In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 Bin Laden: West waging a crusade

During the recording bin Laden also said the Western public shared
responsibility for the actions of their governments, particularly for what
he called their attacks on Islam.


9/11 Evidence of Thermite on Core Columns at WTC

Rather a nice clean cut on the diagonal, isn't it? And that obvious melted
and re-solidified iron flowing down from that cut is a real convincer!;read=87932


Former German Minister: "9/11 run by Bush Administration"

Former German Minister of Defense Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack,
Guide the planes in, then destroy the crime scene

Former Helmut Schmidt cabinet member, 25-year German Parliamentarian and
global intelligence expert Andreas Von Bülow says that the 9/11 attack was
run by the highest levels of the US intelligence apparatus using WTC
Building 7 as a command bunker which was later demolished in order to
destroy the crime scene.

Watch the Interview:


9/11 Flight 93 cockpit recording is a hoax

It took the authorities a long time to come up with evidence from the
flight recorders which they had earlier stated were not recoverable. It
seems to me they still did a rather sloppy job when replacing the real
recordings with this dramatic production. Here is why:


9/11: The Fake bin Laden Audio Tape

Posted Apr 23, 2006 09:40 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


Dutch reconsider Islamic values

A new report submitted to the Dutch government has sparked controversy by
arguing that Islam does not conflict with either human rights or Dutch
values. Islam has been a hot topic in the Netherlands since the killing of
a controversial film-maker, Theo van Gogh, by a young Muslim in 2004. In a
country traditionally seen as one of the most liberal and tolerant in
Europe, Islam and Muslims are now viewed with suspicion. The report is the
fruit of three years' work by the Scientific Council for Government Policy
(WRR), a think-tank in The Hague which advises the government. It examines
the evolution of thinking about democracy and human rights in a dozen
Muslim countries, ranging from Egypt and Iran to Indonesia. Jan
Schoonenboom, a member of the council who supervised the research, says it
highlights the variety and dynamism of Islamic activism. While there are
radical, jihadi trends, there are also more mainstream Islamic movements
which are moving, albeit slowly, towards democratisation.


Is U.S. being transformed into a radical republic?

As Alexis de Tocqueville once said: "America is great because she is good.
If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.",0,7907127.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines



Posted Apr 23, 2006 09:38 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


Bush's five point plan to 'rescue' his presidency

Someone, please tell me that this was a very belated April Fool's joke, and
ran in section of this "magrag" entitled 'humour' or 'satire'. Let's break
this down.
    * 1. The very companies that love Bush love the cheap labor illegal
immigrants provide.
    * 2. Tax cuts mean nothing if our currency is worthless.
    * 3. Bragging about the 'glimmer of success' in Iraq is really
hysterical. The only success has been the financial success of companies
like Haliburton, 3 years into this conflict, with no end in sight. It
certainly can never be a military success, because there were never enough
boots on the ground to insure that was going to happen (Shinseki told
Rumsfeld the truth, but Rumsfeld just wanted to stay in his own
    * 4. Playing 'tough' on Iran. Now, just what does that mean? A
pre-emptive strike, to which the Iranians will counter-attack, with our
troops the sitting ducks/sacrificial lambs in Iraq?
    * 5. Court the press? As though the press in this country wasn't just
another outlet for the Aministration's spin? Please. And remember, there is
no FCC law compelling the talking heads on radio or television to tell the
truth. If there were, the families of our soldiers - and those soldiers
themselves - would be learning about the illnesses and genetic mutations
caused by the depleted uranium many of them have been breathing.


And We Think We Are Free

What happened to us? Why do we refuse to learn from history? How similar
are we to those who put their clothes and valuables into neat piles before
stepping into the "showers" of the 40's? What dichotomy allows our American
military to act like Hitler's SS troops and their parents to be so weak
that they allow their president to assume dictatorial powers without giving
so much as a whimper?


In case you missed it: They Thought They Were Free

"What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by
little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated
in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the
government had to act on information which the people could not understand,
or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not
be released because of national security.


