In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

‘Muslims who want to live under Islamic law have no place in Australia’

A senior government minister said Thursday that Muslims who wanted to live 
under Islamic law had no place in Australia and insisted all immigrants 
must embrace Australian values. Treasurer Peter Costello’s comments came 
just days after Prime Minister John Howard said some segments of the 
Islamic community were antagonistic to Australian society and expressed 
concern about Muslim attitudes towards women.


"Freedom of press -- only for the anti-Islamic witch hunt”

On the double standard of the West of the caricatures against the Islamic 

It is long ago that Europe was worrying so much about freedom of press. 
Apparently this freedom is only valid for the worriers in the war against 
the Arab-Islamic world.

Let us recall what few will know: when thousands of demonstrators took to 
the streets in Munich, Germany, on February 4 for against the NATO 
conference the police hunted every person carrying a poster which called 
Bush a war criminal. Eventually several dozens were arrested for having 
insisted on their freedom of expression. But the regime media did not join 
into the chorus of defence of basic liberties. These facts were not even 
worth a column.


Free Speech or Hate Speech?

“I don’t know of anything more important than freedom of expression,” said 
former Supreme Court Justice Peter Cory commenting on the Court’s decision 
to uphold Jim Keegstra’s conviction for willfully promoting hatred in 1991.

The offensive Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad have now ignited 
global interest in the subject. To date four Canadian media outlets have 
entered the fray.


Understanding the Roots of the Anti-Muslim Cartoon Scandal

The mainstream media coverage of the anti‑Islamic cartoons ignores 
the fact that the publication of the images was a "calculated offense" 
commissioned by a Danish colleague of the neo‑con ideologue Daniel 
Pipes and was meant to incite violence and promote the "clash of 


Publications not charged for printing cartoons No evidence of inciting 
hatred, Crown finds

Muslim groups urge broadening of hate laws

OTTAWA­A Crown prosecutor's decision not to lay criminal hate charges 
against two publications that ran the infamous editorial cartoons mocking 
the Prophet Muhammad has left some Canadian Muslim groups calling on Ottawa 
to broaden the scope of Canada's hate laws.


U of T student newspaper refuses to apologize for publishing Muhammad cartoon

Ragaz and his crowd can reject all they want that publishing the offensive 
cartoons was an act of hatred, an attack on the Muslim faith, and on 
Muslims in general. These cartoons in fact were a racist and hate filled 
slap in the face to Muslims everywhere and they can go ahead and deny our 
anger, but that does not change the facts. If this action were directed at 
any other faith group in Canada then hate crimes would be implemented, but 
because it is completely acceptable to defame Muslims then these laws don't 
apply and those amoung us who complain are labled fanatics and 
fundamentalists.  As they continue to deficate on all things we hold to be 
sacred our anger becomes greater as  the days go by.


Most Canadian journalists believe the media should publish hateful cartoons

Most Canadian journalists believe the media in this country should have 
carried controversial Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, a new 
poll suggested Monday.

MMN Question: What does this news item below tell us about MOST Canadian 

We agree with the most recent statement of the United Church of Canada who 
called the motovation behind publishing the cartoons as nothing less than 
"racial hatred" and "Islamophobia." Please read their statement  at:

It is interesting that the Globe and Mail published an editorial today (see 
second article below) criticizing the United Church of Canada's position. 
The editorial stated that: "To suggest that they were inciting race hatred 
is to echo the ravings of the extremists...."  The editorial is basically 
saying those who hold the view that the cartoon incites hatred against 
Muslims are extremists and link this view with those who support violence.

Please send a letter to the Globe and Mail via: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Boycott costing Danish business dearly - irreparable damage to trade ties 
with Muslim world feared

Consumer boycotts of Danish goods in Muslim countries in protest at 
publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad are costing Denmark's 
companies millions, and has raised fears of irreparable damage to trade ties.


Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Lessons From History

Alexander Gainem traces the origins of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in 
European history, drawing an analogy between the two concepts and 
foreseeing more violence if Islamophobia is not taken more seriously.


Hating Arabs


Arab American, Muslim groups disturbed by ports security rhetoric

NEW YORK -- The political piling-on over a state-owned Arab business' plan 
to run some American ports is causing concern among Arab American and 
Muslim American groups, which say the furor is fueled by racism and bigotry.

