Yes. The problem of using the above parameters is that no lasing takes place 
after 1000 000 MEEP's time step. At that time I wondered whether I used correct 
units for those parameters and therefore I raised question about the units of 
N0 and Rp.
I increased N0, Rp, or sigma and I saw the emergence of lasing in my system. 
But I want to reproduce some results in published work so that the transform of 
the values of parameters from the published work to MEEP's units is required. 
Actually, I feel I know MEEP's units of time, frequency, length, and maybe N0 
(you just told me) well, however I am so confused with others, for example, 
electric field strength E, coupling strength sigma and so on.
I will  read more and try more.
Thank you very much!


At 2019-07-08 23:57:02, "Alexander Cerjan" <> wrote:

I'm not sure what problem you're having, maybe that you're not seeing lasing. 
One of the potential problems with using real units is that the rates you're 
entering might be quite long compared with MEEP's time step, so long simulation 
times may be required to see lasing as the gain medium is initialized with all 
of the atoms in the lower energy state, which are then slowly pumped to the 
upper energy state.

On Sat, Jul 6, 2019 at 10:59 AM 裴延波 <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Cerjan,
    Thanks for your kindly and detailed reply. I feel that I have understood 
what you said.
    However I am not sure I treated coupling strength sigma correctly. For 
example, there are parameters for four-level gain atoms adopted from the 
reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 2000, 85, 70 as follows.
Transition rates:
    freq_21=6e14 Hz           (omega_21=2*pi*6e14)
    rate_32=1e13 Hz
    rate_21=1e9 Hz             (tao_21=1e-9 s)
    rate_10=1e11 Hz
    gamma_21=1/tao_21+2/tao_2=9e13 Hz           (tao_2=2.18e-14 s)
Pumping rate
Density of gain atom
    N0=5.5*6.02e23 (per cubic meter)
coupling strength sigma_21
e = magnitude of elementary charge
m = mass of electron
epsilon0 - dielectric constant of vacuum
c = speed of light in vacuum
In meep, I set length unit a=1 um. Then the above parameters are normalized as 
     N0=5.5*6.02e23*(1e-9)**3=3.31e-3    (because resolution=1000, the volume 
of each pixel is (1e-9)**3 cubic meter)
As for the coupling strength, I did not normalize it and I used it as its value 
in SI unit(sigma_21=1e-7). I am not quite sure whether it is correct. And 
perhaps you may find other problems in the normalization for other parameters 

Anyway, your have helped me a lot. Thank you very much!


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