In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Muslim TV network expands to more than 1 million homes

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- A first-of-its-kind Muslim-American television 
network launched a year ago has gone from being a premium pay channel to a 
basic-cable offering on several cable and satellite systems, broadening its 
reach from 10,000 to more than 1 million U.S. homes.

Bridges TV, featuring Muslim-American lifestyle and cultural programming, 
also has been approved by the Canadian Radio & Television Commission to 
start broadcasting in Canada.

Please see also:


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2327

The War in Iraq Costs $271,160,098,800 - See the cost in your community


Retired CIA Official Says Bush Is A War Criminal

An in-depth interview with former high-level CIA analyst Ray McGovern; 
McGovern talks about his work as an advisor to Bush 1 and his belief that 
Bush 2 is a war criminal and should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Real audio


Returning to the Scene of the Crime

War Crimes in Iraq


Amnesty International Report Condemns U.S. Treatment of Detainees

A new report released Wednesday by the human rights group Amnesty 
International says that the CIA used private airplanes owned by front 
companies to send terror suspects to secret locations or to send them to 
countries that condoned torture.


Full Amnesty Report: Secret flights to torture and 'disappearance'

Sending prisoners overseas to extract information through water torture, 
removal of toenails and fingernails, beatings, and electrocution at the 
request of US officials is inhumane and must be stopped.- US Congressman 
Edmund Markey, March 12, 2005


International laws hinder UK troops

John Reid demanded sweeping changes to international law yesterday to free 
British soldiers from the restraints of the Geneva conventions and make it 
easier for the west to mount military actions against other states.,,329449669-111274,00.html


Torture around the world

Governments are often more reluctant to discuss torture than to practice it


CIA made '185 rendition flights through Britain'

CIA aircraft used in secret flights to transport terrorist suspects around 
the world made nearly 200 calls at British airports over the past five 
years, according to a report released today.,,2-2119613,00.html


Dr. David Ray Griffin:"9/11, The Myth & The Reality,"

  In this definitive presentation given on March 30th, 2006 at the historic 
Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California, Griffin deconstructs nine 
official myths, given that day.


Trillion Dollar War

Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, 63, discusses the true $1 
trillion cost of the Iraq conflict. The only people benefiting in this war 
are Bush's friends in the oil industry. He has done the American economy 
and the global economy an enormous disfavor, but his Texan friends couldn't 
be happier


Iraqi Lullaby: Vocals by Laura Bush and Mothers of America

Pictures provided by President G W. Bush


How Massacres Become the Norm

US soldiers killing innocent civilians in Iraq is not news. Just as it was 
not news that US soldiers slaughtered countless innocent civilians in 
Vietnam. However, when some rare reportage of this non news from Iraq does 
seep through the cracks of the corporate media, albeit briefly, the 
American public seems shocked.


40,000 Sunnis killed in Iraq during al-Jaafari's tenure - report

"During the time Ibrahim Jaafari has been Prime Minister, 40,000 Iraqi 
Sunnis have been killed", Sheikh Hareth al-Zari, secretary general of the 
Association of Muslim Scholars, told the popular satellite channel 
al-Jazeera on Wednesday.


Channel 4 Video Report on UK Mercenaries shooting Iraqi Civilians

"We don't know whether it was an innocent civilian or whether that was an 
insurgent - we don't know, because we never stop". The words of a former 
security consultant, explaining the story behind the video footage.


Al-Jaafari Insists on Prime Ministry Despite Opposition

The current Iraqi Prime Minister, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari, who faced harsh 
reactions from Sunnite and Kurdish groups after he was nominated as prime 
minister by election victors, the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance, said he 
will not withdraw his prime ministerial nomination despite pressure from 
the United States and Britain.


Iraqi Resistance movies


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 5 April 2006
    * Resistance car bomber blasts into joint US-Iraqi puppet army 
checkpoint in 'Amiriyat al-Fallujah midday Wednesday.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet column near ar-Ramadi, 
American soldier reported dead.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing south of Abu 
    * US soldier reported dead after Resistance bomb blasts US column in 
al-Latifiyah after noon Wednesday.
    * Two US troops reported dead in Resistance bombing near al-Hawijah.
    * Iraqi Resistance observes "crashes" British consulate party in 
al-Basrah with rockets Tuesday night.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column in Husaybah, near al-Qa'im Wednesday 
    * Iraqi President Saddam Husayn accuses US-installed puppet "Interior 
Ministry" of torturing and murdering thousands of Iraqis.
    * Mysterious car bombs kill civilians in Baghdad midday Wednesday.
    * Resistance assassinates translator collaborating with US occupation 
    * Resistance bombards US al-Bakr Airbase near Yathrib.
    * Resistance bomb northeast of Baghdad wounds US troops.
    * Resistance bomb in al-Mada'in kill three puppet "Shock Troops."
    * Resistance bomb rips through US patrol near al-Yusufiyah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column in southeastern Kirkuk.


