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[ Dedicated to all suffering muslims in the whole world and over,

terrorism and riots are not the answer!]

The Muslim society in the time of Sheikh  Abdul Qaadir Jilani 

could broadly be divided into two classes.

The first of these comprised the men of substance

who were deficient in faith and virtuous behaviour.

As against this,

there was another class, poverty-stricken and downtrodden,

 but endowed with faith and a spirit of righteousness,

moral strength and uprightness.


These people, sometimes, feeling

disconcerted and broken-hearted,

viewed the affluent with jealousy

and mistrust, and regarded themselves as deprived and discarded.

Sheikh  Abdul Qaadir Jilani holds out hope and cheer to these

people in one of his sermons.


He says:

'O` Empty-handed beggardly fellows,

the world would appear to be at loggerheads with you;

you are barefooted, unclothed and unfed,

broken hearted and ill-starred,

evicted from every place and deprived of your

longings and fancies.

But do not say that Allah has

reduced you to poverty,

turned the world against you,


maligned or persecuted you,

did not assign the portion

of earthly pleasures due to you,

or did not bestow honour

and fame upon you.

Nor is it proper for you to complain

 that Allah has granted his favours to others,

made them

reputed and honoured,

although they belong

to the  same faith as you do and are the progeny of Adam and Eve like you.

'It is really so because you are like a fertile land on which

Allah is sending down the rains consisting of endurance

and resignation, conviction and faith, knowledge and grace.

The tree of your faith is taking roots, sprouting forth its branches,

 its shade closing over you,

pushing out new shoots and fruits,

getting higher and bigger without your providing any fertiliser to it.

Allah Almighty knows what you really need.

He had, therefore, assigned a befitting place for you in the Hereafter.

He has made you a lord in the life-to-come where His bounties are countless,

inconceivable and unheard of.

As Allah has said, nobody knows

what delights have been stored for your eyes in the Paradise.

This shall be your recompense for the faithful performance of

what has been enjoined unto you, and your endurance,

resignation and submission to the will of Allah.

'As for those who have been well-afforded in this world,

they have been placed in easy circumstances for they are

like a barren land, rocky and sandy, which neither stores nor

absorbs the rains, and it is difficult to implant the tree of faith in it.

It has, therefore, to be provided with fertilisers so that the weak

saplings of their faith may get nourishment and push out the

shoots of righteous actions.


Thus, if the wealth, honour and

fame are taken away from them, the tree of their faith shall

waste away and its leaves and fruits shall wither although

Allah intends to make it strong.


Therefore, my poor brethren,

you ought to know that the faith of the wealthy does not have

deeper roots, it lacks that strength which has been endowed to

you, and it needs the riches and earthly prizes for its nourishment.

If these gifts were to be taken away from them, their faith will give

place to blasphemy and they shall join the ranks of infidels, apostates

and hypocrites,

unless, of course, Allah bestows on them spiritual

light and illumination, endurance and resignation to strengthen

their faith.'


       Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
       And those who strive in Our (cause),-
       We will certainly guide them to our Paths (29:69)

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Ilmu merupakan harta abstrak titipan Allah Subhanahu wata'ala kepada seluruh manusia yang akan bertambah bila diamalkan, salah satu pengamalannya adalah dengan membagi-bagikan ilmu itu kepada yang membutuhkan.
Janganlah sombong dengan ilmu yang sedikit, karena jika Allah Subhanahu wata'ala berkehendak ilmu itu akan sirna dalam sekejap, beritahulah orang yang tidak tahu, tunjukilah orang yang minta petunjuk, amalkanlah ilmu itu sebatas yang engkau mampu.


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