In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Silence in class

University professors denounced for anti-Americanism; schoolteachers 
suspended for their politics; students encouraged to report on their 
tutors. Are US campuses in the grip of a witch-hunt of progressives, or is 
academic life just too liberal?

After the screenwriter Walter Bernstein was placed on the blacklist during 
the McCarthyite era he said his life "seemed to move in ever-decreasing 
circles". "Few of my friends dropped away but the list of acquaintances 
diminished," he wrote in Inside Out, a memoir of the blacklist. "I appeared 
contaminated and they did not want to risk infection. They avoided me, not 
calling as they had in the past, not responding to my calls, being 
nervously distant if we met in public places.",,1746227,00.html

see also: In the name of Free speech:


9/11: Did Dead-eye Dick do it?

Dr. Robert Bowman, a man so decorated with medals and honors they could 
fill a patriotic Christmas tree, has joined the ranks of those who are 
declaring that the attacks on 9/11 were an inside job. As right wing world 
comes tumbling down, more prominent individuals are coming forward with 
their doubts and concerns with the official report. Some have little more 
than the powers of their own deduction, others are expert engineers and 
physicists. Dr. Bowman has inside knowledge of military protocal, and has 
stated that it is apparent to him that the massive military exercises that 
took place on September 11, 2001 were intentionally staged to confuse civil 

The person who headed those exercises? None other then Richard Cheney, 
otherwise known as Dead-eye Dick.


No Guidelines on Empty ‘No Torture’ Promises

Council of Europe Rejects Minimum Standards for Diplomatic Assurances

Human Rights Watch - (New York, April 3, 2006) ­ A Council of Europe expert 
group has rightly decided not to develop guidelines for the acceptable use 
of diplomatic assurances to justify sending people to places where they are 
at risk of torture, Human Rights Watch said today. The assumption that 
legally unenforceable assurances could ever provide effective safeguards 
against torture is dangerous, and Human Rights Watch called on the Council 
of Europe to reject altogether reliance on diplomatic assurances in such cases.



Reaction to Padilla Case: 'Enemy Combatants' Category Unconstitutional

Amnesty International Disappointed that Supreme Court Will Not Consider 
Padilla Case

(Washington, DC) - Statement of Curt Goering, Senior Deputy Executive 
Director for Policy and Programs for Amnesty International USA, following 
today's Supreme Court decision not to hear Jose Padilla's appeal 
challenging the 4th Circuit's decision that the President had authority to 
hold Padilla as an 'enemy combatant':


When vigilance undermines freedom of speech

Vigilance can be carried too far. Having denounced American academics for 
supposedly making anti-semitic statements, the Anti-Defamation League last 
year levelled a similar charge at faculty in the Hebrew University of 
Jerusalem. There is something peculiarly Kafkaesque about the idea of an 
American Jewish watchdog monitoring Israel for anti-semitism, yet once the 
mechanism and mindset exist, this is where the logic of vigilance leads: 
anti-semitism may be found anywhere. In fact, the intellectual climate in 
Israel is tougher-minded than in the US and the authorities at the Hebrew 
University simply took no notice. But brandishing the big stick of 
anti-semitism against all and sundry helps no one: it lumps together 
serious critique with crackpot ravings, does a signal disservice to those 
who really suffered from it in the past and stifles a badly needed debate 
within the US. There is no reason why the partnership between the US and 
Israel should not be susceptible to the same kind of cost-benefit analysis 
as any other area of policy. After all, no special relationship lasts 
forever: ask the Brits.


Returning to the Scene of the Crime: War Crimes in Iraq


When War Crimes Are Impossible



After the fall of Baghdad, three years ago, the United States military 
began a secret investigation of the decision-making within Saddam Hussein’s 
dictatorship. The study, carried out by the U.S. Joint Forces Command, drew 
on captured documents and interviews with former Baath Party officials and 
Iraqi military officers, and when it was completed, last year, it was 
delivered to President Bush. The full work remains classified, but “Cobra 
II,” a recently published book about the early phases of the war, by the 
Times reporter Michael Gordon and Lieutenant General Bernard Trainor, has 
disclosed parts of the study, and the Pentagon has released declassified 
sections, which Foreign Affairs has posted on its Web site. Reading them, 
it is easy to imagine why the Administration might resist publication of 
the full study. The extracts describe how the Iraq invasion, more than any 
other war in American history, was a construct of delusion. Frustratingly, 
however, we now understand much more about the textures of fantasy in 
Saddam’s palaces in early 2003 than we do about the self-delusions then 
prevalent in the West Wing.


