In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Another one of those precious "western values" we refuse to embrace

Sex tourism thriving in Bible Belt

ATLANTA (Reuters) - In a sleazy hotel room, "Brittany," then aged 16 and 
drugged into oblivion, waited for the men to arrive. Her pimps sent as many 
as 17 clients an evening through the door. A "john" could even pre-book the 
pretty young blonde for $1,000 a night, sometimes flying in and then flying 
out from a nearby airport.

None of this happened in Bangkok or Costa Rica, places that have become 
synonymous with sex tourism and underage sex. It took place in Atlanta, the 
buckle of the U.S. Bible Belt, where the world's busiest passenger airport 
provides a cheaper, more convenient and safer underage sex destination for 
men seeking girls as young as 10.


Canadian Professor promotes positive view of Islam

A Muslim professor from London is helping people learn more about his 
religion because of recent events he says may have given Islam a negative 
public image. Dr. Munir El-Kassem is conducting a series of lectures on the 
life of the Prophet Mohammed, called "Know this Man." He said he's 
committed to holding Sunday afternoon discussions for as long as it takes 
to make people really understand what it means to be Muslim. Most of people 
in his audiences are not Muslim, and he wants to provide them with a more 
balanced view of Islam.


9/11 Proof

No matter how painful the facts raised by this site may be, we -- as 
patriotic Americans and people of good faith -- must look at the evidence 
for ourselves.

Skeptical of theories which are not based on cold, hard facts?  We 
encourage your skepticism, and applaud you for examining the facts for 
yourself.  There are many bizarre conspiracy theories floating around about 
9/11, which are spread either out of ignorance or for malicious 
purposes.   Think a conspiracy involving 9/11 would have been too big to 
keep secret?

Good -- start by reading this:



David Ray Griffin: Theologian scoffed at 9/11 conspiracy theories, then 
looked closer

When David Ray Griffin, noted theologian and professor emeritus at the 
Claremont School of Theology, first heard someone say that Sept. 11 was an 
inside job, he scoffed. Griffin began to delve into 9/11 conspiracy 
theories after looking at a time line of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 (by 
Paul Thompson, who later turned it into a book) on the Internet. He found 
himself swayed by the catalog of inconsistencies and strange coincidences.


9/11: a 7-Man Job

A common objection to the argument that 9/11 was an inside job is that the 
conspiracy would be too big to keep quiet. In other words, the argument is 
that it is impossible that so many people could have kept quiet for so 
long. SOMEONE would have talked or made a mistake, so that the conspiracy 
would have been discovered.


9/11 Who provided protective coverage for 9/11 operation?

On October 26, 1999, the famous golfer Payne Stewart boarded a private 
Learjet in Florida and left for Texas. Shortly after takeoff, Stewart's jet 
veered sharply off course and began heading northwest. All contact with air 
controllers was lost. Within 15 minutes of having gone off course, US 
fighter jets had already intercepted the jet.

But on 9-11, the same NORAD which had so effortlessly intercepted Stewart's 
jet in 1999, was nowhere to be found during that two hour period between 
the first planes going off course and the last one crashing in a 
Pennsylvania field.



USA: Front companies used in secret flights to torture and "disappearance"

Amnesty International today released a new report which exposes a covert 
operation whereby people have been arrested or abducted, transferred and 
held in secret or handed over to countries where they have faced torture 
and other ill-treatment. The report describes how the CIA has used private 
aircraft operators and front companies to preserve the secrecy of 
"rendition" flights.


Transcripts Give a View of Those at Guantanamo


Revealed: the plight of prisoners caught up in US rendition

The three men - Muhammad Bashmilah, Salah Qaru and Muhammad al-Assad - are 
now struggling to rebuild their lives. Mr Assad told Amnesty International, 
which today publishes the men's testimony in a new report: "For me now, it 
has to be a new life, because I will never recover the old one."


