[Medianews] Atlanta Shooting Suspect to Face 4 Murder Charges

2005-03-15 Thread Rob
Atlanta Shooting Suspect to Face 4 Murder Charges Reuters By Paul Simao http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050315/ts_nm/crime_shooting_atlanta_dc ATLANTA - A rape defendant accused of killing a judge and three others in a shooting rampage last week appeared in court

[Medianews] EU Official Still Undecided on Microsoft

2005-03-15 Thread Rob
EU Official Still Undecided on Microsoft AP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=2u=/ap/20050315/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_microsoft BRUSSELS, Belgium - European Union antitrust chief Neelie Kroes said Tuesday her office was still determining whether Microsoft Corp. was complying with last

[Medianews] Microsoft in $60 Million Settlement with Burst.com

2005-03-15 Thread Rob
Microsoft in $60 Million Settlement with Burst.com Reuters Internet Report http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=582e=4u=/nm/20050312/wr_nm/tech_microsoft_burst_dc SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. will pay Burst.com Inc. a developer of software for streaming audio and video over the

[Medianews] EPA Issues Rules to Cut Mercury Pollution

2005-03-15 Thread Rob
EPA Issues Rules to Cut Mercury Pollution AP By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1894e=1u=/ap/20050315/ap_on_go_ot/epa_mercury WASHINGTON - The Bush administration on Tuesday ordered power plants to cut mercury pollution from smokestacks by

[Medianews] Many students willing to give government control of press

2005-03-15 Thread Rob
Many students willing to give government control of press The Oregonian http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/public_editor/index.ssf?/base/editorial/111053935253810.xml (insert Gerry (or Darryl) rant here) Lindsey Pendergrass trusts the government more than she trusts the press. That's why she

[Medianews] TV Hacker: 15 Minutes Fame, Six Months Jail

2005-03-16 Thread Rob
TV Hacker: 15 Minutes Fame, Six Months Jail NewsFactor Erika Morphy, www.enterprise-security-today.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=75e=3u=/nf/20050316/tc_nf/31318 The recent sentencing of a Louisiana man for setting a Trojan virus loose among WebTV subscribers illustrates the

[Medianews] Gitmo taunter teaches tactics

2005-03-16 Thread Rob
Gitmo taunter teaches tactics NY Daily News | March 15, 2005 BY JAMES GORDON MEEK http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/290459p-248637c.html WASHINGTON - An ex-Army interrogator punished for sexually humiliating detainees at the Guantanamo prison is now teaching soldiers interrogation

[Medianews] Hatch to Head Senate Panel on Copyright

2005-03-17 Thread Rob
Hatch to Head Senate Panel on Copyright washingtonpost.com By David McGuire, washingtonpost.com Staff Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1804e=1u=/washpost/20050317/tc_washpost/a44361_2005mar17 Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (news, bio, voting record) (R-Utah), one of the entertainment

[Medianews] Several Shot at School on Minn. Indian Reservation

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
Several Shot at School on Minn. Indian Reservation Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050321/ts_nm/crime_shooting_school_dc ST. PAUL, Minn. - A gunman shot more than a dozen people at a school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota on Monday,

[Medianews] Calif. University Says 59,000 Affected by Hackers

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
Calif. University Says 59,000 Affected by Hackers Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050321/tc_nm/tech_hacking_university_dc SAN FRANCISCO - Hackers attacked computer servers of a California university and may have gained access to the personal information of

[Medianews] Scam Artists Dial for Dollars on Internet Phones

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
Scam Artists Dial for Dollars on Internet Phones Reuters By Andy Sullivan http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=3u=/nm/20050320/tc_nm/columns_pluggedin_dc WASHINGTON - Internet phone services have drawn millions of users looking for rock-bottom rates. Now they're also attracting

[Medianews] AOL Launches Test of Travel Search Site

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
AOL Launches Test of Travel Search Site Reuters Internet Report By Deena Beasley http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=582e=2u=/nm/20050321/wr_nm/media_aol_travel_dc LOS ANGELES - America Online, the world's largest Internet service provider, on Monday launched a test version of a

[Medianews] CIA uses jet, Red Sox partner confirms

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
CIA uses jet, Red Sox partner confirms Bosto Globe/Gordon Edes http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2005/03/21/cia_uses_jet_red_sox_partner_confirms?mode=PF BRADENTON, Fla. -- Phillip H. Morse, a minority partner of the Boston Red Sox, confirmed yesterday that his private jet has been