"We're very concerned about the level of rhetoric and the way that there 
seems to be the assumption that because a company is Arab it can't be 
trusted with our security," said Katherine Abbadi, executive director of 
the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of New York.,0,4881978.story


U.S. Christians create umbrella organization to lobby for Israel

WASHINGTON - A new group in the United States, Christians United for 
Israel, will serve as an umbrella organization for Christian congregations 
that support Israel, and will lobby for Israel. Some 400 Christian 
community leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, two weeks ago to establish the 
group, which Christians United officials said represents about 30 million 

The organization's main goal is to create a rapid-response network 
"targeted to reach every senator and congressman" in the United States. It 
is led by evangelical leaders Dr. John C. Hagee and George Morrison; 
fundamentalist Baptist minister Jerry Falwell; and Gary Bauer, president of 
the American Values organization aimed at protecting marriage, family and 


O'Reilly: "They've got all kinds of Muslim crazies up in Canada running around"



Britain in War With "Islamist" Terror: Minister

LONDON, February 22, 2006 ( & News Agencies) ­ British 
Defense Secretary John Reid said Wednesday, February 22, Britain was facing 
a war against what he called "evil Islamist extremists".

"There is a big struggle going on with Islam," Agence France-Presse (AFP) 
quoted Reid as telling Britain's Daily Express.

"This is a war against evil, make no mistake," he told the British tabloid 
daily, adding that "modern terrorists" would stop at nothing to destroy 
every non-Muslim.

"There is a twisted minority who simply want to take the world back to the 
seventh century, to build an absolute dictatorship where everyone is told 
exactly what to do and how to think."

MMN Note: The Brits are trying to keep our attention off of this:

and Blame "evil Islam" instead....


Blair faces torrent of criticism on human rights

The Prime Minister was under pressure over his support for US " rendition 
flights", his failure to call openly for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay 
camp in Cuba, and over draconian anti-terror laws, after damning reports by 
the Labour-led Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and by Amnesty 
International. His comments on the state of Iraq came on another day of 
bloodshed in the country.


9-11:  Can the Truth Set Us Free?

9/11 is the excuse for every military operation and diminishment of our 
Constitutional freedoms during the last four and a half years. It’s the 
trump card that the Bush administration wields to stop all argument and to 
stifle all dissent. 9/11 is the psychological sledgehammer that allows them 
to rule like a monarchy.


In case you missed it:

9/11 :Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise

The information is reproduced from a U.S. Military web site. The article is 
dated Nov. 3, 2000, some 10 months prior to the attack on the Pentagon of 


Refusing To Fly The Flag

Hicks became a Muslim and drifted through Kosovo, then on to Afghanistan, 
where he was kidnapped by the Americans and sent to their concentration 
camp at Guantanamo Bay. Not a shred of evidence exists that Hicks fought 
for al-Qaeda, or is a terrorist.


Further Evidence That Senior Officials Approved Abuse of Prisoners at 

The American Civil Liberties Union today released newly obtained documents 
showing that senior Defense Department officials approved aggressive 
interrogation techniques that Federal Bureau of Investigation agents deemed 
abusive, ineffective and unlawful.


Pentagon Told to Release Gitmo Transcripts

A federal judge ordered the Pentagon on Thursday to release the identities 
of hundreds of detainees at Guantanamo Bay to The Associated Press, a move 
which would force the government to break its secrecy and reveal the most 
comprehensive list yet of those who have been imprisoned there.


Whose Bombs were they?

Is the Bush administration inciting civil war as part of an exit strategy?


Report: Nearly 100 dead in US custody

Nearly 100 prisoners have died in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan since 
August 2002, the Human Rights First organisation has said ahead of 
publication of a new report. At least 98 deaths occurred, with at least 34 
of them suspected or confirmed homicides - deliberate or reckless killing - 
the group of US lawyers told BBC television on Tuesday.


Al Jazeera Reporters Give Bloody First Hand Account of April ’04 U.S. Siege 
of Fallujah

Read or watch at:


Germany admits its spies helped US in Iraq war

The German government released a report that said two German spies in Iraq 
provided the United States with intelligence but rejected allegations it 
aided the U.S. bombing campaign during the 2003 invasion.


