in 
Tall ‘Afar Wednesday morning.


US Media Bias: Covering Israel/Palestine

14 year old Ragheb al-Masri sat in the back of a taxi with his parents at 
the Abo Holi checkpoint. An Israeli bullet penetrated his back and cracked 
open his chest. His mother screamed as his body lay lifeless. Have you 
heard his name?


Palestinians Caught in War of Attrition

As if it isn't enough that the courageous residents of the West Bank and 
Gaza have had to struggle throughout their lives under occupation, they are 
now being isolated and starved while Western governments collude with 
Israel's assault on their lives and dignity.


ISRAEL Hundreds of detainees

The Israeli government is seeking to rush a new law through parliament 
before the forthcoming elections on 28 March, which would empower the 
General Security Service (GSS) to detain anyone classified as a 
non-resident of Israel without access to legal counsel for up to 50 days 
after arrest.


Israel Lobby Dictates U.S. Policy, Study Charges

The pro-Israel lobby in the United States has manipulated Washington's 
policies in the Middle East to the point where it is the U.S. that does 
most of the fighting, dying and rebuilding while Israel reaps most of the 
security benefits, argues a new study by two U.S. scholars.


New York State Assembly won't help Hamas-led Palestinian government

We support and stand by Israel, in declaring the closest friendship,” 
legislatures said.


New War Dangers: Iran, the U.S. and Nukes in the Middle East

* Escalating rhetoric, continued losses in Iraq, Bush's political problems, 
and an ideologically-driven pursuit of power make the possibility of a U.S. 
military attack on Iran - however reckless and however dangerous its 
consequences - a frighteningly real possibility.


9/11 : The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

With a supposedly unknown number of passenger jets in the air, crashing 
into buildingsw, with the President's presence at Booker announced in 
themedia three days in advance, and with an airport just 4 miles away, how 
did the United States Secret Service KNOW that President Bush was safe 
where he sat reading about goats? How did the United States Secret Service 
KNOW that President Bush did not need to be thrown into his armored limo 
and driven off? How did the United States Secret Service KNOW that 
President Bush wasn't making targets of all those children and teachers by 
remaining in that room? How did the United States Secret Service KNOW that 
President Bush was not a target?

They knew in advance what the targets were.



It raises a lot of questions," Sheen said. "A couple of years ago, it was 
severely unpopular to talk about any of this. It feels like from the people 
I talk to, and the research I've done and around my circles, it feels like 
the worm is turning."


Google Caught Censoring Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story

Google is again embroiled in a censorship scandal after being caught 
blocking information about Charlie Sheen's 9/11 comments, despite the fact 
that every other major search engine had indexed the pages.


CNN Produces Balanced Piece On Sheen 9/11 Comments

We are amazed and flabbergasted by how fair this piece is and it should 
help encourage other high profile figures in the public eye like Charlie 
Sheen to come forward.


Apocalyptic president

Even some Republicans are now horrified by the influence Bush has given to 
the evangelical right


The Accepted System of Dissent: We believe in an illusion.

That illusion is an accepted system of dissent that ensures our resistance 
doesn’t go beyond boundaries established by the government and the 
corporate media.


National Impeachment Movement Ignored by Corporate Media

If a national movement calling for the impeachment of the President is 
rapidly emerging and the corporate media are not covering it, is there 
really a national movement for the impeachment of the President?

Impeachment advocates are widely mobilizing in the U.S. Over 1,000 letters 
to the editors of major newspapers have been printed in the past six months 
asking for impeachment. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette letter writer George Matus 
says, "I am still enraged over unasked questions about exit polls, 
touch-screen voting, Iraq, the cost of the new MedicareŠwho formulated our 
energy policy, Jack Abramoff, the Downing Street Memos, and impeachment." 
David Anderson in McMinnville, Oregon pens to the Oregonian, "Where are the 
members of our congressional delegation now in demanding the current 
president's actions be investigated to see if impeachment or censure are 
appropriate actions?" William Dwyer's letter in the Charleston Gazette 
says, "Congress will never have the courage to start the impeachment 
process without a groundswell of outrage from the people."

City councils, boards of supervisors, and local and state level Democrat 
central committees have voted for impeachment.


Video Russ Feingold on The Daily Show

How many times are we going to let George Bush and Dick Cheney say you guys 
don't support the troops, you're not patriotic and let them push us around?


What Ever Happened to Congress?

Is it just that they're corrupt? That's certainly part of it


Pulled over in Kansas?

Get ready to show your license, registration ­ and fingerprints


N.Y.C.'s crime fight to get more eyes

he NYPD is installing 505 surveillance cameras around the city - and 
pushing to safeguard lower Manhattan with a "ring of steel" that could 
track hundreds of thousands of people and cars a day, authorities revealed 


A Global Infrastructure for Mass Surveillance: Surveillance for the Common Man

The total spy and surveillance capability of the United States and its 
allies is truly beyond comprehension - and apparently beyond control


FBI lists Indymedia, on 'terrorist watch' list

FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent G. Charles Rasner listed Indymedia, 
Food Not Bombs and the Communist Party of Texas as "terrorist watch" cause 
groups in Austin.



Harvard Backs Away from "Israel Lobby" Professors; Removes Logo from 
Controversial Paper.
Read the Harvard study before they make it disappear. Better yet, download it.


Professor Says American Publisher Turned Him Down

"I do not believe that we could have gotten it published in the United 
States," Mearsheimer told the Forward. He said that the paper was 
originally commissioned in the fall of 2002 by one of America's leading 
magazines, "but the publishers told us that it was virtually impossible to 
get the piece published in the United States."


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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