In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Danish paper rejected Jesus cartoons

Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons of 
the prophet Muhammad that have caused a storm of protest throughout the 
Islamic world, refused to run drawings lampooning Jesus Christ, it has 
emerged today.

This ends the claim that this is a free-speech issue.,,1703501,00.html


Europe's Defamation of the Prophet

Indeed the only freedom of speech left in the west is bashing Islam 
otherwise it does have its limits. In Europe you can be prosecuted for 
questioning the extant of the Holocaust or criticizing Israel’s policy 
given western indoctrination that such “freedom” is Anti-Semitic.” Israel 
and its bloody history is now the “Holy Grail” for the civilized west, the 
champions of human rights.


Intended Insults: Unintended Consequences

On 31 January, Carsten Juste, editor-in-chief of Jyllands-Posten, published 
an open letter to Muslims saying he was sorry that Muslims took offence 
from the cartoons (which his cultural editor had commissioned for the 
express purpose of causing offence). In that caricature of an apology he 
did not admit that the paper had done anything wrong. Rather he blamed the 
Muslims' poor understanding of the Danish culture for their getting so 
upset. Then he wondered, as did many media pundits, why Muslims were not 
buying his apology.


When Freedom of Expression Becomes a Weapon

Our news sources informed us that due solely to these images “outrage 
sweeps across the Muslim world.” Such coverage has elicited miles of text 
and a Babel of blather denouncing those who would dare threaten OUR freedom 
of speech because it offends THEIR “backward” beliefs


The misplaced defense of free speech

Now how well do Danes know their cultural past, if the thoughts of their 
finest thinker sound alien to them today? And are Muslims to be blamed if 
Westerners have themselves allowed the commerce of decadent capitalism to 
make them forget some of best features of their intellectual heritage?

For myself, the "free speech" defense for the cartoons rings hollow coming 
at a time when historians are being thrown in prison for questioning the 
history of WW2.


Neo-cons use Denmark as their latest tool to bring about the "Clash of 

Denmark is at the center of the ongoing neo-con plot to bring about a 
bloody military confrontation between the West and Islam. This "Clash of 
Civilizations" is a hallmark of the neo-con philosophy and is most 
exemplified in the writings of Prof. Samuel Huntington and Daniel Pipes.


Cartoon protests turn deadly

 From Afghanistan to Indonesia, tens of thousands of Muslims around the 
world have launched a series of new protests -- some violent -- over 
cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed.

Now, who benefits of Christians and Muslims kill each other off?


9/11: Hilter's Rise to Power, a Mini History

Read the Article below. Just do some mental substitutions with recent 
historical events and what happened in Germany. (For example the 9/11 
attack could substitute for the Reichstag terrorist case.) The Germans gave 
up their civil liberties to allow the government to protect them against 
Communist Terrorists. It is interesting that following the importation of 
German scientists of Project Paperclip, the US began to wage the cold war 
against Germany's old boogeymaen: Communist. And now our big boogeymen are 


News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

Guantánamo: A life sentence of suffering and stigmatization

In a new report published today, Amnesty International revealed how the US 
detention centre at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba is condemning thousands across the 
world to a life of suffering, torment and stigmatization.

For a full copy of “Guantánamo: Lives torn apart ­ The impact of indefinite 
detention on detainees and their families”, please see:

Cruel. Inhuman. Degrades us all. Stop torture and ill-treatment in the "war 
on terror". For more information on AI's campaign see:

All AI documents on the USA:


Who Will Save America?

When I saw that the neoconservative response to 9/11 was to turn a war 
against stateless terrorism into military attacks on Muslim states, I 
realized that the Bush administration was committing a strategic blunder 
with open-ended disastrous consequences for the US that, in the end, would 
destroy Bush, the Republican Party, and the conservative movement.


Bush’s Tyranny for a Bankrupt Nation

The Bush master-plan is no different than the economic shock-therapy the 
United States has directed at the third world for decades. The strategy is 
simple and straightforward, but virtually foolproof in achieving its 
objectives; the crushing of the middle class and the subsequent shifting of 
the nation’s wealth to the “oligarchy of racketeers” who run the system.


No Bravery

A nation blind to their disgrace - A must watch 4 minute video


Powell's Former Chief of Staff Says Pre-War Intelligence a 'Hoax"

"I participated in a hoax on the American people, the international 
community, and the United Nations Security Council," says Wilkerson.


The gullibility that led us into the last war could yet bring us a new 

Our leaders were never trustworthy, yet many people were only too willing 
to believe them - and they may do so again

The day after Colin Powell did his show-and-tell before the United Nations 
security council in an attempt to prove that Iraq had weapons of mass 
destruction, in February 2003, the late Washington Post columnist Mary 
McGrory wrote a column entitled "I'm persuaded". Describing how Vietnam 
"came close to making me [a pacifist]", McGrory conceded that "nobody I 
know was for the war". But something about Powell's performance made her 
reconsider: "I don't know how the United Nations felt about Colin Powell's 
'J'accuse' speech against Saddam Hussein. I can only say that he persuaded 
me, and I was as tough as France to convince.",,1702935,00.html


Defense and Support Committee of President Saddam Hussein, his Comrades and 
all P.o.W.s and Detainees in Iraq


Revealed: secret plan to keep UK troops permanently in Iraq

BRITAIN is laying secret plans to maintain a permanent military presence in 


Little Testimony Ties Saddam to Crackdown

After four months and 26 witnesses, prosecutors in the Saddam Hussein trial 
have offered little credible testimony directly linking the former leader 
to the killings and torture for which he's charged.


