In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Cartoon of Prophet Muhammad: Everything indicates that CIA were the real 
sender of the provocation, a typical CIA operation.
    * The CIA of the US and the MOSSAD of Israel are behind practically ALL 
big political provocations and false-flag operations on the planet. The 
burden of proof therefore in every case lies with them.
    * Bush stands soon completely isolated in his aggression against Iraq. 
Only few of the vasal states, including Denmark, have not yet left or are 
not leaving Iraq
    * Bush therefore needs to spread the war out again and involve Europe 
by playing the religious card. A provocation of the muslims at the 
religious level involving at least one European country is a perfect solution.

And which country in Europe is more ideal for this purpose than Denmark:
    * her prime minister is one of Bush>s close friends and has been 
allowed to eat breakfast with Bush
    * as well in the maximally criminal war of aggression against Iraq as 
in all other relations Denmark is the 100 % loyal servant of the US, for 
instance also in the case of the next US war target, Iran
    * the Danish people as a whole is self-centered and without power of 
resistance to manipulation
    * the country is governed by a coalion of rightwing parties dominated 
by the extremist rightwing party Fremskridtspartiet
    * there is no noteworthy political opposition
    * together with the newspapers Ekstrabladet and Jyllandsposten, 
Fremskridtspartiet for 10 – 15 years has conducted a daily hate campaign 
against all immigrants, in particular the muslims
    * the weakest founded 2/3 of the natives thereby have assumed a hostile 
attitude to the muslims.


Muslim boycott hits Danish firms hard- One firm losing $1.8 million a day

(CNN) -- A boycott of Danish goods called by Muslim leaders over the 
publishing of cartoons of Prophet Mohammed is dealing a blow to the 
nation's businesses. Oil giant Iran became the latest nation to impose 
penalties, saying on Monday it would cut off all trade ties with Denmark. 
Reuters reported that Iran imports $280 million worth of goods from Denmark 
a year.


Cartoon editor Fleming Rose and the tentacles of PNAC

It turns out the editor who originally publshed the "offensive" Muslim 
cartoons is a disciple of Daniel Pipes and the "clash of civilizations" 
theory put out by Project for a New American Century. PNAC is the outfit 
that called for a "Pearl Harbor event' in order to initiate a global war 
against the Muslim world.


A clash of rights and responsibilities

Western governments have reacted with noticeable caution over the cartoons 
of the Prophet Muhammad. The last thing these governments want is another 
confrontation in which Islam is seen to be pitched against the West. The 
strategy therefore is to try to prevent this from becoming a "clash of 

Officials fear Islamic radicals will exploit the issue, further justifying 
their case that the West is basically hostile to Islam. Islamist websites 
are already calling for revenge attacks. But it has become a clash of 
culture, an argument about how far free speech should prevail over the 
sensitivities of a religious or other group.


Free speech is not absolute

Concerning the egregious cartoons of Prophet Muhammad: Freedom of 
expression ends where religious bigotry and religious hatred begin.

The noble purpose of freedom of expression should be to promote 
understanding among multicultural communities, which will create healthier, 
stronger and more diverse societies, and not to insult other's beliefs.

It should be no more acceptable to scream "Prophet Muhammad is a terrorist" 
from the cartoon section of a major daily than it would be to yell "The 
Holocaust is a myth" in a crowded synagogue. Freedom of speech is not absolute.



"So what do you do for a living?" the activist asked me. He was an American 
Christian, an ordained minister and leader of an interfaith peace 
organization. I was attending a conference organized by his group.

"I produce Islamic videos and programs, particularly for children," I replied.

"Oh. Doesn't Hamas produce programs for children, too?" he asked.


