In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bush calls terror fight WWIII

US President George W. Bush has said the September 11 revolt of passengers
against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of
"World War III".,5478,19043507%255E1702,00.html


Islamophobia, a Retrospective

It was the potshot heard round the world that touched off a
counter-crusade. Packaged in western free speech cliches, and marketed as
innocent satire, the newspaper Jylland-Posten's depiction of the Prophet
Muhammad as a terrorist/suicide bomber with a ticking bomb for a turban was
"provocation-entrapment" propaganda. Dual-use entertainment, in this case
frivolous caricature, is an unexamined aspect of "full spectrum information
dominance." The US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's "Information
Operations Roadmap" mandates that 'information warfare' utilize all
cultural venues to further its agenda- news, posters, books, movies, art,
internet, and music etc.


9/11: FLASHBACK: UK Terror Trial Finds No Terror: Not guilty of conspiracy
to poison London with ricin

One of the last claims in Colin Powell's presentation to the UN Security
Council on February 5, 2003 blew away like dust in the wind late last week
in the Old Bailey, London's central criminal court.


Where was Porter Goss on 9-11?

On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad,
the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast
meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss,
the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.


9/11: Flt 93 LANDED In Cleveland Morning Of 911 - NOT!

Posted May 6, 2006 08:18 AM PST - Category: 911

Plane that landed in Cleveland with a bomb scare that day was a Delta
Airlines jet, not United 93.


9/11: the hidden story of Building 7

Building 7 was the third skyscraper to collapse into rubble on September
11, 2001. According to the government, small fires leveled this building,
but fires have never before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper.


9/11: "United 93": What Happened on the Planes?

The movie serves the interests of the Bush adminstration. It imprints in
the minds of millions of Americans that "the threat is real" and that
"America is under attack".


"Terror War" Begets Devil's Bargains

U.S. Pres. George W. Bush's "global war on terror" has produced the
unintended consequence of bringing the United States ever-closer to some of
the world's most repressive regimes.


U.S. defends rights record before U.N. panel in Geneva

American officials appeared before an international legal panel Friday to
argue that the United States had not violated its treaty obligations to
prevent the torture of prisoners in its fight against terrorism.


Invisible in Plain Sight: CIA Torture Techniques Go Mainstream

Critical loopholes in the McCain amendment show that the once-clandestine
practice of torture is now an official weapon in the War on Terror.


A Bush/Neocon/Zionist Atomic 'Incident' In The US?

Every week, three members of the Israeli Mossad go to the CIA headquarters
at Langley and there meet with senior CIA officials. During these weekly
meetings, mutual needs, requirements and demands are presented by the
Mossad to the CIA. Parenthetically, we should note that Israel flies a
number of top CIA officials to have a yearly very expensive vacation in
Israel. First class accommodations by El Al airline, 5 star hotel
accommodations, expensive gifts and the whole nine yards are part and
parcel of this agape.


A World Without Borders: An interview with Howard Zinn


Not One Drop

The real reason Iran has been unfairly singled out is because they’ve
committed the inexcusable crime of controlling their own resources. This
makes them a potential threat to Israel’s ever-expanding territorial
ambitions and America’s insatiable thirst for oil. The nuclear issue is a
red herring with no merit whatsoever.


Another brick in the wall

We have been conned again. The Israeli elections, we are told, mean that
the dream of "Greater Israel" has finally been abandoned. West Bank
settlements will be closed down, just as the Jewish colonies were uprooted
in Gaza last year. -  But it is a lie.


Where are all the leaders of faith?

Three years into the war against Iraq, the silence of the clergy is
deafening, despite U.S. abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib and a reported
American policy of shipping detainees to secret prisons abroad where,
presumably, they can be tortured.


Blood Pact: American Hegemony and the True Bush "Base"

It is indeed very difficult to remain dispassionate while watching a mass
murder take place.


Pro-American = Anti-Bush

We the people of the United States, in order to secure a more perfect
union, need to vociferously and with everything we have stand up to the
traitors in power and redefine, if not reclaim, what it means to be Americans.