Amnesty report claims CIA used private flights to hide terror rendition

Below the Radar: Secret flights to Torture and 'Disappearance', reveals how 
the CIA exploited aviation practices to hide behind the identity of private 
plane operators and circumvent authorities. Countries that allow CIA planes 
to cross their airspace and use their airports often cite the Convention on 
International Civil Aviation, also known as the Chicago Convention. These 
states claim that they do not have the authority to question the reasons 
for the flight because there is a clause in the Convention that allows 
private, non-commercial flights to fly over a country, or make technical 
stops there, without prior authorization or notification.


Is President Bush guilty of war crimes?

War Crimes are a misdemeanor compared to the crime of lying to the nation 
to start a war.


Bush's War

On this third anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it is 
pertinent to reiterate that the act was not a shocking departure from the 
norm of US foreign policy. The US has a long history, going back to its 
founding, of intervening, often violently and with appalling effect, in 
other countries. Zia Mian

It is now three years since the US attacked and occupied Iraq. The war came 
despite determined resistance from public opinion around the world. People 
took to the streets in a massive popular mobilisation that was arguably the 
largest political protest since the anti-nuclear movement of the early 
1980s. The New York Times described it as a struggle between “two 
superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion.” 
United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan told a BBC interviewer that he 
considered the war in Iraq to be “illegal”. But neither public opinion nor 
international law was organised enough yet to stop the US when it had 
chosen war.


Blair and the Neo-Cons' Permanent World War

By now, the manner in which Blair & Co have again hoodwinked Britain into a 
totally illegal military strike -this time using nuclear weapons- against a 
peaceful nation, Iran, should have become frighteningly clear.

But it hasn't.

The Bliar's low-profile treatment of Iran, added to the contradictory 
signals sent out by him and others such as Foreign Minister, Jack Straw and 
John Reid, whose job is better described as the Secretary for War, has 
worked very well to keep the country in the dark. Although British forces 
might play only a minor role in a US air-strike -which now seems the most 
likely scenario- it is likely that its AWAC systems and its air-bases both 
in the UK and abroad will be used by US nuclear strike forces.


US defends its record on the promotion of democracy

The Bush administration on Wednesday defended its efforts to promote 
democracy around the world in the face of growing criticism of double 
standards and accusations that its “freedom drive” was flagging as a result 
of electoral gains by Islamists opposed to the US.

Ms Rice came under fire in Congress on Tuesday during a hearing on foreign 
assistance, where the US was accused of spreading a sense of chaos in the 
Middle East through a pursuit of elections first and institutions later, as 
well as following double standards.

This administration has yet to exercise that capacity for vision in foreign 
affairs which does not lead to severely unintended consequences.



President Bush has not fired any of the architects of the Iraq war. In 
fact, a review of the key planners of the conflict reveals that they have 
been rewarded – not blamed – for their incompetence.


U.S. military: Video of copter crash site 'despicable'

"We are outraged that anyone would create and publish such a despicable 
video for public exposure," military spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Withington 
said in a statement. "The terrorists continue to demonstrate their immoral 
disregard for human dignity and life."

"... unlike the US which respects human life as we lie about people's 
nations, invade, and slaughter them all in the most humane and efficient 
and above all respectful manner possible."


Some Troops Just Broke Down In Tears Apologizing For The Terror These 
Raidings Caused To The People

I just got this letter a few minutes ago from my (Sunni) "adopted daughter" 
who lives in a northern Iraq city...they have cut-off their internet, 
except with pre-paid cards....please note her statements about GIs raiding 
her house....not to mention the massacre of 24 Shi'ites by US troops 

This is killing me...she and I have been writing for a long time now, and 
she truly is like my daughter...she is so fu**ing brave, and I wish I could 
get her out of there NOW, along with our troops....I deleted most of her 
name for her protection...


In Ramadi, an Up-Close View of Skirmishes


US soldiers murder another academic

The annihilation of Iraq's greatest assets, it's academics and 
intellectuals, continues at a maddening pace, thanks to the illegal US 
invasion and occupation.