Video/Transcript: Ali Abunimah vs. Fouad Ajami - re "Muhammad cartoons"

Yesterday (Feb 6, 2006) Ali AbuNimah appeared on the PBS "Newshour with Jim 
Lehrer" and debated Fouad Ajami, director of Middle East studies at Johns 
Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, about the 
"Muhammad cartoons" controversy which has sparked protests in many Muslim 

You can watch the video or read the transcript from here:


Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe Press Release

The Executive Committee of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in 
Europe (FIOE) had devoted its last meeting in Brussels on 3rd and 4th 
February, 2006 to follow-up the issue of the cartoon depictions defaming 
the Prophet Muhammad, that were published on 30/9/2005, and subsequently 
republished in a number of  newspapers in several European states, and the 
resulting reactions and consequences on both the European and international 
levels. Following are the resolutions agreed by the committee:

1- The condemnation of the Danish newspaper which initiated the publication 
of the insulting drawings and the papers that subsequently republished 
them. This  has hurt the feelings of Muslims because of the abuse caused to 
Muslim sanctuaries and sacred figures. This may lead to acrimony among 
different communities in our society.

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Cartoons 'part of Zionist plot'

The furious international row over the publication of cartoons satirising 
the prophet Muhammad intensified on Tuesday when Iran's supreme leader, 
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, claimed it was an Israeli conspiracy motivated by 
anger over Hamas' win in the Palestinian elections.


Danes fear cartoon furor will lead to terror attacks

COPENHAGEN -- As half the world seemed to be exploding in furious and 
sometimes deadly riots against Danes yesterday, the streets of Copenhagen 
suddenly took on an air of eerie, frightened calm.



Words, not rage, appropriate response to hurtful cartoons says Jewish human 
rights group

TORONTO, February 7, 2006 ­ B’nai Brith Canada, has issued a statement 
reacting to the global outbreak of violence over cartoons depicting the 
prophet Mohammed.

“Given the vast experience of the Jewish community at being on the 
receiving end of such cartoons, we know how painful it is to be the victim 
of hurtful messaging,” said Frank Dimant, B’nai Brith Canada’s Executive 
Vice President.


A lamentable gulf between worlds

The Denmark cartoon saga seems Shakespearean in proportions: hubris, a rush 
of madness, ensuing tragedy. If history is any guide -- Salman Rushie and, 
more recently, the Nigerian beauty pageant rioting -- the fallout seems 
entirely foreseeable: Disrespect the Prophet Muhammad, reminded one author, 
and "you're playing with fire."


The Denmark Cartoons

Was this whole anti-Islamic cartoon exercise actually nothing more than an 
innocent attempt at promoting the much cherished cause of freedom of 
expression on sensitive topics---anti-Semitism being disallowed, by word or 
action, by law in most of the western world?

Or, given the ominous times we are in, the Muslims are deliberately being 
provoked, exploiting their emotionality, into presenting one seething, 
throbbing mass of foaming-at-the-mouths herd of rabid cavemen image for 
their eventual annihilation? No one, after all, cries over the mushroom 
clouds blotting the horizons over beastlands.


Guantánamo: A life sentence of suffering and stigmatization

In a new report published today, Amnesty International revealed how the US 
detention centre at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba is condemning thousands across the 
world to a life of suffering, torment and stigmatization.


'Free the forgotten prisoners'

Kate Allen, director of Amnesty's British wing, said the government's 
reluctance to act on behalf of British residents was "shameful".,,2-10-1462_1875844,00.html


Who Is at Guantanamo Bay

Most are from Arab countries, and most were arrested in Pakistan by 
Pakistani authorities.


Guantanamo: Empty Evidence

Most, when captured, were innocent of any terrorist activity, were Taliban 
foot soldiers at worst, and were often far less than that


9/11 plot terrorist tells court 'I am al-Qaeda'

Startling potential jurors and forcing the judge to have him removed from 
the court, Zacarias Moussaoui yelled that he did not want his defence team 
to represent him, declaring: “This trial is a circus. They do not represent 
me. They are Americans.” He added: “These people are not my lawyer.”,,11069-2028050,00.html


Bush Will Not Leave The White House In 2009

Bush has no intention of leaving.  Ever.

