In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Colonialism Continues to Flourish in the Middle East

The most striking feature of the Middle East today is the total absence of 
a balance of power. As a result, the powerful continue to pursue their 
goals without restraint while the weak and down-trodden hit back as best 
they can. Violence and counter-violence, terror and counter-terror, have 
become routine and death is an everyday occurrence.


Media report US propaganda as fact - BBC BETWEEN GOSSIP AND PROPAGANDA

However, a note of caution is due here which is also introduced by the US 
Army unit releasing the documents. It says: "The US government has made no 
determination regarding the authenticity of the documents."

What a surprise (sic!) and reading it at the very end of the article! Why 
don’t you put the “caution” at the beginning and use “quotation marks” for 
your article’s title? People interested in gossip would be thrilled!


Neocon ambitions and the spectacular disaster of Iraq

In reality, the Bush Administration went to war to attain two objectives: 
1. Seizing Iraq’s vast oil reserves, and turning Iraq into a base to 
dominate the Middle East; 2. Destroying one of Israel’s two main enemies( 
Iran being the other).

US occupation forces in Iraq struggle just to defend their bases and 
vulnerable supply lines. Their fruitless, Vietnam-style search-and-destroy 
missions, like the recent ‘Operation Swarmer,’ are a sure sign of strategic 
failure and senior officers too stupid or arrogant to draw obvious lessons 
from recent guerilla wars. The US military is repeating many of the same 
mistakes that led to its defeat in Vietnam.


Fear Casts a Shadow on 'Free City' Touted by Bush

TALL AFAR, Iraq — Last fall, thousands of U.S. and Iraqi troops descended 
on this ancient city close to the border with Syria. In the shadow of an 
Ottoman-era castle, they fought in narrow alleyways to clear the city of 


Did American Marines murder 23 Iraqi civilians?

An inquiry has been launched by the US Navy's Criminal Investigation 
Service after the military was presented with evidence that the 15 
civilians, including seven women and three children still in their 
nightclothes, had been killed in their homes in the wake of the bombing. If 
it is proved that they died in a rampage by the Marines, and not as a 
result of "collateral damage", it would rank as the worst case of 
deliberate killing of Iraqi civilians by US armed forces since the invasion 
three years ago.


Disaster: US forces murder followers of Muqtada al-Sadr

18 Reported Killed in Iraq Mosque Clash
18 Reported Killed in Mosque Clash Involving U.S., Iraqi Forces; 40 
Policemen Arrested in Raid


Haditha and My Lai: Same Killer Dynamic

In late November, 1969, Time, Life and Newsweek magazines reported 
extensively on the My Lai massacre, the premeditated murder of 500 
civilians in the Quang Ngai Province of South Vietnam. In early 1970, as a 
young antiwar activist, I remember how this single event more than any 
other contributed significantly to turning millions of fence-sitting 
Americans against Nixon’s illegal war and subsequently swelled the ranks of 
the antiwar movement.


Upping the Ante in the War on Terror

On the third anniversary of the Iraq war many commentators have seen the 
justificatory speeches and remarks of the architects of the war as the 
empty rhetoric of leaders discredited by a military intervention which even 
many former supporters of the war now acknowledge to be a failure.


Statement  by Dr Naji  Sabri  al-Hadithi about the new American  lie

Dr. Naji Sabri al-Hadithi, legitimate Foreign Minister of Iraq (before 
occupation) made the following statement with regard to the false 
allegations circulated recently by American TV network, NBC


Mass Civil Disobedience 2 April Naming The Dead


Videos of the Iraqi Resistance ( The movies are available for limited days )


The Losers.  Pictures of the destroyed US troops by the Iraqi Resistance


US Commander: No Point Turning Over Empty Desert to Iraqis


Radioactive US Tanks From Iraq Sit in Kansas


Navy Ship Collides With Tanker in Persian Gulf


US Destroyer, Merchant Ship Collide Off Iraq Coast


Native Indiana Guardsman Dies in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 25 March 2006
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance actions near al-Hadithah.
    * Resistance bomb in eastern Baghdad’s al-Baladiyat district reportedly 
leaves US soldier dead.
    * Two US troops reported killed Friday evening in Resistance bombing in 
central Samarra’.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts column of four-wheel drive cars 
northwest of Kirkuk, killing four mercenaries.
    * Resistance bomb attack in Mosul reportedly kills two US troops.
    * Iraqi Resistance destroys six supply trucks in ambush of American 
convoy hauling supplies to US bases in Rabi‘ah area near Syrian border.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills Danish soldier in al-Qurnah area 
north of al-Basrah.


BBC: Overwhelming number of ordinary Afghans say apostate deserves to be 
executed - Anti-western feelings harden as Afghans ask ""Who is America to 
tell us what to do?"

Increasing international pressure over the case of Christian convert Abdul 
Rahman is forcing the Afghan government to play a careful balancing act 
between its Western allies and religious conservatives at home.