American patriot

Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter takes aim at Bush, Clinton, the
CIA, Cindy Sheehan — and you


Iraq Afghan Wars Cost 439 Billion So Far

If the roughly $70 billion 2006 emergency supplemental request and the $50
billion in "bridge funding" placed in the FY-2007 defense budget request
are factored in, the total cost of the wars since Sept. 11, 2001 reaches
$439 billion.

Always comforting to know where your tax dollars are going - and exactly
what they have purchased!


Interview With  Ray McGovern Who Asked  Rumsfeld "Why Did You Lie? "

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld comes under fire from retired CIA analyst
Ray McGovern at a speech in Atlanta on Thursday. Rumsfeld was interrupted
by protesters several times in his address. We speak with McGovern and play
excerpts from the event.


FLASHBACK: Is israel using the americans to start a civil war in iraq?

Posted May 6, 2006 11:38 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


Bush's Wavering Halts Insurgent Peace Talks

Evidence of wavering by the George W. Bush administration over the
negotiations came from the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper, which
reported Tuesday that Sunni resistance organizations had just broken off
secret talks with Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad because of the U.S. failure
to respond to a peace proposal from the insurgents.

The question is, does the U. S. really want peace in Iraq, or a complete
fragmentation of that country along ethnic/ religious lines, which appears
to be what is happening on the ground?


Five US soldiers killed in Iraq

Roadside bombs kill three US soldiers in Babil province, another two in
south-central Baghdad.


British helicopter shot down in Iraq

Fire fighters said they had found four charred bodies in the wreckage.


4 Killed as Iraqis Cheer Crash of British Helicopter

British troops shot into the air trying to disperse the crowd, then
shooting broke out between the British and Iraqi militiamen, Khazim said.
At least four people, including a child, were killed and 31 wounded, he
said. Two of the fatalities were adults shot by British troops while
driving a car in the area, Khazim said.;_ylt=A0SOwkvdulxEiSQB9gJX6GMA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 5 May 2006
    * Resistance bomb in village near al-Khalidiyah leaves US soldier
reported dead.
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing west of ar-Ramadi.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier near al-Hadithah.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near Babil.
    * Series of Resistance bombs leaves three American troops reported dead
in al-Mawsil.
    * Resistance martyrdom fighter blasts car bomb into US column in
an-Najaf after nightfall Friday.
    * Resistance blasts US, Iraqi puppet army billets with heavy 120mm
mortar rounds Friday afternoon.
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in central al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance bomb rips through puppet “Shock Troop” patrol in Jurf
    * Resistance bomb wounds three puppet policemen in Palestine Street
area of Baghdad.
    * Denmark regime extends stay of Danish occupation troops in Iraq one
more year.
    * Resistance bombards US-Iraqi puppet “Shock Troop” headquarters in
    * Resistance bomb blasts Iraqi puppet army patrol in Ba‘qubah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol near al-Mawsil wounding four
American troops.
    * Resistance martyrdom fighter blasts car bomb into US column in
an-Najaf after nightfall Friday.


The fall and fall of Afghanistan

"Contractors in Afghanistan are making big money for bad work." That is the
conclusion reached in a new report from CorpWatch written by an
Afghan-American journalist who returned to her native country to examine
the progress of reconstruction.

The [George W] Bush administration touts the reconstruction effort in
Afghanistan as a success story," the report said, but claimed that
reconstruction has been "bungled" by "many of the same politically
connected corporations which are doing similar work in Iraq", receiving
"massive open-ended contracts" without competitive bidding or with limited


10 die in US helicopter crash in Afghanistan

A U.S. military helicopter crashed while on combat operations in eastern
Afghanistan, killing all 10 U.S. service members on board, the U.S.
military said on Saturday.


Taliban claim helicopter kill

The Taliban claim to have shot down a US helicopter in Afghanistan, killing
all those on board.


2 Italian soldiers killed, 4 wounded in Afghanistan

A roadside bomb killed two Italian soldiers and wounded four yesterday as
they were travelling to help Afghan police hurt in another attack near the
capital, officials said.