The Generals Revolt - A Symptom Of U.S. Malaise

The retired generals' revolt only highlights the malaise in the US polity
which has crept in , specially in recent decades. The disconnect between an
arrogant, ill informed Administration and the military executors of its
policies in Iraq has opened a Pandora's box which hopefully might become
the tipping point for much needed changes in US polity.


Almost 70 lawmakers sign Bush impeachment letter

Almost 70 Vermont legislators have signed a letter urging Congress to begin
an investigation of President Bush's domestic surveillance program and the
reasons for the war in Iraq and, which would lead to impeachment
proceedings, if warranted.


War on Terror is Elite Mind Control

Posted Apr 23, 2006 09:34 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


Rumsfeld Suggests bin Laden, Zarqawi Manipulating U.S. Press

Posted Apr 23, 2006 09:26 AM PST - Category: MAINSTREAM MEDIA
"And that's OUR job!" -- Official White Horse Souse


New Plans Foresee Fighting Terrorism Beyond War Zones

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has approved the military's most
ambitious plan yet to fight terrorism around the world and retaliate more
rapidly and decisively in the case of another major terrorist attack on the
United States, according to defense officials.


We Are The Deciders

Rumsfeld, like Dick Cheney does when he needs to "catapault the
propaganda," picked up the phone and called the drug-addled, dangerously
ignorant "El Rushbo" to reassure millions of panting dittoheads that those
who oppose him or criticize his handling of the war are being manipulated
by terrorists like Zarqawi, Bin Laden and Zawahiri.


Who's the dog? Who's the tail?

The influnece of the Israel lobby in the USA


US-Israel counter-terror plan proposed

For years, American law enforcement and security experts have been looking
to Israel for the latest in homeland security practices. Now Congress is
hoping to work with Israel and other at-risk countries to develop science
and technology applications to fight terrorism


Virginia Judge allows defense in AIPAC trial to summon Rices

Message from Israel to the U. S. - If you don't let our spies go, we will
tear your administration apart from the top down.


The Missing Girls of Iraq

Sex trafficking, virtually nonexistent under Saddam Hussein, has resurfaced
in Iraq. TIME reports on a seldom-discussed epidemic: girls being kidnapped
and sold to brothels.

Ah yes, life is so much better under the Iraqis.,9171,1186519,00.html?promoid=rss_top


Iraqi Women Under Siege

The Iraqi women who toured the United States last month told us that they
were amazed by how misinformed many Americans were about the lives of Iraqi
women. Most Americans thought that before the overthrow of Saddam Hussein,
Iraqi women were sitting at home oppressed, heavily veiled and secluded,
and that thanks to the US invasion, they are now liberated. This is what
the Bush administration would like us to believe, but after listening to
our Iraqi friends many people now know better.


Bush admits he offered Blair way out of the Iraq Invasion and occupation

The Prime Minister insisted he would rather risk losing office than retreat,,1759426,00.html


Stuck in the Hot Zone

The U.S. military is in Iraq for the long haul.


3 U.S. Soldiers Among 20 Killed

A rocket landed on a car park, killing seven civilians and wounding eight
in Baghdad's central Karrada district, the Defence Ministry said.


5 US soldiers Killed

Five US soldiers were killed Saturday, including four whose vehicle hit a
roadside bomb while patrolling south Baghdad, the military said.


The game for Afghanistan

by B y F a r h a d A z a d - September 23, 2001


Why Israel must Renounce Violence

It is foolish to blame the victims of oppression as the perpetrators of
violence. Occupation is the supreme act of violence from which all the
smaller acts are mere tributaries.


Israeli Crimes Blanked Out

Is killing people with high explosives a crime only when the perpetrator
doesn't survive? If they go home for a cup of tea afterward and watch TV
with their own children, does that make child-murder any less of a crime?
Tony Blair and the BBC certainly think so.