[Medianews] Blair manipulated intelligence to justify war, says BBC film

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
Blair manipulated intelligence to justify war, says BBC film London Guardian http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/210305justifywar.htm The BBC last night gave another sign that it is determined to maintain its editorial independence by screening a Panorama programme strongly critical

[Medianews] Israel airline 'plants guns on flyers'

2005-03-21 Thread Rob
Israel airline 'plants guns on flyers' BBC http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/210305plantsguns.htm An air passenger was stunned to discover a handgun had entered his luggage after a flight with Israel's El Al airlines. The man discovered the weapon while unpacking in Israel after a

[Medianews] U.S. Judge Rejects Resumed Feeding in Schiavo Case

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
U.S. Judge Rejects Resumed Feeding in Schiavo Case Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=615e=1u=/nm/20050322/pl_nm/rights_schiavo_dc (let the poor girl die.. this is more over money anyhow she shouldn't be suffering just to keep their bottom lines satisified) PINELLAS PARK,

[Medianews] Fed Raises Interest Rates to 2.75 Percent

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
Fed Raises Interest Rates to 2.75 Percent Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=568e=2u=/nm/20050322/bs_nm/economy_fed_dc WASHINGTON - The Federal Reserve (news - web sites) raised a key U.S. interest rate a quarter percentage point to 2.75 percent on Tuesday, conceding

[Medianews] U.S. in Talks to Settle with Tobacco Companies

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
U.S. in Talks to Settle with Tobacco Companies Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=4u=/nm/20050322/ts_nm/tobacco_trial_dc WASHINGTON - U.S. government lawyers have begun talks with cigarette makers to try to settle the government's racketeering case against the industry,

[Medianews] Strategy Questions Loom for Bush in Retirement Push

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
Strategy Questions Loom for Bush in Retirement Push Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=615e=5u=/nm/20050322/pl_nm/retirement_bush_dc ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.) - Seven weeks after launching a drive to remake Social Security President Bush has visited 18 states and traveled thousands

[Medianews] Macintosh Hacker Attacks Are on the Rise -Symantec

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
Macintosh Hacker Attacks Are on the Rise -Symantec Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050322/tc_nm/tech_apple_dc SAN FRANCISCO - Hacker attacks on Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh (news - web sites) OS X operating system, thought by many who use the Mac to be

[Medianews] News Agency Sues Google, Testing Fair Use

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
News Agency Sues Google, Testing Fair Use AP By ANICK JESDANUN, AP Internet Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=1u=/ap/20050322/ap_on_hi_te/google_copyright_challenge NEW YORK - In a case that could set limits on Internet search engines, the French news agency AFP is suing

[Medianews] Woman Cleared in Mass Obscene E-Mailings

2005-03-22 Thread Rob
Woman Cleared in Mass Obscene E-Mailings AP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=2u=/ap/20050322/ap_on_hi_te/web_site_e_mails WESTMINSTER, Md. - A death penalty opponent who sent e-mails laced with obscenities and references to Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden to a

[Medianews] Yahoo Ups Free E-Mail Storage to 1 GB

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
Yahoo Ups Free E-Mail Storage to 1 GB Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050323/tc_nm/tech_yahoo_dc SAN FRANCISCO - Yahoo Inc. said on Wednesday it will soon begin giving users of its free Web e-mail service 1 gigabyte of storage, four times more than it now

[Medianews] Weather Service to Keep Hurricane 'Line'

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
Weather Service to Keep Hurricane 'Line' AP By BILL KACZOR, Associated Press Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1894e=1u=/ap/20050323/ap_on_sc/hurricanes_black_line NEW ORLEANS - The National Weather Service will stick with the familiar skinny black line on maps projecting the

[Medianews] Social Security Outlook Unchanged-Trustees

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
Social Security Outlook Unchanged-Trustees Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=615e=5u=/nm/20050323/pl_nm/economy_socialsecurity_dc WASHINGTON - The financial prospects for the U.S. Social Security (news - web sites) and Medicare program trust funds showed no marked

[Medianews] Sony's Newest Game Machine PSP Set for U.S. Debut

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
Sony's Newest Game Machine PSP Set for U.S. Debut Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050323/tc_nm/tech_sony_psp_dc SEATTLE (Reuters) - Sony Corp . is betting that more than a million gamers will snap up its new PlayStation Portable gaming machines within days of