By now, most of you know enough about the Project for a New American 
Century to have formed an opinion, and perhaps even an ulcer.  The more I 
read about these maniacs -- and insightful analysis abounds out there on 
the Internets -- the more it becomes clear how messianic and unbending this 
movement is, and that they intend to stop at nothing to achieve their aims.

Watching Gonzales smirk at Biden and Feingold et al as he defended Bush's 
right to do literally anything he pleases -- and specifically watching him 
attempt to circumnavigate Biden's question about when we will know this 
"war" is over, I knew for sure. I've flirted with the idea before, and I 
know many


Peace Takes Courage

Lies fuel fear, fear fuels the Bush administration: Flash presentation. 
Requires broadband.


Beware The Ides Of March

Soothsayer's warning before Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44BC.

If Julius - regarded as one of the greatest Caesars - couldn’t take note, 
the leader of the current superpower should. This March, his actions may 
spark off a conflict from which the world might never recover.


Following Orders Is No Excuse

"A hoax on the American people, the international community, and the United 
Nations Security Council."

If Powell had refused three years ago to deliver the Speech of Lies, we 
would not now be watching an identical duplicity being rolled out against 
Iran. The ultimate cost of the deception being practiced on the American 
people will dwarf the terrible price that has already been paid.


Yet Another Bush Lie

George W. Bush has assured Americans that they can relax about his 
warrantless wiretapping because the program is reviewed by lots of lawyers 
and intelligence professionals. What he doesn’t say is that officials who 
object too much find themselves isolated, ridiculed and pushed out of their 


Ex-President Carter: Eavesdropping illegal

Former President Jimmy Carter criticized the Bush administration's domestic 
eavesdropping program Monday and said he believes the president has broken 
the law.


Standing Ovation In Front Of Pres. Bush After Rev. Says "We Know Now There 
Were No WMD"...

We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. [Standing 
Ovation] But Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of 
misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty 
abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor.


U.S General: U.S. Forces Will Be In Iraq for 10 - 15 Years,1518,399472,00.html


US plans 20-year war on terror

THE Pentagon has laid out a new 20-year military strategy for US troops to 
be deployed, often clandestinely, in dozens of countries at once to fight 
terrorism and other non-traditional threats.


Washington digs in for a 'long war' as Rumsfeld issues global call to arms

According to the review, a "large-scale, potentially long duration, 
irregular warfare campaign including counter-insurgency and security, 
stability, transition and reconstruction operations" is necessary and 
unavoidable. Gone is the talk of swift victories that preceded the 2003 
Iraq invasion. This will be a war of attrition, it says, fought on many 


Religious leaders call for end to detention without trial in Iraq

Christian and Muslim leaders have issued a joint statement calling for 
justice for Iraqis who are being detained in Iraq without trial, and the 
release of four Christian peacemakers in Iraq.

The open letter has been signed by 45 Christian and Muslim religious 
leaders. It expresses concern for the four Christian Peacemaker Team 
hostages - Norman Kember, Tom Fox, Harmeet Singh Sooden and James Loney - 
who have been held in Iraq since 26 November 2005 but also for the 
thousands of Iraqis also held without charge or trial since the war with 
Iraq began almost three years ago.


When Promoting Truth Obscures the Truth: Iraqi Body Count and Iraqi Deaths


Foreign mercenaries kill two Iraqis in Kirkuk

A group of foreign "contractors" travelling in three SUVs shot at a passing 
car in the northern city of Kirkuk, killing two Iraqis, a police officer 
from Kirkuk said.


An American tragedy­the plight of the US war wounded

One of the terrible legacies of the criminal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq 
is the number of maimed, sick or traumatised former US soldiers­many of 
them barely in their twenties­who will require medical assistance for the 
rest of their lives.