Israeli troops storm a Nablus Hospital, attack patients, medical teams


Israel court calls Palestinian Authority a 'state' outside Israeli legal

The Jerusalem District Court issued a landmark decision Sunday saying that
the Palestinian Authority meets the legal requirements needed to be
considered a state and that therefore Israel has no legal jurisdiction over it.


Punishing the Victim

PCHR Position Paper on the Decision to Stop International Aid to the
Palestinian National Authority (20 April  2006)

Position Paper Securing the Wall from International Law: an initial
response to the Israeli State Attorney.Apr. 2005 (PDF)


Soldiers Beat Non-violent Demonstrators, Arrest Three

At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills- Israeli Occupation Forces beat non-violent
Palestinian, international, and Israeli demonstrators this morning after
declaring the area a Closed Military Zone. No map of the Closed Military
Zone was ever shown to the protestors.


The urgency of stopping the next US war in the Middle East.

The US has drawn up plans to level a massive aerial assault against Iran.

Thirteen of the nation’s most prominent physicists have written a letter to
President Bush, calling U.S. plans to reportedly use nuclear weapons
against Iran “gravely irresponsible” and warning that such action would
have “disastrous consequences for the security of the United States and the


The tragedy that followed Hillary Clinton's bombing of Iran in 2009

In retaliation, suicide bombers trained by Tehran massacred civilians in
Tel Aviv, London and New York,,1757027,00.html


War pimp alert: Israel: Iran Nukes Threaten Western Civilization

Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday urged the international
community to work against the Iranian nuclear program, saying Tehran's
ambitions threaten not only Israel but all of Western civilization.,2933,192742,00.html


A Silly Pretext

No Arab or Islamic country armed even with the smallest of atomic bombs
will be ready to hit Israel. And that, is because Israel is a small country
interwoven and surrounded by Palestinian and Arab nations. The explosion of
an atomic bomb will kill the Palestinians and Arabs too. The radio-active
fallout will reach the entire Middle-East including Iran itself.


Iran Still Years Away from Having Nukes: US Intelligence Chief

US intelligence chief John Negroponte said Iran's resumption of uranium
enrichment is "troublesome" but the country is still years away from having
enough fissile material to make a nuclear weapon.


Russian split with US on Iran widens

The United States raised the ante last week, signalling that it intends to
exact a price if Russia persists in its refusal to jump aboard an
accelerating US diplomatic bandwagon for quick and tough international
steps to isolate Iran.


Bush Meets Privately With Think Tank Promoting Military Strike On Iran

This tidbit about President Bush’s schedule was buried in today’s Washington


Culture of Corruption: The Case of Freddie Mac

When the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, BCRA for short and McCain-Feingold
more popularly, was being debated in Congress, and after it was enacted and
was heading for oral arguments in a three-judge panel and the Supreme
Court, its opponents regularly scoffed at the idea that there was any
corruption in the campaign finance system.


Hillary taking $ from DeLay's sweatshop buddies

I first heard about these donations earlier this year. It boggles the mind.
Why is a Democratic Senator, former First Lady and future Presidential
candidate accepting donations from the Chinese family behind the sweatshop
abuse on the Commonwealth of North Mariana Islands (CNMI)?

It makes no sense. These folks are deeply connected to Jack Abramoff, Tom
DeLay and the GOP culture of corruption. Bribes from the Tan Family and
payoffs (with US taxpayer funds) by DeLay and his pals will send some
Congressmen/women to jail. And yet, Hilary Clinton has accepted $10,000
from the family for her Friends of Hillary Campaign Committee:
    *     Donations to Hillary Clinton from the Tan Family
    *     KIM LAM, PEK, Homemaker; 9/30/2005; $2,000
    *     TAN, JOISE, N/A/Homemaker; 10/2/2005; $2,000
    *     TAN, RAYMOND, Luen Thai/President; 9/30/2005; $2,000
    *     TAN, SIU L, Tan Holdings Corp./Chairman; 9/30/2005; $2,000
    *     TAN, WILLIE, Luen Thai/COO; 9/30/2005; $2,000


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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