A Devastating Attack : Pictures


US massacres unarmed civilians


Austria: Iraqi resistance emerges from isolation


Movies of the operations of the Iraqi resistance


Iraqis Show Little Surprise as US Marines Take Cover in Their Villas


Movies of the Iraqi Resistance

For more movies visit ( Kataib Thaurat Al ishreen ) Resistance.


Movies of the Iraqi Resistance


Movie of the 2 US pilots killed in  the  helicopter downed  by the Iraqi 
( Copy and paste the link in the browser )


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 4 April 2006
    * US occupation forces stage massive raids, searches and arrests in 
ar-Ramadi beginning at midnight and into Tuesday morning.
    * US seals off, locks down border town of al-Mundhiriyah after “dozens” 
of Iranians had reportedly slipped into Iraq.
    * US soldier reported killed in bombing in Kirkuk.
    * Four Resistance fighters escape US prison camp in Tall ‘Afar.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column south of al-Mawsil, reportedly 
killing US soldier.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet “National Guard” soldier atop 
house stolen from local villagers in Jazirat al-Khalidiyah.
    * Resistance bombards US base in al-Habbaniyah twice on Tuesday.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “National Guard” patrol in ad-Durah.
    * Resistance bomb in Baghdad’s az-Za‘faraniyah wounds three US troops.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet “Shock Troops south of Tikrit.
    * Resistance ambushes puppet “Shock Troops” on road to al-Khalis.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column in western al-Mawsil’s al-Qadisiyah 


Saddam dismisses evidence


Saddam defiant as trial resumes


Saddam Says Shi'ite-Run Ministry Kills Thousands


The Land of Palestine: 67-Present


US Attitude to Hamas: The Disturbing Parallel With Nicaragua

What is currently transpiring in the Occupied Territories is by far a 
worst-case scenario, ironically one made possible with the direct help of 
many Palestinians themselves. The democratically elected Palestinian 
government is now officially isolated, as many Palestinians cannot see 
beyond their own narrow ­ and frankly irrelevant ­ ideological differences 
and immaterial factionalism.

Others cannot resist their total reliance on foreign, mostly European funds 
to run their mostly self-exalting NGOs, whose tangible contribution to 
Palestinian life is still disputed.


Hamas offered 30-year cease-fire before Israel’s 1997 failed attempt to 
assassinate Meshal

In his recently released book "Man in the Shadows", Efraim Halevy, the 
former Mossad chief, uncovers untold details about security affairs from 
Israel's past, according to Ha’aretz news agency.

According to the book, to be released in UK today, and soon in Hebrew by 
Matar Publishing, shortly before 1997’s failed assassination attempt on 
Hamas leader Khaled Meshal in Jordan, King Hussein delivered a 30 years 
ceasefire offer from the Hamas movement.


Israel: Iran is now danger No. 1

Israel is working on a wide range of measures to undermine Iran's nuclear 
program, with senior leaders hinting that Israel may take preemptive action 
if that is deemed necessary. Analysts here suggest that action may include 
a strike similar to Israel's 1981 attack on Iraq's Osirak reactor.

Let me see if I understand this correctly. Israel attacks Iran, Iran 
counter attacks, and our kids get caught in the crossfire in Iraq. It has 
been said that war is how Americans learn geography; unfortunately, it 
appears that this is about to happen again.


ANALYSIS: Somalia may be proxy US-Islam battleground

A widely held perception that the United States backs the warlords with 
weapons, money and surveillance prompted Islamist hardliners to start a 
fight that killed 37 people in February, hours after the coalition 
announced its presence.

What has many worried is that these two battles were seen as a fight 
between the United States and Islam. The U.S. backing for the warlords has, 
in fact, strengthened the position of the Islamists and "helped extreme 
elements to get the Somali public behind them," an official involved with 
Somalia told Reuters.

Bravo: another stirling example of our excellent foreign policy, and its 


-muslim voice-

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