[Medianews] Internet Phones Likely to See Price Competition

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
Internet Phones Likely to See Price Competition Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=2u=/nm/20050323/tc_nm/telecoms_voip_dc CHICAGO - The booming market for phone calls using Internet technology has created a bonanza for telecom gear makers such as Cisco Systems Inc., but

[Medianews] NAFTA NWO Meeting at Crawford

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
NAFTA NWO Meeting at Crawford Bush, Fox and Martin to Announce Comprehensive New Security, Economic Cooperation Initiative The Associated Press | March 23, 2005 By JENNIFER LOVEN http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/print?id=606489 Canada is irritated that the United States is keeping its border

[Medianews] Plans to Turn All Major US Roads into a Toll Roads

2005-03-23 Thread Rob
Plans to Turn All Major US Roads into a Toll Roads USA TODAY | March 22, 2005 By Larry Copeland http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-03-06-texas-highway_x.htm (Comment: Watch the video @ http://www.infowars.com/articles/us/toll_roads_texas_set_to_supersize_highways.htm this was covered 8

[Medianews] Cost of a CD

2005-03-24 Thread Rob
Another article thanks to Doug from Ackley Rob http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/cost.asp Cost of a CD A typical music fan who buys a CD might use that CD at home, take that CD in the car, make a tape of that CD, ­ or using it as part of a compilation, play that CD with friends

[Medianews] Rapper's New Single Features Ringtone Innovation

2005-03-24 Thread Rob
Rapper's New Single Features Ringtone Innovation Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050324/tc_nm/media_warner_ringtone_dc LONDON - The new CD single Baby from rapper Fabolous allows UK consumers to choose which part of the song they want to use as a mobile phone

[Medianews] Mother arrested for attempting to intervene in her 14-year old's abortion

2005-03-24 Thread Rob
Mother arrested for attempting to intervene in her 14-year old's abortion The Illinois Leader http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/240305motherarrested.htm GRANITE CITY - A Sothern Illinois woman was arrested last week (March 17) after trying to intervene on behalf of her 14-year old

[Medianews] Teen Rampage Shooter Admired Hitler, Took Prozac

2005-03-24 Thread Rob
Teen Rampage Shooter Admired Hitler, Took Prozac http://www.infowars.com/articles/us/teen_rampage_leaves_10_dead.htm http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/03/24/MNG7UBU2GT1.DTLtype=printable Infowars.com | March 23, 2005 Its no surprise to find out now that Jeff Wiese, the

[Medianews] Bush Agrees to Sell F-16s to Pakistan

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Bush Agrees to Sell F-16s to Pakistan Reuters By Adam Entous http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=615e=2u=/nm/20050325/pl_nm/southasia_fighters_dc CRAWFORD, Texas President Bush agreed on Friday to sell F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan in a major policy shift rewarding a key ally in the

[Medianews] Options Running Out for Schiavo Parents

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Options Running Out for Schiavo Parents Reuters By Jane Sutton http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050325/ts_nm/rights_schiavo_dc PINELLAS PARK, Fla. - Terri Schiavo completed a week without food or water on Friday and slid closer to death as her parents lost another

[Medianews] Bush Signs Law on Release of CIA-Nazi Documents

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Bush Signs Law on Release of CIA-Nazi Documents Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=615e=5u=/nm/20050325/pl_nm/bush_cia_dc CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush signed legislation into law on Friday extending by two years the life of a government panel charged with

[Medianews] Amazon.com Knows, Predicts Shopping Habits

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Amazon.com Knows, Predicts Shopping Habits AP By ALLISON LINN, AP Business Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=1u=/ap/20050325/ap_on_hi_te/your_amazon_dossier SEATTLE - Amazon.com Inc. has one potentially big advantage over its rival online retailers: It knows things about

[Medianews] Yahoo Lawyers Ask Court for Protection

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Yahoo Lawyers Ask Court for Protection AP By DAVID KRAVETS, Associated Press Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=4u=/ap/20050325/ap_on_bi_ge/yahoo_nazi_auctions SAN FRANCISCO - Lawyers for Yahoo Inc.asked a federal appeals court Thursday for legal protection for U.S.-based

