In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Canadian Arab Federation Press Release

Supreme Court of Canada Grants CAF the Right to Argue that the Security
Certificate Regime Discriminates against Arabs

TORONTO - The Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) is pleased that the Supreme
Court of Canada has granted CAF the right to intervene in Charkaoui v.
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. The case is one of three security
certificate cases, including Almrei and Harkat, to be heard June 13 -15,
2006 in Ottawa concerning the constitutionality of secret trials of Arabs
in Canada.



I must begin by saying I am among those who firmly believe that any planned
killing by a nation state or political group is motivated not by religion,
but by power politics.

Given this qualification, historical facts tell us that Jews and Christians
have, tragically, killed many more Muslims than the other way around. Now
this assertion may seem to go against the current tide of public opinion,
but a little basic research will prove my point.


9/11: After Almost Five years, Team Bush Nails an al Qaeda Minor-Leaguer

But, after nearly five years, billions of dollars spent, civil liberties
curtailed and the entire nation thrown into a red-scare type environment
complete with a seemingly-arbitrary, color-coded threat meter, the best we
can do is Zacarias Moussaoui?

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you
about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US
official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring
and its connections to 9-11.


9-11 Conspiracy Hypothesis

I've known Michel Chossudovsky, a Canadian political economist, for a dozen
years, since I first read an op-ed by him in the International Herald
Tribune while I was vacationing in France. We've never met, but we
regularly e-mail back and forth with the latest poop on what's really going
on in the world. In 2002 he wrote a book about what was really, really
behind the 9-11 attack on the WTC, "War and Globalisation, The Truth Behind
September 11." It is more or less consistent with what I've believed all
along about the neo-cons and the Project for a New American Century. I
can't evaluate the details of Michel's research, but since that is what the
Kean Commission has been doing with all the material it has been going
over, and will soon interview President Bush on the subject, I told Michel
I would give him a shot here. For a link to the book summary click: But before you go
there, read his most recent article about the stroke of luck a group of
well-known Americans had in making a WTC deal just six weeks before 9-11.
Coincidences are always the stuff of conspiracy theories.


A U.S. 'Propaganda' Program, al-Zarqawi, and 'The New York Times'

NEW YORK Midway through Thomas Ricks’ Washington Post scoop on Monday
detailing a U.S. military “propaganda program” aimed at convincing Iraqis
that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has a very prominent role in directing violence
in that country, there is one specific tip on how the plan may have also
targeted American reporters and audiences.

“Leaks to reporters from U.S. officials in Iraq are common, but official
evidence of a propaganda operation using an American reporter is rare,”
Ricks observed. He quoted Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the U.S. military's
chief spokesman when the propaganda campaign began in 2004: "We trusted
Dexter to write an accurate story, and we gave him a good scoop."


Is American Foreign Policy an Infinite Crisis?

George Bush as superhero, the rest of us as sketchy background characters

He was the undisputed ruler of one world, convinced that the larger world
outside his own immediate control was corrupt, lacking inspiring heroes and
proper values. He acted boldly on the belief that through his own genius,
combined with force, manipulation, and powerful weapons he had no hand in
creating, he could make a difference—a positive difference, one he'd
eventually be lauded for, petty carpers be damned.


Bush Clears the Way for Corporate Domination

When George W. Bush says that he wants to spread freedom to every corner of
the earth, he means it.

But of course the president that turned Soviet-era gulags into secret CIA
prisons in order to do God-knows-what to God-knows-whom isn't talking about
individual freedom. He means corporate freedom -- freedom for the great
multinationals to extract everything they can from the world's resources
and labor without the hindrance of public interest laws, environmental
regulations or worker protections.


Russian media considers Cheney's speech to be first step towards new Cold War

The Kremlin's official response toCheney's speech at a conference in
Lithuania has been cautious. But angry reaction from Kremlin-allied
politicians and pundits reflects a deepening chill that has marked ties in
the second terms of two presidents who seemed to hit it off early in their


US defends torture charges

Mr Gonzalez said he was taking the time to talk to them on a visit to
Vienna to do "a better job" in explaining the US position, amid growing
protests that Washington is violating human rights.

No matter how long one attempts to polish a turd (this turd being the U.S.
position on using torture), it remains forever- a turd.,5478,19033187%255E1702,00.html


Rumsfeld Heckled by Former CIA Analyst

Protesters repeatedly interrupted Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
during a speech Thursday and one man, a former CIA analyst, accused him of
lying about Iraq prewar intelligence in an unusually vociferous display of
anti-war sentiment.

"Why did you lie to get us into a war that caused these kind of casualties
and was not necessary?" asked Ray McGovern, the former analyst, during a
question-and-answer session.