One racist nation

Contrary to appearances, the elections this week are important, because 
they will expose the true face of Israeli society and its hidden ambitions. 
More than 100 elected candidates will be sent to the Knesset on the basis 
of one ticket - the racism ticket. If we used to think that every two 
Israelis have three opinions, now it will be evident that nearly every 
Israeli has one opinion - racism. Elections 2006 will make this much 
clearer than ever before. An absolute majority of the MKs in the 17th 
Knesset will hold a position based on a lie: that Israel does not have a 
partner for peace. An absolute majority of MKs in the next Knesset do not 
believe in peace, nor do they even want it - just like their voters - and 
worse than that, don't regard Palestinians as equal human beings. Racism 
has never had so many open supporters. It's the real hit of this election 


Profs Document Hijacking of U.S. Foreign Policy

It comes as no surprise two “of America’s top scholars,” having released an 
article criticizing the hijacking of American foreign policy by AIPAC, the 
neocons, and the tiny outlaw state of Israel, are unable to get a hearing 
in the corporate media. John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and 
Stephen Walt of Harvard’s Kenney School “say that [AIPAC] is so strong that 
they doubt their article would be accepted in any U.S.-based publication,” 
reports United Press International. “They claim that the Israel lobby has 
distorted American policy and operates against American interests, that it 
has organized the funneling of more than $140 billion dollars to Israel and 
‘has a stranglehold’ on the U.S. Congress, and its ability to raise large 
campaign funds gives its vast influence over Republican and Democratic 
administrations, while its role in Washington think tanks on the Middle 
East dominates the policy debate.”


The Struggle for Academic Freedom In Palestine

Presenting the case of Birzeit University in the occupied West Bank , this 
paper looks at the importance of education in challenging the foundations 
of occupation.  It asks why and how the Palestinian universities, as 
national institutions, have been systematically targeted by the illegal 
Israeli occupation since they were first established in the 1970s. The 
paper goes on to explore two approaches to supporting the Palestinian 
struggle for academic freedom: firstly through the promotion of 
international academic cooperation in the current context; and secondly 
through exerting the necessary pressure to bring an end to the Israeli 
occupation which continues to block the possibility of achieving any form 
of freedom in Palestine.



UNHCR is increasingly concerned about the situation of Palestinians in 
Baghdad. On Thursday, we heard from the Palestinian community in Baghdad 
that reportedly over 100 families had received written death threats and 
that many are in a state of shock and panic. This panic may spread and lead 
to more Palestinians fleeing Baghdad. They are feeling increasingly 
trapped, and for security reasons many have stopped going to work and have 
taken their children out of school. While Iraqis are also affected by the 
general insecurity in Iraq, Palestinians feel especially vulnerable and 
targetted as they were perceived to have been treated favourably by the 
previous regime.


URGENT BULLETIN - March 26, 2006

Support Freedom of Expression

Oppose Censorship by Canadian Jewish Congress and  the Israel Lobby

HOW: Attend arbitration hearing into Prof Nobles' complaint against York Univ

The attempt by the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Israel lobby to control 
thought is not limited to students and universities. The recent campaign 
waged by the Canadian Jewish Congress to prevent school children from 
reading the book "Three Wishes" by renowned Canadian writer Deborah Ellis 
is another example of alarming censorship. Early last year the Canadian 
Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) ruled, under 
pressure from the Canadian Jewish Congress, that Aljazeera programs have to 
be reviewed before they are aired in Canada even though Aljazeera programs 
are aired freely in Israel.

Declare your opposition to the repugnant attempts by the Canadian Jewish 
Congress and the Israel lobby to suppress what Canadians think, and to 
control what they read and see. Support Professor Noble's right for freedom 
of thought and expression. Attend the arbitration hearing on March 29.

see also:


He's (Toni Blair) preparing to kill again! Will someone stop him?

A letter recently leaked by a very senior civil servant, John Sawer, 
Political Director of the British Foreign Office, blows the whistle on the 
Bliar regime's plans for manipulating the UN Security Council nations into 
paving the way for a war against Iran. The entire, macabre staging of 
events via the IAEA and the UNSC is, as a Russian diplomat described it in 
Geneva, déja vu.

The letter Sawer has leaked reveals the intentions of the Foreign Office 
over the next few weeks to persuade both Russia and China on the need to 
attack Iran. To achieve this it would be necessary to coordinate a strategy 
involving the US, France and Germany to obtain UN approval for such an attack.


Milosvic: First Victim of US Franchised Street Revolutions "Dies" in 
Western Custody

  "Those who control the present control the past." George Orwell in 1984

Western leaders and media , corporate controlled in US and government 
dominated in UK and Europe are having a field day after the death in the 
Hague tribunal jail of Serbian nationalist hero and former President of 
Serbia and of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic. Side 
by side another US created Kangaroo court , against all international norms 
and law ,is orchestrating the trial of Saddam Hussein , to titillate 
western audiences ,fed daily with gory violence and sex on their TV and 
film screens.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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