In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media

The important point here isn't the shoot down. Most people would agree that
under the circumstances, it was the best course of action.

The point is that we are seeing clear evidence of the manipulation of
information being fed to the public regarding 9/11.

What else is the government concealing about 9/11?


“False Flagg” op called Rosetta Stone of 9/11

You know. A false flag op is when a nation attacks itself but makes it
appear that an enemy has committed the attack. This way it stirs its more
or less peace-loving people into going to war with the demonized “enemy.”
It’s false flag ops 1.1.

And Flagg is not a misspelling of flag but the name of a former FBI agent,
Warren Flagg who (along with a former federal prosecutor) helped direct the
New England investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks. Flagg was nice enough in
a piece by Michael Dorman to mention that “one bag found in
Boston contained far more than what the commission report cited, including
the names of the hijackers, their assignments and their al-Qaida
connections.” Gee, what luck!


9/11 Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New
Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great deal that
we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various
ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute
observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on
any of the flight manifests of the planes that “crashed” on that day.


9/11 : Something Strange about Flight 93

23(and counting) of the 44 people on Flight 93 were not supposed to be on
the flight that day. Is this really just a coincidence?


Power Makes Men Mad

An extraordinary paradox of the current international scene is that the
most powerful countries in the world are also the most afraid - and fear
has caused them to lose their senses.

Globally, the United States has no immediate military rival; certainly no
other state has the power to strike anywhere on our planet - and far beyond
it into space - at very short notice. American strategists call this the
doctrine of Global Strike.


Time to shut-down the UN

When the bombing begins in Iran, the UN can finally board-up its doors and
send the diplomats home; there’ll be no more reason to maintain the
pretense. An attack on Iranian facilities will signal a period of global
realignment where states either submit to the Washington axis or join the
growing resistance. We are quickly moving towards Bush’s dream of a world
that is divided into “us against them”.


U.S. strangling its democracy

To understand the furor over leaks about a CIA-run network of secret
prisons or, perhaps, the president's authorization of warrantless snooping
on Americans' communications, the date to remember isn't 9/11. It is March
23, 2001.

On that day — just weeks after George W. Bush was inaugurated — White House
counsel Alberto Gonzales instructed the archivist of the United States to
delay release of thousands of President Ronald Reagan's papers, which were
about to be made public under a Watergate-era law governing the release of
unclassified presidential documents.,1713,BDC_2490_4658762,00.html


A reliable prophet of doom

I believe that George Bush is a prophet. But not just any old prophet. A
special kind ­ one whose actions bring about the very things he claims will
happen, albeit without any recognition of his role in causing them to
occur. He is, therefore, a self-fulfilling prophet. Let me explain.


Bush's Pathetic Comedy Act - The Joke's on US

“Ladies and gentlemen, I feel chipper tonight. I survived the White House
shake-up,” the president said.

Remember when Dubya was showing slides of himself searching the Oval Office
and saying, "Those WMDs gotta be around here somewhere!"

Wasn't funny then.

Less funny now.


Bush challenges hundreds of laws

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750
laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set
aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his
interpretation of the Constitution.

Interpreting the Constitution is the job of the Judicial Branch.

Making the laws is the job of the Legislative Branch.



Failed States

We began by considering four critical issues that should rank high on the
agenda of those concerned with the prospects for a decent future. Two of
them are literally matters of survival: nuclear war and environmental disaster.


Failed States : The US Has the Characteristics of A "Failed State"

Having laid out his premises, Chomsky believes the US today exhibits the
very features we cite as characteristics of "failed states" - a term we use
for nations seen as potential threats to our security which may require our
intervention against in self-defense.


Bush ends rule of law; Americans continue to shop, enjoy TV.

The Bush administration has quietly -- quietly! -- claimed the authority to
disobey more than seven hundred and fifty laws enacted by Congress.

Win back the Congress? What Congress?

What exactly is it you hope to do with a Democratic Congress, given the
fact that Bush ignores the existing Republican one at his convenience?


Praying for Peace or Preying on Peace?

The United Methodist Church should be bringing disciplinary action against
President George Bush for war crimes. Evidence continues to mount that
Bush, a United Methodist, deliberately used his religious faith to deceive
the American people in the run-up to his administration's pre-meditated war
against non-threatening, sanctions-weakened, defenseless Iraq.


Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons? Israel has American warheads ready
to fire

Initially, Israel was expected to arm its submarine fleet with its own
short-range Popeye missiles carrying conventional warheads. At least three
mainstream publications in the US and Germany, however, have confirmed the
vessels have been fitted with US-made Harpoon missiles with nuclear tips.
Each Dolphin-class boat can carry 24 missiles.

"the vessels have been fitted with US-made Harpoon missiles with nuclear tips."
"the vessels have been fitted with US-made Harpoon missiles with nuclear tips."
"the vessels have been fitted with US-made Harpoon missiles with nuclear tips."

Remember back when it was reported that the Israeli Dolphin subs were sent
to Diego Garcia for arming and I predicted that the only reason not to arm
them in their home ports was that the US was covertly giving Israel nuclear


Declassified article shows how Nixon okayed Israel's nuclear ambiguity

Meir and Nixon met in private at the White House on September 26, 1969. The
precise contents of their conversation remains a blank, but it is known
that it led to an understanding between the two countries. According to
internal memoranda by Nixon's national security adviser, Henry Kissinger,
Nixon had made clear to Meir that it was in America's interest that "Israel
make no visible introduction of nuclear weapons or undertake a nuclear test


'unknown Americans' are provoking civil war in Iraq

The Americans, my interlocutor suspected, are trying to provoke an Iraqi
civil war so that Sunni Muslim insurgents spend their energies killing
their Shia co-religionists rather than soldiers of the Western occupation
forces. "I swear to you that we have very good information," my source
says, finger stabbing the air in front of him.


Bush Warns of 'More Days of Sacrifice'

President Bush warned in his weekly radio address of tough fighting to come
and "more days of sacrifice and struggle" in Iraq as April drew to a close
as the deadliest month for American forces this year.


Fallout From U.S. Strikes

In a report to be posted on the IAEA's Web site this week, the agency
states that about 1,000 Iraqi men, women and children in a village near the
former Tuwaitha nuclear research facility are living inside an area
contaminated by radioactive residue and ruin. "I can only guess that a lot
of the damage at Tuwaitha was from bombing,"


US allies behind Iraq’s death squads and ethnic cleansing

Posted Apr 30, 2006 12:43 PM PST - Category: IRAQ


FLASHBACK: Neocons Leak Bad Intelligence

While supporters of the war in Iraq, such as the New York Times' William
Safire, have jumped on the Hayes' article as proof of what the
administration had been saying, retired intelligence officers have
criticized it, both because of the security breach created by the leak
itself and because its so-called "evidence" is hardly convincing.


'I Demand a Timetable'

Moqtada al-Sadr on war, peace and occupation.


US urges new aid to Iraq power grid

A senior U.S. official said on Sunday Gulf Arab states and other foreigners
should help Iraq build new power stations, as U.S. investment in the
electricity sector winds down after three years of reconstruction aid.


Tens of thousands in New York march against the war in Iraq

Tens of thousands of antiwar protesters marched yesterday through Manhattan
to demand an immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq just hours after
an American soldier died in a roadside explosion in Baghdad -- the 70th US
fighter killed in that country this month.


FLASHBACK: Israel Oil Pipeline - Operation: Free Iraq Oil

One former senior CIA official said: ‘It has long been a dream of a
powerful section of the people now driving this administration [of
President George W. Bush] and the war in Iraq to safeguard Israel’s energy
supply as well as that of the United States. The Haifa pipeline was
something that existed, was resurrected as a dream and is now a viable

This was three years ago. So, while you are standing there pumping $4.00 a
gallon gas into your car and wondering where is all the Iraqi oil George
Bush promised would be flowing out of Iraq to pay for the costs of the war
and reconstruction, well, now you know where all that oil yours kids died
to conquer is going.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 29 April 2006
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier on patrol in
    * Resistance bomber attacks checkpoint in Rawah, reportedly killing
three US troops Friday evening.
    * Resistance bomb kills five American mercenaries south of Balad.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance grenade attack near
    * US soldier reported killed in bomb explosion in al-Mawsil.
    * Resistance mortars strike US camp near al-Hadithah Dam.
    * Resistance bomb kills four puppet “Iraqi National Guards” in village
west or ar-Ramadi.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee west of Abu Ghurayb.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in southwestern Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in central Baghdad.
    * Resistance rockets blast joint US-Iraqi puppet headquarters in Samarra’.
    * Resistance bomb kills three puppet “Shock Troops” west of al-Mada’in.
    * Resistance fighters assault puppet army checkpoint in Tall ‘Afar.