[Medianews] Symantec Unveils Hosted E-Mail Security

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Symantec Unveils Hosted E-Mail Security NewsFactor Elizabeth Millard, www.cio-today.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=620e=1u=/nf/20050325/bs_nf/31755 Information security firm Symantec has rolled out Symantec Hosted Mail Security, a service designed to provide protection against

[Medianews] Fewer Admit to P2P File Sharing

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Fewer Admit to P2P File Sharing NewsFactor Erika Morphy, www.newsfactor.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=620e=7u=/nf/20050325/bs_nf/31758 Maybe it is the iPod factor, or maybe it is merely the result of the widely circulated reports of P2P users getting slapped with lawsuits,

[Medianews] Millions swap music files, skirt legal issues: survey

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Millions swap music files, skirt legal issues: survey AFP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1510e=1u=/afp/20050325/tc_afp/usinternetmusic_050325161741 WASHINGTON - Some 36 million Americans have downloaded digital music or video files, with many finding alternatives to the legally

[Medianews] Bush approval rating down to 45 percent

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Bush approval rating down to 45 percent UPI http://interestalert.com/brand/siteia.shtml?Story=st/sn/0325aaa05cec.upiSys=siteiaFid=FRONTPAGType=NewsFilter=Front%20Page WASHINGTON, March 25 (UPI) -- President Bush's approval rating has dropped to 45 percent, the lowest mark of his presidency, a

[Medianews] Court orders New York fire department to release 9/11 tapes

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Court orders New York fire department to release 9/11 tapes Xinhuanet http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/250305courtorders.htm The highest court in New York state ruled Thursday that the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) must release tapes of dispatches and emergency radio

[Medianews] Feds Plan to Boost Police Snooping Powers

2005-03-25 Thread Rob
Feds Plan to Boost Police Snooping Powers Local civil liberties advocates warn long arm of law is getting too long by Silvia Morena-Garcia http://www.terminalcity.ca/index.php?option=com_contenttask=viewid=359Itemid=2 If you think your Internet provider is tattling on you in this age of paranoia,

[Medianews] About 1,000 Dead on Indonesian Isle After Quake

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
About 1,000 Dead on Indonesian Isle After Quake Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050329/ts_nm/quake_asia_dc MEDAN, Indonesia - Around 1,000 people are dead on Indonesia's Nias island off the coast of Sumatra following the 8.7 magnitude earthquake that struck

[Medianews] Sony Ordered to Halt PlayStation Sales

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Sony Ordered to Halt PlayStation Sales Reuters LOS ANGELES - Sony Corp. (6758.T) on Monday said it was ordered by a U.S. federal court to halt U.S. sales of its PlayStation game consoles and pay nearly $91 million in patent infringement damages to a California company, although the judge

[Medianews] Sony Fined $90.7M in PlayStation Case

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Sony Fined $90.7M in PlayStation Case AP By MATTHEW FORDAHL, AP Technology Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=3u=/ap/20050329/ap_on_bi_ge/sony_playstation_lawsuit SAN JOSE, Calif. - A judge has ordered Sony Corp. to pay $90.7 million to a company that develops technology

[Medianews] Hyundai to Fit XM Satellite Radio in U.S. Cars

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Hyundai to Fit XM Satellite Radio in U.S. Cars Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=6u=/nm/20050328/tc_nm/tech_hyundai_xmsatellite_dc NEW YORK - Hyundai Motor Co. said on Wednesday it plans to offer XM Satellite Radio as standard equipment on all U.S. models around 2007,

[Medianews] Online Music Case Outcome Rests on VCR Technology

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Online Music Case Outcome Rests on VCR Technology Reuters Internet Report By Andy Sullivan http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=582e=1u=/nm/20050328/wr_nm/court_grokster_dc WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Internet file-sharing services and the entertainment industry square off in the U.S.