Saddam Says Shi'ite-Run Ministry Kills Thousands


FBI Whistleblower Colleen Rowley Warns Zacarias Moussaoui Trial May Mark 
Last Time Bush Administration Use Courts to Try Terror Suspects

We turn now to the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. On Monday, a jury ruled 
Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty in connection to his role in 
the 9/11 attacks. Moussaoui has already pleaded guilty to conspiring to 
hijack aircraft with al-Quaida and other crimes. He's claimed he was 
supposed to have been part of the 9/11 plot and that he was training to fly 
a fifth hijacked plane into the White House on that day. He's said he lied 
to the FBI after his arrest to allow the Sept. 11 attacks to go forward. 
The trial will now move into its second phase, where the jurors will decide 
whether Moussaoui should be executed.


Libby Says Bush Authorized Leaks

Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff has testified that 
President Bush authorized him to disclose the contents of a highly 
classified intelligence assessment to the media to defend the Bush 
administration's decision to go to war with Iraq, according to papers filed 
in federal court on Wednesday by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special 
prosecutor in the CIA leak case.


We need answers on domestic spying

Canadians making, sending and receiving phone calls, faxes and emails in 
and out of the country should pay close attention to recent revelations 
about a mass domestic spying program in the United States.


Mortar blast near main US base in Afghanistan kills one

A mortar blast near the main US military base in Afghanistan left a 
civilian dead while coalition forces killed an insurgent and dropped 
2,000-pound bombs on a band of Taliban, officials said.


Intelligence officers killed in Afghanistan

Two Afghan intelligence officials have been killed in separate attacks in 
two of the country's troubled provinces, news agencies reported.


Coalition troops wound eight Afghan policemen in 'friendly fire'

Afghan forces mistakenly opened fire on coalition soldiers in the early 
hours of Thursday, prompting return fire that wounded eight policemen, 
police said.


How, exactly, are troops defending our `national interests' in Afghanistan 
and how long will they be there?

The Speech from the Throne said that our troops are in Afghanistan "to 
defend our national interests, combat global terrorism and help the Afghan 
people make a new start as a free, democratic and peaceful country."

What national interests? Perhaps Stephen Harper would deign to tell Canadians.


Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence

Elliott Horowitz, born in New York City in 1953, is (2003) an Associate 
Professor in the Department of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University. He is 
coeditor of the Jewish Quarterly Review.

Abstract: Historical accounts of Jewish violence--particularly against 
Christians--have long been explosive material. Some historians have 
distorted these records for anti-Semitic purposes. Others have discounted, 
dismissed, or simply ignored the evidence, often for apologetic purposes.


Canada's shameful hypocrisy on Palestine

Kudos to the reader who can remember the last time Canada asked Israel to 
end its occupation of Palestinian territories; or to stop expanding 
settlements; or to dismantle the wall; or to abide by UN Security Council 

Give up? Don't blame yourself. These events have either never happened, or 
have not happened in a long time. Recent governments have drifted away from 
Canada's long-standing Mideast policy that recognized Palestinian rights 
under international law. Last week, Canada became the first country after 
Israel to break ties with the new Hamas-led government in the Palestinian 
Authority. Hamas does not "respect existing agreements to follow the road 
map, to recognize Israel as a state and to renounce all violence," Foreign 
Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said in justifying Canada's decision, which 
also cut off millions of dollars in aid.

Shameful hypocrisy, Mr. Minister.


Evangelicals Rally Their Flocks Behind Israel

Charismatic televangelist John Hagee thinks that the Rev. Pat Robertson's 
suggestion that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was payback 
from God for withdrawing from Gaza was "insensitive and unnecessary." But 
he nevertheless appears to share Robertson's concern that Israel may be 
giving up too much land to the Palestinians.


Palestinian Child Day 2006

400 in Israeli prisons, 740 killed by Israeli forces, tens of thousands 
injured as Israel is clearly not honoring International Treaty on Children


Huge jump in arms sales to Israel

The number of arms export licences granted for countries the government 
accuses of human rights abuses increased significantly over the past year, 
the latest official figures show.,,329451380-108733,00.html


Isreali gunboats stop Palestinians from fishing

Isreali gunboats stop Palestinians from fishing as a communal punishment or 
to prevent attacks,,251-2120608,00.html


If one side in a conflict goes nuclear, the other is bound to follow suit

The Iranian crisis can only be understood as the inevitable result of 
Israel's US-backed WMD monopoly in the region,,1746244,00.html


US blueprint for 125 nuclear bombs a year

THE Bush Administration has unveiled a blueprint for rebuilding the US's 
decrepit nuclear weapons complex, including restoration of a large-scale 
bomb manufacturing facility


77 TV stations aired 'fake news reports'

A study by a group that monitors the media reveals that, over a ten month 
span, 77 television stations from all across the nation aired video news 
releases without informing their viewers even once that the reports were 
actually sponsored content, RAW STORY has found.

And remember: these were only the 77 statiions which got caught for this 
practice. There are no FCC laws stating that what the talking heads on 
television or radio are obliged to tell you the truth.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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