"I did not lie," shot back Rumsfeld, who waved off security guards ready to
remove McGovern from the hall at the Southern Center for International Studies.


Video: Rumsfeld Forced to Swallow His Own Lies

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA analyst with 27 years of experience ask
Rumsfeld, "Why did you lie to get us into a war that was not necessary,
that has caused these kinds of casualties? why?" Click here to watch.


Retired CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Takes on Rumsfeld Over Justification for
Iraq Invasion

Posted May 5, 2006 01:15 PM PST - Category: IRAQ


When George W. Bush Had Alex Jones Arrested For Asking A Question

The public spectacle of former CIA analyst Ray McGovern almost being hauled
out of a Rumsfeld speech for the thought crime of asking a question reminds
us of the good old 'pre-9/11 mentality' days when George W. Bush had Alex
Jones arrested and kidnapped by Texas police for the same offence.


American War Resisters Should Be Embraced By Canada And Not Sent Away

"How many of you have ever volunteered for an organization?" she asked.
Almost everyone in the audience raised their hands.  She then queried, "how
many of you have ever stopped volunteering for an organization?" Again,
almost everyone raised their hands. She continued, "how many of you went to
jail for ceasing your volunteering activities?" This time, however, no one
raised their hands.

But this is  exactly the dilemma of those American military men who left
their posts and have come to Canada because they no longer wish to be
involved in their country's military exploits in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Hidden News: The Return of the Death Squads

The elevators in the New York Hilton played CNN on a small screen you could
not avoid watching. Iraq was top of the news; pronouncements about a "civil
war" and "sectarian violence" were repeated incessantly. It was as if the
US invasion had never happened and the killing of tens of thousands of
civilians by the Americans was a surreal fiction. The Iraqis were mindless
Arabs, haunted by religion, ethnic strife and the need to blow themselves
up. Unctuous puppet politicians were paraded with no hint that their
exercise yard was inside an American fortress.


Blair must go now

Even the PM's most diehard supporters must admit that today's election
results show it's time for him to go.



Three U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq blast

Posted May 5, 2006 06:51 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 4 May 2006
    * US airraid kills five civilians in ar-Ramadi Thursday morning.
    * Resistance bomb in south Baghdad’s as-Sayyidiyah reportedly kills one
US soldier.
    * Iraqi Resistance Group the Brigades of the Triumphant Salah ad-Din
rejects calls to negotiate with US or puppet regime, promises end to US
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier near ad-Dulu‘iyah.
    * Savage battle erupts in al-Yusufiyah when US column drives into town
after dark Thursday.
    * Two US troops reported killed by Resistance bomb near as-Suwayrah.
    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Mawsil.
    * Heavy Resistance mortar barrage blasts US base in al-Qa’im.
    * Resistance bombards joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in
    * Resisatance attack in southern Baghdad leaves two puppet “Shock
Troop” soldiers dead.
    * Mysterious bomb explodes in font of courthouse in Baghdad’s Madinat
as-Sadr district.
    * Resistance fighters assassinate puppet brigadier general in western
Baghdad Thursday morning.
    * Resistance fighters kill three pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr
Brigade militiamen.
    * Resistance mortars strike puppet police command headquarters for
Diyala Province.


Jenin on hunger strike in nonviolent protest against the “starvation of
children and residents

Dozens more Palestinians join nonviolent protest, hunger striking against
“starvation of children and the Palestinian nation, as the US-led economic
blockade continues against Palestinians after the elected the Hamas party
into the Palestinian Legislative Council.


Palestinian child to Israeli policeman: "Are you afraid of the settlers too?"

Increased attacks by Israeli settlers from Hill 833 (Ma'on settlement
outpost), on up to eighteen schoolchildren from the village of Tuba have
drawn a confused response from the Israeli police and military.  In the
past week:

Settlers placed large rocks blocking the short road from Tuba to At-Tuwani
that goes between Ma'on and Hill 833 (the most direct road, as mandated for
the military/police escort of the children by the Knesset Committee for
Children's Rights).  The military left the rocks there for five days, and
switched to a middle road around the south side of Hill 833.


'Flattening the Conflict'

While the Palestinians are manoeuvring feverishly in reaction to the latest
developments dropped in their fishbowl, Israel quietly but forcefully
continues its sustained policy of seizing and maintaining control over the
West Bank, its land and natural resources.


Two years out of Israeli jail, Vanunu's life on hold -

Citing security concerns, Israel's Justice Ministry last month renewed its
ban on travel by Vanunu, a former technician at the Dimona atomic reactor
who all but blew away the country's cherished nuclear secrecy with a 1986
newspaper interview.

The ban is subject to annual review. Senior Israeli security sources said
they expected it to be extended indefinitely


-muslim voice-

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