[Medianews] Cremation No Autopsy Planned for Terri Schiavo

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Cremation No Autopsy Planned for Terri Schiavo Its Obvious Michael is Hiding Something NewsMax http://www.infowars.com/articles/life/schiavo_fate_of_terri_rests_on_judge.htm Michael Schiavo has taken steps that will prevent investigators from examining Terri Schiavo's body for evidence of abuse

[Medianews] City eyes resolution on USA Patriot Act

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
City eyes resolution on USA Patriot Act Portsmouth Herald/Emily Aronson http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/280305eyesresolution.htm PORTSMOUTH - The City Council will meet with proponents of a resolution to affirm the Bill of Rights at a work session tonight. The Seacoast Alliance

[Medianews] On-the-spot fines create a new class of 'semi-criminals'

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
On-the-spot fines create a new class of 'semi-criminals' By Nigel Morris, Home Affairs Correspondent http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/story.jsp?story=624279 Thousands of people are being consigned to a new class of semi-criminals by Tony Blair's policy of on-the-spot fines for minor

[Medianews] Gang will target Minuteman vigil on Mexico border

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Gang will target Minuteman vigil on Mexico border By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES http://www.washtimes.com/national/20050328-125306-7868r.htm NACO, Ariz. -- Members of a violent Central America-based gang have been sent to Arizona to target Minuteman Project volunteers, who will begin a

[Medianews] Using RFID to keep track of patients

2005-03-28 Thread Rob
Using RFID to keep track of patients Dee Depass, Star Tribune March 28, 2005 EDGE0328 http://www.startribune.com/stories/535/5312228.html Last year Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids became the first hospital in the nation to employ radio frequency ID (RFID) bracelets to keep tabs on vulnerable

[Medianews] No Sympathy For the Devils

2005-03-29 Thread Rob
No Sympathy For the Devils washingtonpost.com By Robert MacMillan, washingtonpost.com Staff Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1804e=1u=/washpost/20050329/tc_washpost/a9343_2005mar29 The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case today that will try to determine who the

[Medianews] Air Passenger Screening Program Behind Schedule

2005-03-29 Thread Rob
Air Passenger Screening Program Behind Schedule washingtonpost.com By Sara Kehaulani Goo, Washington Post Staff Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1804e=5u=/washpost/20050329/tc_washpost/a7792_2005mar28 The government's plan to develop a new way to screen airline passengers is

[Medianews] RFID Cards Get Spin Treatment

2005-03-29 Thread Rob
RFID Cards Get Spin Treatment Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,67025,00.html Conspiracy theorists and civil libertarians, fear not. The U.S. government will not use radio-frequency identification tags in the passports it issues to millions of Americans in the coming years.

[Medianews] XM Sees Satellite Radio Built Into Myriad Gadgets

2005-03-30 Thread Rob
XM Sees Satellite Radio Built Into Myriad Gadgets Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050330/tc_nm/tech_xmsatellite_dc NEW YORK - XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. is investing in ways of building its pay radio service into gadgets ranging from MP3 players to

[Medianews] U.S. Appeals Court Denies Schiavo Parents' Appeal

2005-03-30 Thread Rob
U.S. Appeals Court Denies Schiavo Parents' Appeal Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050330/ts_nm/rights_schiavo_dc ATLANTA - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday rejected a last-minute request from the parents of brain-damaged Florida woman Terri Schiavo for a

[Medianews] US Qaeda Suspect Can See Doctor About Torture Claim

2005-03-30 Thread Rob
US Qaeda Suspect Can See Doctor About Torture Claim Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=9u=/nm/20050330/ts_nm/security_abuali_dc WASHINGTON - A U.S. man accused of plotting with al Qaeda to kill President Bush can be examined by doctors for any evidence of torture while

[Medianews] Comdex Cancelled Again

2005-03-30 Thread Rob
Comdex Cancelled Again TechWeb http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=74e=1u=/cmp/20050330/tc_cmp/159908031 Comdex, once one of the largest high-tech tradeshows in the world, has been cancelled for a second year, the show's owner said Tuesday. Comdex 2005 was cancelled despite the

[Medianews] Microsoft Drops Teen Blaster Writer's $500,000 Fine

2005-03-30 Thread Rob
Microsoft Drops Teen Blaster Writer's $500,000 Fine Reuters Internet Report http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=582e=1u=/nm/20050330/wr_nm/tech_microsoft_blaster_dc SEATTLE - Jeffrey Lee Parson, the teen convicted of infecting 48,000 computers with a variant of the destructive Blaster

[Medianews] Sony's PSP Selling Well But Not Sold Out - Analyst

2005-03-31 Thread Rob
Sony's PSP Selling Well But Not Sold Out - Analyst Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050331/tc_nm/media_videogames_psp_dc LOS ANGELES - Sony Corp.'s new handheld video game unit, the PlayStation Portable, is selling well but is far from sold out at stores