Three U.S. Marines Killed By Roadside Bomb

The Marines are assigned to the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special 
Operations Capable), which has operated in Al Anbar province since 


U.S. Marine Killed By Roadside Bomb

A Marine assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force 
(Forward), died as a result of wounds received by an improvised explosive 
device while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province


Four US marines killed in Iraq attacks


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 6 February 2006
    * One US soldier reported killed three more wounded in Resistance 
bombing in Rawah.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in al-Khalidiyah.
    * Resistance bombards US “Green Zone” Monday evening.
    * Resistance bomb northwest of Baghdad leaves three US troops reported 
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in Mosul.
    * Resistance bombards British military headquarters in hotel in al-Basrah.
    * Danish patrol comes under fire Sunday afternoon.


Suicide blast kills 13 in southern Afghanistan

A suspected Taliban militant has blown himself up at the police 
headquarters in the southern city of Kandahar, killing 13 people in the 
latest of a rash of suicide attacks, officials said.


Four killed as Afghan crowd attacks Norwegian base

Afghan police opened fire on a mob trying to storm a NATO peacekeeping base 
housing Norwegian troops on Tuesday, killing four people as protests over 
cartoons depicting Islam's Prophet Mohammad flared again.


2 Killed As Afghans Storm US Air Base

Over 2,000 demonstrators stormed the US-led coalition's Bagram Airbase 
sparking a police firing in which two people died. Two others were killed 
in police firing in the central Afghan city of Mihtarlam.


One Killed As Norwegian troops fire on Afghans in cartoon protest

A provincial governor in Afghanistan says NATO peacekeepers from Norway 
fired on hundreds of protesters outside their base, after demonstrators 
shot at them and tossed grenades.


U.S. soldier killed in firefight in Afghanistan

One U.S. soldier was killed Monday when Taliban militants attacked the 
military vehicle belonging to a U.S. patrol in eastern Afghan province of 
Laghman, the U.S. military said in a press release.


Swedish soldiers attacked in Afghanistan

Soldiers in the Nordic peacekeeping force based in Meymaneh in Afghanistan 
have been attacked by hundreds of demonstrators armed with guns and hand 


US, EU diplomats meet with so-called "terrorists"

The sources intimated that American, British, French and Scandinavian 
diplomats met lately with Hamas leaders, including newly-elected lawmakers, 
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


Occupation forces extrajudicially execute 3 Palestinians

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) committed two extra-judicial executions in 
less than 8 hours, leaving two Palestinians in the Gaza Strip dead and a 
third dead in the West Bank.  This raises the total number of 
extra-judicial executions committed by IOF in the past two days to 4, 
killing 8 Palestinians.


Ex-U.N. Inspector: Decision Already Made To Attack Iran

Ritter said, the United States will drop a nuclear bomb on Iran. Ritter 
described how the U.S. government might justify war with Iran in a scenario 
similar to the buildup to the Iraq invasion.


Russian Ultranationalist Leader Expects U.S. to Attack Iran in Late March

He went on to add that the publication of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the 
European press was a planned action by the U.S. whose aim is “to provoke a 
row between Europe and the Islamic world”. “It will all end with European 
countries thanking the United States and paying, and giving soldiers,” he said.


Iran capable of nuclear bomb: US

Robert Joseph, undersecretary of state for arms control, "I would say that 
Iran does have the capability to develop nuclear weapons and the delivery 
means for those weapons,"

Sound familiar, isn't it?


War pimp alert:

'Iran is world's most serious threat since WWII'

Israel's Ambassador to the United States Danny Ayalon said on Tuesday 
morning that Iran is the biggest problem facing the world since World War II.


Partners in War: The Hillary and George Show

There aren't many elected officials in Washington who want to throw the 
gantlet down on Iran more than Hillary Clinton. The New York Senator 
believes the president has been too soft on the militant Islamic country, 
claiming that Bush has played down the threat of a nuclear-armed Tehran.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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