Moussaoui Sentencing Jury Is Told Not to Do Its Own Research

The judge in Zacarias Moussaoui's sentencing trial admonished jurors not to
do their own research after learning that one member of the panel looked up
the word ``aggravating'' in a dictionary at home.


Ottawa fears losing control of Afghan mission

Whenever the media report an attack involving our troops in Afghanistan,
Canadians stop and ask themselves: "Were any of our soldiers killed?"
Sadly, last weekend the answer was bad: Four.

Any death of our own in Afghanistan today is a national story. It touches
everyone, not just the soldiers' immediate families or the military
community. It is covered by the news media, quite rightly, as a national
news story, because it affects us as a nation.


Palestinian High School Students Web Site "Life Behind the Wall"

Palestinian High School students Friends Boys School in Ramallah, Palestine
from their Web sight - Behind the Wall


Candians seek boycott of Israeli products, support Palestinians

Palestinian activists in Montreal will stage next Saturday a mass rally
later as part of their campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions
against Israel.

Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign said today in a press
release that Palestinian organisations will be joined in the action by
trade unions, NGOs, student groups, political campaigners and members of
the general public.


Why are the Palestinians expected to take the blame?

How long is a sane man expected to sit on his hands while his enemy slaps
him in the face? The Palestinian people have endured a prolonged aggression
by a pariah state, and yet the world not only expects them to sit on their
hands, the world blames them for it.


Haniya: Palestinian president has the right to negotiate with any party

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniya said on Sunday that his government
will not appose any negotiations spearheaded by Palestinian president
Mahmoud Abbas with any party, including Israel.


Syria begins national campaign to gather money for Palestinians

Syria began a weeklong campaign on Sunday to collect money for the
Palestinians, following a visit by the Palestinian foreign minister 10 days


Girl arrested at Beit Iba checkpoint in Nablus

The Israeli (OCCUPATION) soldiers stationed at the Beit Iba checkpoint in
the West Bank city of Nablus arrested Fida' Daras, 22, Saturday afternoon.
Soldiers said that they arrested Daras because she is engaged to a wanted
man from the city.


(ILLEGAL) Settlers continue attacking residents in the Jordan valley

According to residents the settlers are attacking their cars with stones
and bottles through night and into the early hours of the morning. The
Israeli police are also harrasing Palestinian drivers and issuing traffic
tickets unfairly, they are stopping some residents from entering their own
villages and towns thus preventing them from returning to their homes,
eyewitnesses reported.


Hitler: Polish Troops attack German Radio Station

To kick off his war against Poland, Hitler staged an attack by soldiers
dressed in Polish uniforms targeting a German radio station near the Polish
border. The attack was drawn out to give the radio station plenty of time
to broadcast a report of the attack, and WW2 got off to a grand start.

So here we have a report of Iran shelling Iraq. Stop and think for a
moment. Iran has about as much motive to attack Iraq right now as Poland
had to attack Germany. It's a staged provocation, people.


Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution

The founders of the American Republic were deeply concerned that the
President's power to make war might become the vehicle for tyranny. So they
crafted a Constitution that included checks and balances on presidential
power, among them an independent Congress and judiciary, an executive power
subject to laws written by Congress and interpreted by the courts, and an
executive power to repel attacks but not to declare or finance war.


Turkey Refuses U.S. Request To Allow Attack On Iran From Turkish Base

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said Sunday that his country refused
a request from the United States to attack Iran from its Air Force base in
Incirlik, despite the U.S. offer of a nuclear reactor, according to a
report in Al Biyan.


U.S. trying to halt suit against NSA: It's official

The Bush administration formally said Friday that it will try to halt a
lawsuit that accuses AT&T of helping the National Security Agency spy on
Americans illegally.


Data Show How Patriot Act Used

The FBI issued thousands of subpoenas to banks, phone companies and
Internet providers last year, aggressively using a power enhanced under the
Patriot Act to monitor the activities of U.S. citizens, Justice Department
data released late Friday showed.


A Disgrace To The FBI

One of the FBI's dirtiest secrets is that Dwayne Fuselier the FBI agent in
charge of the Columbine investigation, had at least one son in the Trench
Coat Mafia. When a Denver news reporter questioned him, he refused to even
discuss it.


Why Europe should reject U.S. market capitalism

In the United States, the new model of corporate business has evolved
toward a form of crony capitalism, in which business and government
interests are often corruptly intermingled, the system resistant to reform
because of the financial dependence of both major political parties on
contributed money.


-muslim voice-

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