Cuba 'plane bomber' was CIA agent

The CIA pays people to bomb planes. But of course they'd never be involved in anything like 9/11, it's out of the question.
Ignore Northwoods, ignore the drills on the morning of 9/11 , ignore the past history. Our government would never harm us!

Declassified US government documents show that a man suspected of involvement in the bombing of a Cuban passenger plane worked for the CIA.

Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban-born Venezuelan and anti-Castro dissident, was an agent and informer.

The papers also reveal that an FBI informer "all but admitted" that Mr Posada was one of those behind the 1976 bombing that killed 73 people. Mr Posada, who denies any involvement, is said to be seeking asylum in the US.
His lawyer says his client, thought to be in hiding in the Miami area, deserves US protection because of his long years of service to the country.

US officials say they have no evidence that Mr Posada is in the country, and add that they would deal with an asylum application from him as they would any other.

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