[Medianews] Pope John Paul II dies at 84

2005-04-02 Thread Rob
Pope John Paul II dies at 84 http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/02/pope.dies/index.html (CNN) -- John Paul II, whose 26-year reign as the charismatic leader of the world's 1 billion Roman Catholics was highlighted by visits to 129 countries, died Saturday. He was 84. The pope -- known for

[Medianews] Bush Says Social Security Trust Fund a Fiction

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
Bush Says Social Security Trust Fund a Fiction Reuters By Caren Bohan http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=615e=7u=/nm/20050405/pl_nm/retirement_bush_dc PARKERSBURG, W.Va.- President Bush said on Tuesday that younger workers were counting on a fictional trust fund for their future

[Medianews] New Jersey Joins Rest of U.S. at $2/gallon Gasoline

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
New Jersey Joins Rest of U.S. at $2/gallon Gasoline Reuters By Bernie Woodall http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=9u=/nm/20050405/ts_nm/energy_gasoline_newjersey_dc NEW YORK - New Jersey on Tuesday became the last U.S. state to suffer an average retail price over $2 a gallon for

[Medianews] Google Feature Incorporates Satellite Maps

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
Google Feature Incorporates Satellite Maps AP By MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP Business Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=1u=/ap/20050405/ap_on_hi_te/google_maps SAN FRANCISCO - Online search engine leader Google has unveiled a new feature that will enable its users to zoom in on

[Medianews] 35,000 New Stories on Pope After Death

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
35,000 New Stories on Pope After Death AP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=7u=/ap/20050405/ap_on_hi_te/pope_internet NEW YORK - Major news media around the world devoted 10 times as many stories to Pope John Paul II's death as they did to the re-election of President Bush,

[Medianews] SP2 Right Where It Should Be

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
SP2 Right Where It Should Be NewsFactor Kimberly Hill, www.enterprise-windows-it.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=620e=9u=/nf/20050405/bs_nf/32315 Much has been made in the technical press about AssetMatrix Research Labs' finding that only one-quarter of American companies have

[Medianews] Phone Hijacking Becomes Illegal

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
Phone Hijacking Becomes Illegal Compiled by David Cohn. AP and Reuters contributed to this report. http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,67136,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_4 New York lawmakers unveiled a bill, the first in the nation, to target modem hijacking, a practice in which thieves tap into

[Medianews] Discs Are So Dead

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
Discs Are So Dead By Robert Capps http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.04/start.html?pg=2?tw=wn_tophead_5 We live in the era of the shiny little disc. Over the past decade, consumers have purchased well over 10 billion CDs and DVDs. And if you believe the electronics makers, optical discs are

[Medianews] School Prankster Arrested Under Patriot Act

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
School Prankster Arrested Under Patriot Act Capital News 9 http://www.capitalnews9.com/content/headlines/?SecID=33ArID=125290 Colonie police have made an arrest stemming from Monday's lockdown at Colonie Central High School. John Pompeii, 16, of Colonie has been arrested for the crime. Police

[Medianews] Bush Quarantine Order Could Set Precedent For Medical Martial Law

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
Bush Quarantine Order Could Set Precedent For Medical Martial Law http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNewsstoryID=8065862 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2005/050405martiallaw.htm REUTERS President Bush issued a directive on Friday allowing authorities to detain or

[Medianews] Scannable humans? The future of South Beach

2005-04-05 Thread Rob
Scannable humans? The future of South Beach The Hurricane Online http://www.thehurricaneonline.com/news/2005/04/05/Edge/Scannable.Humans.The.Future.Of.South.Beach-912351.shtml Imagine living in a world similar to that of Minority Report or I, Robot, where credit cards and driver licenses are

[Medianews] Pope Prepared for Last Journey at Epic Funeral

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Pope Prepared for Last Journey at Epic Funeral Reuters By Philip Pullella and Crispian Balmer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050407/ts_nm/pope_dc VATICAN CITY - Presidents, patriarchs and pilgrims will pay a final farewell to Pope John Paul on Friday at the biggest