US-British diktat makes mockery of “democracy” in Iraq

The unannounced trip by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British 
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw to Iraq over the past two days has again 
underscored who is calling the shots in Iraq. For all of the Bush 
administration’s empty rhetoric about “democracy” in Iraq, it is the White 
House rather than the votes of Iraqis that will decide the shape of the 
next government in Baghdad.


The enemies of a free Iraq

For three years in Iraq, the United States has worked to legitimize 
formerly exiled Shiite politicians and to marginalize Sunni Arabs. Now the 
U.S. ambassador has finally acknowledged that more Iraqis are being killed 
by Shiite militias than by Sunnis, and the U.S. has withdrawn its support 
for Transitional Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari. Are you confused? Let 
me explain.

“The enemies of a free Iraq are employing the same tactics Saddam used, 
killing and terrorizing the Iraqi people in an effort to foment sectarian 
division” --George W. Bush, 3/29/2006


Is it still worth it?

Listening to an interview with the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, 
this morning on the Today programme, I felt physically sick, especially 
when she said: "Thousands of mistakes were committed in Iraq". I couldn't 
listen to the rest of her sentence; was she about to echo Madeleine 
Albright's "but the price is worth it"?


Iraq illusions shattered, with a terrible cost

What's the underlying message of the frenzied commotion over establishing a 
government in Iraq?,0,3458681.story


West accused of fiddling figures on Iraq aid

Britain and other Western nations are using huge debt write-offs to Iraq to 
boost development aid statistics and give a misleading impression of their 
generosity to the Third World, campaigners say.


British Secretary Wants Geneva Review


How Massacres Become the Norm

Posted Apr 4, 2006 09:01 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


Movies of the Iraqi Resistance


Is US Planning More Attacks on Shi'ite Militias? Is US Planning More 
Attacks on Shi'ite Militias?

Last week's attack by U.S.-led Iraqi paramilitary forces on a building that 
Shi'ite leaders claim was a mosque may have marked the beginning of a new 
stage of U.S. policy in which Iraqi forces are used to carry out military 
operations against Shi'ite militia forces – especially those loyal to 
Moqtada al-Sadr.

However, such a strategy risks uniting the Shi'ites against the U.S. 
military occupation and leading to a showdown that makes that presence 
politically untenable.


US Death Toll in Iraq Jumps


10 US soldiers killed in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 3 April 2006
    * Three Resistance organizations battle US, puppet forces in fierce 
combat in ar-Ramadi late Monday afternoon.  US forces bombard local mosque 
killing Imam and preacher.  Ten US troops killed or wounded; four 
Resistance fighters killed in fighting.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills two US troops in ar-Ramadi Monday 
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in al-Mawsil.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts puppet “National Guards” in al-Fallujah at 
noon Monday.
    *  Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet soldier in eastern al-Fallujah.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts puppet police patrol in eastern Baghdad’s 
at-Talibiyah district.
    *  Resistance car bomb wounds US troops in eastern Baghdad.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts US truck convoy south of Balad.
    *  Resistance fighters kill two puppet policemen in Bayji.
    *  Resistance fighters ambush puppet police in Ba‘qubah.
    * Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of puppet “Iraqi Interior 
Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” on the main road between Salman Bak and 
Jurf an-Naddaf
    *  Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troops” southeast of Baghdad.
    *  Resistance bombards joint US-Iraqi puppet army camp north of 
    *  Resistance Katyusha rockets blast puppet army headquarters in ad-Dibis.
    *  Resistance bomb blasts puppet “National Guards” west of Tall ‘Afar.


UN aid workers: Gaza on verge of disaster

United Nations aid organizations are warning that the Gaza Strip is on the 
verge of a humanitarian disaster due to a lack of money and food.


Israel Fires Missiles into Abbas' Compound

Israeli warplanes fired three missiles into the presidential compound of 
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, wounding two people and 
leaving deep craters in the ground. Abbas was not there at the time.


Iranian crisis is inevitable result of Israel's US-backed WMD monopoly in 
the region

If one side in a conflict goes nuclear, the other is bound to follow suit. 
The Iranian crisis can only be understood as the inevitable result of 
Israel's US-backed WMD monopoly in the region

There is widespread international agreement that Iran's acquisition of 
nuclear weapons is an alarming prospect, but very little attention is paid 
to the most obvious, immediate reason why: that there is already a Middle 
Eastern nuclear power, Israel, insistent on preserving its monopoly.,,1746091,00.html


Oregon Suit Tests Bush Wiretaps


Suggest a 9-11 show to Oprah!

Posted Apr 3, 2006 08:13 PM PST - Category: ENTERTAINMENT


-muslim voice-

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