The Storm over "the Israel Lobby"

Is It Possible to Have a Civilized Discussion About the Role of Israel in
American Foreign Policy?


Israeli spy affair: AIPAC defendants ask Jews for support

The defense team of former AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
employee Keith Weissman launched an effort to get the US Jewish community
to support the case of the two AIPAC staffers charged with communicating
classified information to Israeli diplomats and others.


Israeli spy affair: Feds seek muckraker's files in AIPAC case

The FBI is casting its net at least as far back as the 1980s in its attempt
to prove a pattern in the government's classified information case against
two former Jewish lobbyists.


Israeli mayhem in the Jordan Valley

I have just returned from the Jordan Valley - an area that takes up 30% of
the West Bank but is almost entirely annexed by Israel.


Bush: US must ensure Israel's security

US President George W. Bush said Thursday at the American Jewish Committee
conference in Washington that the United States had a strong and
inalienable obligation to ensure the security of Israel, referring to the
threats Iran had made against the Jewish state.


FLASHBACK: The USS Cole bombing against the backdrop of Israeli "Black
Propaganda" Operations

Many in the Arab and Muslim communities in the United States are inclined
to suppose that Israel may be responsible for the terror-bombing of the USS
Cole in the Yemen port city of Aden on October 13. Although few Americans
would suspect Israel, a trusted U.S. ally, of such a dastardly act, they
may well be wrong while better informed and more experienced Arab and
Muslim observers may be correct.


Mossad-poisoned sweets killed militant, book says

In Striking Back, written in English, Aharon Klein confirms suspicions that
Israel's intelligence agency killed the leader of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestinian, whose love for chocolate was well known.


Israeli air strike kills 5 Palestinians

The air strike scattered body parts and left pools of blood in a field just
metres away from the home of Moumtaz Dourghmush, the top commander in the PRC.


US 'blocks' Palestinian aid plan

European diplomats say the US is blocking a plan to resume direct financial
aid to the Palestinians.


Dolts – or liars?

ElBaradei has made yet another report to the IAEA Board – and forwarded a
copy to the UNSC – that he can find no undeclared proscribed materials in
Iran and no indication that any such materials have ever been used in
furtherance of any military purpose.


Iran: Consequences Of War

This briefing paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the likely nature
of US or Israeli military action that would be intended to disable Iran’s
nuclear capabilities. It outlines both the immediate consequences in terms
of loss of human life, facilities and infrastructure, and also the likely
Iranian responses, which would be extensive


The 2004 US Elections: The Mother of all Vote Frauds

It's still 6 months before the mid-term elections and already signs of
rampant vote fraud are appearing in state primaries.

So, let us look back at the 2004 election, in which it appears the
Presidency might have actually been stolen, setting our nation onto a path
to war paved with lies.


NSA Destroyed Evidence of Domestic Spying

The National Security Agency, the top-secret spy shop that has been
secretly eavesdropping on Americans under a plan authorized by President
Bush four years ago, destroyed the names of thousands of Americans and US
companies it collected on its own volition following 9/11, because the
agency feared it would be taken to task by lawmakers for conducting
unlawful surveillance on United States citizens without authorization from
a court, according to a little known report published in October 2001 and
intelligence officials familiar with the NSA's operations.


FBI Counterterrorism Unit Spies on Peace Group

The ACLU released evidence Thursday showing that the FBI has been
monitoring the peace group, School of Americas Watch.


U.S. defends new Internet wiretap rules in appeals court

A U.S. appeals panel challenged the Bush administration Friday over new
rules making it easier for police and the FBI to wiretap Internet phone calls.


Ridicule and contempt

An imperial president is smothering the system of checks and balances,
imperiling free speech,,1766835,00.html


Second autopsy finds boy at boot camp died of suffocation by guards

A 14-year-old boy kicked and punched by guards at a juvenile boot camp died
because the sheriff's officials suffocated him, a medical examiner said
Friday, contradicting a colleague who blamed the death on a usually benign
blood disorder.


Guilty until proven innocent

Capital punishment in the US is under the microscope and lawyers using the
latest forensic science techniques have found justice wanting


-muslim voice-

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