[Medianews] Jaafari Named as Iraqi PM, President Sworn In

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Jaafari Named as Iraqi PM, President Sworn In Reuters By Mariam Karouny http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=2u=/nm/20050407/ts_nm/iraq_dc BAGHDAD - Islamist Shi'ite Ibrahim Jaafari was named as Iraq's next prime minister on Thursday, moving the country a step closer to its first

[Medianews] Michael Jackson Had Oral Sex with Boy, Guard Says

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Michael Jackson Had Oral Sex with Boy, Guard Says Reuters By Dan Whitcomb and Alexandria Sage SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Michael Jackson had oral sex with a boy at his Neverland Valley Ranch more than 10 years ago, a former security guard said on Thursday, in the most sensational testimony yet in the

[Medianews] Sony Sold 500,000 PSPs in Two Days in N. America

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Sony Sold 500,000 PSPs in Two Days in N. America Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=1u=/nm/20050407/tc_nm/tech_sony_psp_dc LOS ANGELES - Sony Corp (SNE.N). (6758.T) sold 500,000 units of its PlayStation Portable handheld video game device in the first two days after its

[Medianews] Study: Men Spend More on Video Games Than Music

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Study: Men Spend More on Video Games Than Music Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=4u=/nm/20050407/tc_nm/media_videogames_nielsen_dc LOS ANGELES - Men spend more money on video games than they do on all forms of music, research group Nielsen Entertainment said Thursday,

[Medianews] New Version of MSN Messenger Released

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
New Version of MSN Messenger Released AP By ALLISON LINN, AP Business Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=2u=/ap/20050407/ap_on_hi_te/microsoft_messaging_ads SEATTLE - In its latest bid to make money on free Internet services, Microsoft Corp. is betting that consumers will

[Medianews] Philadelphia Plans First U.S. Citywide Wi-Fi Network

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Philadelphia Plans First U.S. Citywide Wi-Fi Network Reuters Internet Report By John Hurdle http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=582e=2u=/nm/20050407/wr_nm/tech_wifi_dc PHILADELPHIA - The city of Philadelphia will become the largest U.S. Internet hot spot next year under a plan to

[Medianews] The Need for Feed(s)

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
The Need for Feed(s) http://www.wired.com/news/ebiz/0,1272,67152,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3 Online news aggregators like Google News are a blessing and a curse for the newspaper industry. On one hand, news aggregators can deliver big traffic when they link to a site. On the other, consumers are

[Medianews] What If Every Kid Had a Computer?

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
What If Every Kid Had a Computer? By Joseph Jacobson http://wired-vig.wired.com/wired/archive/13.04/view.html?pg=2%3ftw=wn_tophead_7 the beginning of the last century, the brilliant Indian mathematician Ramanujan showed by example that great riches can come from coupling an individual's innate

[Medianews] Video: Police State Thugs Assualt Gas Sports Fans

2005-04-07 Thread Rob
Video: Police State Thugs Assualt Gas Sports Fans NBC News 4 Detroit http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/4353040/detail.html http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/final_four_tear_gas.htm Some fans hit with tear gas during the melee following the Michigan State men's basketball Final Four game on

[Medianews] Verizon Wants to Carry TV's Digital Channels

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Verizon Wants to Carry TV's Digital Channels Reuters By Jeremy Pelofsky http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=581e=3u=/nm/20050418/tc_nm/telecoms_verizon_media_dc LAS VEGAS - Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ - news) on Monday said it wants to carry digital programing offered by local

[Medianews] AOL Monitor Accused of Luring 15-Year-Old

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
AOL Monitor Accused of Luring 15-Year-Old AP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=5u=/ap/20050417/ap_on_hi_te/aol_predator LOS ANGELES - An Internet chat room monitor hired to keep children safe from sexual predators seduced a California girl online and was about to meet her for

[Medianews] Verizon Offering 'Naked' DSL in Northeast

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Verizon Offering 'Naked' DSL in Northeast AP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=2u=/ap/20050418/ap_on_hi_te/verizon_dsl WASHINGTON - Verizon Communications said Monday that some customers who already subscribe to its phone and high-speed Internet service can drop their local

[Medianews] Customer Service Without Accents

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Customer Service Without Accents NewsFactor Kimberly Hill, crm-daily.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=75e=4u=/nf/20050418/tc_nf/33048 One unfortunate result of cultural bias is that people who hear an unfamiliar accent on the other end of a customer-service call often balk.