Iraqi Detainee Dies in Abu Ghraib Prison


Pentagon Asks for $439.3 Billion Budget, Not Counting Iraq and Afghanistan


Gonzales Defends Domestic Spying, Blasts Media


Danish Soldiers Come Under Attack in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 5 February 2006
    * Bomb targets puppet “National Guard patrol in al-Fallujah
    * Resistance bomb leaves three US troops reported dead east of 
    * Resistance fighters assassinate deputy director of notorious Abu 
Ghurayb prison camp.
    * US launches wave of frantic arrests in Mosul Sunday evening.
    * Puppet deputy director of prisons in al-Basrah assassinated.
    * Resistance fires rockets into “Green Zone”, Resistance bomb rips 
through puppet “Shock Troop” patrol in Baghdad al-Jadidah
    * Resistance bombards joint US-Iraqi puppet army base in Samarra’
    * Three US troops wounded in bomb attack northwest of ad-Dulu‘iyah
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column near Tikrit
    * Resistance car bomb blasts puppet police patrol in al-Mada’in
    * Bomb blasts puppet police in al-Yusufiyah
    * Resistance bomb blasts British tank south of al-Basrah Saturday night


Worlds apart

Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their 
country, a democracy risen from the ashes of genocide, and the racist 
system that ruled the old South Africa. Yet even within Israel itself, 
accusations persist that the web of controls affecting every aspect of 
Palestinian life bears a disturbing resemblance to apartheid. After four 
years reporting from Jerusalem and more than a decade from Johannesburg 
before that, the Guardian's award-winning Middle East correspondent Chris 
McGreal is exceptionally well placed to assess this explosive comparison.,,1703245,00.html


Strikingly similar: Israel and Apartheid South Africa

Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their 
country, a democracy risen from the ashes of genocide, and the racist 
system that ruled
the old South Africa. Yet even within Israel itself, accusations persist 
that the web of controls affecting every aspect of Palestinian life bears a 
disturbing resemblance to apartheid. After four years reporting from 
Jerusalem and more than a decade from Johannesburg before that, the 
Guardian's award-winning Middle East correspondent Chris McGreal is 
exceptionally well placed to assess this explosive comparison. Here we 
publish the first part of his two-day special report.,,1703244,00.html


The problem is Israel, not Hamas

Hamas's rise to power is only a problem if Israel remains wedded to its 
colonial policy of stealing Palestinian lands and terrorising its people


Israel, Karzai's Afghan regime, get closer

Secret high-level contacts between Israel, Afghanistan in London

JERUSALEM-- Senior diplomats from Israel and Afghanistan met secretly in 
London last week, stepping up lower-level contacts that took place earlier 
in Europe, an Israeli daily reported Monday.


Seven Afghan police killed in attacks

SEVEN policemen have been killed in new attacks in southern Afghanistan as 
security forces search for suspected Taliban insurgents after fierce 
battles killed more than 40 people,10117,18053364-23109,00.html


Afghan governor killed

A district governor and two policemen were killed by Taliban rebels fleeing 
a battle that left 25 dead in Afghanistan, while a bomb killed two 
civilians on Saturday, an official said.


Afghanistan fighting spreads to Pakistan

At least 19 people were killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan on Saturday.


U.S.: Iran sanctions without UN backing would be legitimate

Imposing economic sanctions on Iran without United Nations backing would be 
legitimate if other efforts failed to convince Tehran to halt uranium 
enrichment, a senior U.S. State Department official said on Monday.


Specter Says Surveillance Program Violated the Law

The Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee said today that he 
believed the Bush administration had violated the law with its warrantless 
surveillance program and that its legal justifications for the program were 
"strained and unrealistic."


Wiretap Debate: Déjà Vu: Electronic Surveillance

 From the Cold War to Al-Qaeda


A more democratic world rejects Bush's globalism

Even in Iraq, whose election was held under direct American tutelage, our 
preferred henchmen were decisively ousted.


Cuba’s war against terrorism

The UN General Assembly has condemned the United States embargo on Cuba 14 
times. The US also supports various illicit acts committed against Cuba in 
contravention of international law. This has been made explicit by the 
trial of five Cubans in Florida.


Posada’s presence epitomizes the U.S. double standard

In 1976, already the Hemisphere’s leading terrorist, Posada with Orlando 
Bosch plotted the bombing of a Cuban airliner over Barbados. They both 
claimed that this act represented war against the Castro regime. 
Seventy-three civilian passengers and crew members died.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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