2 Michigan Soldiers Die in Iraq Bombings


Roadside Bombs Kill Seven US Soldiers in Iraq


Four US Troops Killed by Roadside Bomb


Seven US soldiers killed in Iraq


Bombing US hummer


Roadside bomb targeting US


Spy plain downed Video


Videos of Iraqi Resistance


Bombing US hummer Video


Wathani guard  Video


Preparing to hit American base


Targeting US marine and destroys his hummer


Nighttime Fatiheen carwash against US targets Videos


Videos of the Iraqi resistance operations targeting US troops


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 24 February 2006
    * Resistance bomb west of al-Fallujah reportedly kills two US troops 
midday Thursday.
    * Palestinian community in Baghdad appeals for help following brutal 
attacks by Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia.
    * Fierce fighting breaks out in western Baghdad between Iraqi 
Resistance forces and Badr Brigades and puppet “Shock Troops” on Thursday 
    * US troops leave streets in control of Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades 
and Jaysh al-Mahdi militias, in pursuance of plans to partition Iraq.
    * Shi‘i cleric Muqtada as-Sadr’s militia stage sectarian demonstration 
in Baghdad demanding regime “take revenge” for the Shi‘ah.
    * As of Thursday night: Sunni Waqf Board reports 148 Sunnis killed in 
Shi‘i sectarian rampage, carried out under eyes and ears of US occupation 
    * Bodies of al-‘Arabiyah TV correspondent, cameraman, engineer found, 
following their abduction and murder Wednesday.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Hawijah.
    * Recruitment of volunteers for expanded Shi‘i sectarian rampages takes 
place under supervision of pro-American Shi‘i religious authority ‘Ali 
    * Two US troops, two Iraqi Resistance fighters reported killed in clash 
in al-Karmah late Friday morning.
    * Resistance destroys pro-American Badr Brigade attack force trying to 
seize Sunni mosques in ad-Durah. Thirty Badr Brigade gunmen killed.
    * US-installed “Interior Ministry” and Badr Brigade gunmen kill two 
Palestinian brothers in their home in Baladiyat.
    * With orders from US-installed Shi‘i sectarian regime, Badr Brigades, 
Jaysh al-Mahdi raid Sunni areas in Diyala Province southeast of Baghdad, 
killing and arresting.
    * American troops kill Sunni family trying to escape sectarian attacks 
in Samarra’.
    * Resistance bombards British “desert rat” headquarters in al-Basrah.


London mayor Livingstone suspended from office over Nazi gibe

London Mayor Ken Livingstone refused to apologize for comparing a Jewish 
reporter to a Nazi camp guard, and now he's facing four weeks off the job - 
suspended for bringing his office into disrepute.


Israel's confiscation of Palestinian revenues: a brazen violation of 
international law

Events within the Occupied Territories following Hamas’s victory in 
Palestinian legislative council elections last month have again 
demonstrated Israel’s and Washington’s blatant disregard for international law.


War crimes mount as zionist occupier kills 5 in Balata; world silent

Serious Escalation of Israeli War Crimes in Nablus and Balata Refugee Camp: 
5 Palestinians killed, 3 in an extra-judicial assassination

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 23 February 2006


Rice Ends Mideast Tour, Fails to Isolate Hamas

ABU DHABI, February 24, 2006 ( & News Agencies) ­ US 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday, February 24, wrapped up a 
Middle East tour with a failure to mobilize Arab states to isolate a 
Hamas-led Palestinian government and a "symbolic" call for nuclear 
non-proliferation in the Gulf region.


Arab democracy is exposing the blind spot of US policy

The resurgent Palestinian rejectionism of Hamas can only be halted by 
checking the persistent rejectionism of Israel,,1715957,00.html


Palestinians are being robbed by Israel

IT IS EVIDENTLY difficult to scrub off the sticker that is glued onto the 
front window. That's why when a new car from Germany or South Korea or the 
United States rolls onto the packed streets of Gaza or Ramallah, it 
generally has the big label with thick, red Hebrew letters forming the word 
"Checked" stuck on its windshield for several months.,0,3593282.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california


Google pledges: In 18 months, all services will be in Hebrew

Within 18 months, most Google services will have been translated into 
Hebrew and moved to Israel, vows Dennis Woodside, the director of Emerging 
Markets, Europe Middle East and Africa for Google, speaking at the official 
inauguration of Google Israel.


Afghanistan more dangerous than Iraq

Despite purported military success in Afghanistan, the U.S. Institute of 
Peace says the country in 2005 was more dangerous for American troops per 
capita than Iraq


Taleban kill four Afghan soldiers in ambush

Taleban guerrillas killed four Afghan soldiers in an ambush in the restive 
southern province of Helmand where British troops have begun setting up 
bases as part of an expanded NATO deployment.


Free TV (Al-Horra) is abusing Tax payers money




-muslim voice-

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