[Medianews] Free Internet Voice Chat Now on 100 Million Desktops

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Free Internet Voice Chat Now on 100 Million Desktops NewsFactor Erika Morphy, newsfactor.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=75e=7u=/nf/20050418/tc_nf/33021 Not quite two years old, Skype has reached a milestone in customer deployment. One hundred million people have downloaded the

[Medianews] Martha Is Back -- on the Radio

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Martha Is Back -- on the Radio http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,67260,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_9 Six weeks after being released from federal prison, Martha Stewart has reached a deal with Sirius Satellite Radio to create a 24-hour channel featuring cooking, gardening and entertaining

[Medianews] Chip Implants Proposed To Halt Blackmarket Cadaver Trade

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Chip Implants Proposed To Halt Blackmarket Cadaver Trade Livescience | February 17, 2005 By Bill Christensen http://www.livescience.com/scienceoffiction/technovel_organs_050215.html An investigation into illegal sale and distribution of cadavers and body parts at the University of California, Los

[Medianews] ASIA PLUNGE

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
ASIA PLUNGE Reuters | April 18, 2005 By Eriko Amaha http://www.infowars.com/articles/economy/asia_plunge.htm The Nikkei share average tumbled 3.8 percent to close at a four-month low Monday as growing concerns about the U.S. economy and spreading anti-Japan protests in China triggered selling

[Medianews] Papal hopeful is a former Hitler Youth

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Papal hopeful is a former Hitler Youth London Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-1572667,00.html THE wartime past of a leading German contender to succeed John Paul II may return to haunt him as cardinals begin voting in the Sistine Chapel tomorrow to choose a new leader for 1

[Medianews] Big Brother will be able to watch more soon thanks to Alcatel/Spirit deal

2005-04-18 Thread Rob
Big Brother will be able to watch more soon thanks to Alcatel/Spirit deal From Poland A.M. http://www.wbj.pl/?command=articleid=26481 Alcatel Polska and a Gdansk based integrator, Sprint, have signed a deal with Warsaw authorities to expand its CCTV monitoring system. The consortium of the two

[Medianews] Controversial German Cardinal Elected Pope

2005-04-19 Thread Rob
Controversial German Cardinal Elected Pope Reuters By Philip Pullella and Crispian Balmer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=1u=/nm/20050419/ts_nm/pope_dc VATICAN CITY - Conservative German cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected on Tuesday as leader of the world's 1.1 billion

[Medianews] BTK Serial Killer Suspect Waives Kansas Hearing

2005-04-19 Thread Rob
BTK Serial Killer Suspect Waives Kansas Hearing Reuters http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=578e=2u=/nm/20050419/ts_nm/crime_kansas_dc WICHITA, Kan.- A Kansas man suspected of being the long-sought BTK serial murderer appeared in court on Tuesday and waived a preliminary hearing on

[Medianews] Opera Software Upgrades Hacker Defenses

2005-04-19 Thread Rob
Opera Software Upgrades Hacker Defenses AP By DOUG MELLGREN, Associated Press Writer http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=528e=2u=/ap/20050419/ap_on_hi_te/opera_web_browser OSLO, Norway - Better security and the automatic scaling of Web pages to fit screens of any width are among the

[Medianews] New Microsoft Ads Urge Users To Rediscover Windows XP

2005-04-19 Thread Rob
New Microsoft Ads Urge Users To Rediscover Windows XP NewsFactor Elizabeth Millard, cio-today.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=620e=4u=/nf/20050419/bs_nf/33120 Microsoft has launched a 15-month ad campaign targeted to increase sales of Windows XP before the release of Longhorn,

[Medianews] Developer's Dilemma: PHP or Perl?

2005-04-19 Thread Rob
Developer's Dilemma: PHP or Perl? NewsFactor Elizabeth Millard, newsfactor.com http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=620e=5u=/nf/20050419/bs_nf/32961 In some ways, it is the scrappy contender versus the tested old-timer, as PHP and Perl duke it out to win developer attention. But more

[Medianews] China, Universal Music team up to fight online music piracy

2005-04-19 Thread Rob
China, Universal Music team up to fight online music piracy AFP http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=storycid=1510e=2u=/afp/20050419/tc_afp/chinausmusicpiracy_050419145230 BEIJING - Universal Music Publishing Group, whose artists include 50 Cents, U2 and Prince, teamed up with a Chinese

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